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phoenix_title wx.dataview.DataViewVirtualListModel

wx.dataview.DataViewVirtualListModel is a specialized data model which lets you address an item by its position (row) rather than its wx.dataview.DataViewItem and as such offers the exact same interface as wx.dataview.DataViewIndexListModel.

The important difference is that under platforms other than OS X, using this model will result in a truly virtual control able to handle millions of items as the control doesn’t store any item (a feature not supported by OS X).

See also

wx.dataview.DataViewListModel for the API.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class DataViewVirtualListModel:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
GetItem Returns the wx.dataview.DataViewItem at the given row.
Reset Call this after if the data has to be read again from the model.
RowAppended Call this after a row has been appended to the model.
RowChanged Call this after a row has been changed.
RowDeleted Call this after a row has been deleted.
RowInserted Call this after a row has been inserted at the given position.
RowPrepended Call this after a row has been prepended to the model.
RowValueChanged Call this after a value has been changed.
RowsDeleted Call this after rows have been deleted.

api Class API

class wx.dataview.DataViewVirtualListModel(DataViewListModel)

Possible constructors:


DataViewVirtualListModel is a specialized data model which lets you address an item by its position (row) rather than its DataViewItem and as such offers the exact same interface as DataViewIndexListModel.


__init__(self, initial_size=0)


Parameters:initial_size (int) –

GetItem(self, row)

Returns the wx.dataview.DataViewItem at the given row.

Parameters:row (int) –
Return type: wx.dataview.DataViewItem

Reset(self, new_size)

Call this after if the data has to be read again from the model.

This is useful after major changes when calling the methods below (possibly thousands of times) doesn’t make sense.

Parameters:new_size (int) –


Call this after a row has been appended to the model.

RowChanged(self, row)

Call this after a row has been changed.

Parameters:row (int) –

RowDeleted(self, row)

Call this after a row has been deleted.

Parameters:row (int) –

RowInserted(self, before)

Call this after a row has been inserted at the given position.

Parameters:before (int) –


Call this after a row has been prepended to the model.

RowValueChanged(self, row, col)

Call this after a value has been changed.

  • row (int) –
  • col (int) –

RowsDeleted(self, rows)

Call this after rows have been deleted.

The array will internally get copied and sorted in descending order so that the rows with the highest position will be deleted first.

Parameters:rows (list of integers) –