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phoenix_title wx.URLDataObject

wx.URLDataObject is a wx.DataObject containing an URL and can be used e.g.

when you need to put an URL on or retrieve it from the clipboard:



This class is derived from wx.DataObjectComposite on Windows rather than wx.TextDataObject on all other platforms.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class URLDataObject:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor, may be used to initialize the URL.
GetAllFormats Returns a list of wx.DataFormat objects which this data object
GetURL Returns the URL stored by this object, as a string.
SetURL Sets the URL stored by this object.

property_summary Properties Summary

AllFormats See GetAllFormats
URL See GetURL and SetURL

api Class API

class wx.URLDataObject(DataObject)

Possible constructors:


URLDataObject is a DataObject containing an URL and can be used e.g.


__init__(self, url="")

Constructor, may be used to initialize the URL.

If url is empty, SetURL can be used later.

Parameters:url (string) –

GetAllFormats(self, dir=DataObject.Get)

Returns a list of wx.DataFormat objects which this data object supports transferring in the given direction.


Returns the URL stored by this object, as a string.

Return type:string

SetData(self, format, buf)
Return type:bool

SetURL(self, url)

Sets the URL stored by this object.

Parameters:url (string) –



See GetAllFormats


See GetURL and SetURL