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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.aui.auibook.TabNavigatorProps

Data storage class for managing and providing access to TabNavigatorWindow properties.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class TabNavigatorProps:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.

property_summary Properties Summary

Font Sets/Gets the font for the TabNavigatorWindow, an instance of wx.Font.
Icon Sets/Gets the icon for the TabNavigatorWindow, an instance of wx.Bitmap.
MinSize Sets/Gets the minimum size for the TabNavigatorWindow, an instance of wx.Size.

api Class API

class TabNavigatorProps(object)

Data storage class for managing and providing access to TabNavigatorWindow properties.



Default class constructor.



Sets/Gets the font for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}, an instance of wx.Font.


Sets/Gets the icon for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}, an instance of wx.Bitmap.


Sets/Gets the minimum size for the L{TabNavigatorWindow}, an instance of wx.Size.