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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.aui.framemanager.AuiDockingGuideWindow

Target class for AuiDockingGuide and AuiCenterDockingGuide.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AuiDockingGuideWindow:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!
Draw Draws the whole docking guide window (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
DrawArrow Draws the docking guide arrow icon (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
DrawBackground Draws the docking guide background.
DrawDottedLine Draws a dotted line (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
DrawIcon Draws the docking guide icon (not used if the docking guide images are ok).
IsValid Returns whether the docking direction is valid.
OnEraseBackground Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for AuiDockingGuideWindow.
OnPaint Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for AuiDockingGuideWindow.
SetValid Sets the docking direction as valid or invalid.
UpdateDockGuide Updates the docking guide images depending on the mouse position, using focused

api Class API

class AuiDockingGuideWindow(wx.Window)

Target class for AuiDockingGuide and AuiCenterDockingGuide.


__init__(self, parent, rect, direction=0, center=False, useAero=False)

Default class constructor. Used internally, do not call it in your code!

  • parent – the AuiManager parent;
  • rect (wx.Rect) – the window rect;
  • direction (integer) – one of wx.TOP, wx.BOTTOM, wx.LEFT, wx.RIGHT, wx.CENTER;
  • center (bool) – whether the calling class is a AuiCenterDockingGuide;
  • useAero (bool) – whether to use the new Aero-style bitmaps or Whidbey-style bitmaps for the docking guide.

Draw(self, dc)

Draws the whole docking guide window (not used if the docking guide images are ok).

Parameters:dc – a wx.DC device context object.

DrawArrow(self, dc)

Draws the docking guide arrow icon (not used if the docking guide images are ok).

Parameters:dc – a wx.DC device context object.

DrawBackground(self, dc)

Draws the docking guide background.

Parameters:dc – a wx.DC device context object.

DrawDottedLine(self, dc, point, length, vertical)

Draws a dotted line (not used if the docking guide images are ok).

  • dc – a wx.DC device context object;
  • point – a wx.Point where to start drawing the dotted line;
  • length (integer) – the length of the dotted line;
  • vertical (bool) – whether it is a vertical docking guide window or not.

DrawIcon(self, dc)

Draws the docking guide icon (not used if the docking guide images are ok).

Parameters:dc – a wx.DC device context object.


Returns whether the docking direction is valid.

OnEraseBackground(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for AuiDockingGuideWindow.

Parameters:event – a EraseEvent to be processed.


This is intentionally empty to reduce flickering while drawing.

OnPaint(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for AuiDockingGuideWindow.

Parameters:event – a PaintEvent to be processed.

SetValid(self, valid)

Sets the docking direction as valid or invalid.

Parameters:valid (bool) – whether the docking direction is allowed or not.

UpdateDockGuide(self, pos)

Updates the docking guide images depending on the mouse position, using focused images if the mouse is inside the docking guide or unfocused images if it is outside.

Parameters:pos – a wx.Point mouse position.