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phoenix_title wx.adv.CalendarHitTestResultΒΆ

The CalendarHitTestResult enumeration provides the following values:

Description Value
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_NOWHERE Hit outside of anything.
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_HEADER Hit on the header (weekdays).
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_DAY Hit on a day in the calendar.
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_INCMONTH Hit on next month arrow (in alternate month selector mode).
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_DECMONTH Hit on previous month arrow (in alternate month selector mode).
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_SURROUNDING_WEEK Hit on surrounding week of previous/next month (if shown).
wx.adv.CAL_HITTEST_WEEK Hit on week of the year number (if shown).