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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.flatnotebook.FlatNotebookCompatible

This class is more compatible with the Notebook API, especially regarding page changing events. Use the FlatNotebookCompatible.SetSelection() method if you wish to send page changing events, or FlatNotebookCompatible.ChangeSelection() otherwise.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FlatNotebookCompatible:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
ChangeSelection Sets the selection for the given page.
SetSelection Sets the selection for the given page.

api Class API

class FlatNotebookCompatible(FlatNotebook)

This class is more compatible with the Notebook API, especially regarding page changing events. Use the FlatNotebookCompatible.SetSelection() method if you wish to send page changing events, or FlatNotebookCompatible.ChangeSelection() otherwise.


__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, agwStyle=0, name="FlatNotebook")

Default class constructor.

  • parent – the FlatNotebook parent;
  • id – an identifier for the control: a value of -1 is taken to mean a default;
  • pos – the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • size – the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • style – the underlying Panel window style;
  • agwStyle – the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
    Window Styles Hex Value Description
    FNB_VC71 0x1 Use Visual Studio 2003 (VC7.1) style for tabs.
    FNB_FANCY_TABS 0x2 Use fancy style - square tabs filled with gradient colouring.
    FNB_TABS_BORDER_SIMPLE 0x4 Draw thin border around the page.
    FNB_NO_X_BUTTON 0x8 Do not display the ‘X’ button.
    FNB_NO_NAV_BUTTONS 0x10 Do not display the right/left arrows.
    FNB_MOUSE_MIDDLE_CLOSES_TABS 0x20 Use the mouse middle button for cloing tabs.
    FNB_BOTTOM 0x40 Place tabs at bottom - the default is to place them at top.
    FNB_NODRAG 0x80 Disable dragging of tabs.
    FNB_VC8 0x100 Use Visual Studio 2005 (VC8) style for tabs.
    FNB_X_ON_TAB 0x200 Place ‘X’ close button on the active tab.
    FNB_BACKGROUND_GRADIENT 0x400 Use gradients to paint the tabs background.
    FNB_COLOURFUL_TABS 0x800 Use colourful tabs (VC8 style only).
    FNB_DCLICK_CLOSES_TABS 0x1000 Style to close tab using double click.
    FNB_SMART_TABS 0x2000 Use Smart Tabbing, like Alt + Tab on Windows.
    FNB_DROPDOWN_TABS_LIST 0x4000 Use a dropdown menu on the left in place of the arrows.
    FNB_ALLOW_FOREIGN_DND 0x8000 Allows drag ‘n’ drop operations between different FlatNotebook.
    FNB_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_TAB 0x10000 Hides the Page Container when there is one or fewer tabs.
    FNB_DEFAULT_STYLE 0x10020 FlatNotebook default style.
    FNB_FF2 0x20000 Use Firefox 2 style for tabs.
    FNB_NO_TAB_FOCUS 0x40000 Does not allow tabs to have focus.
    FNB_RIBBON_TABS 0x80000 Use the Ribbon Tabs style.
    FNB_HIDE_TABS 0x100000 Hides the Page Container allowing only keyboard navigation
    FNB_NAV_BUTTONS_WHEN_NEEDED 0x200000 Hides the navigation left/right arrows if all tabs fit
  • name – the window name.

ChangeSelection(self, page)

Sets the selection for the given page.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the new selected page.


The call to this function does not generate the page changing events.

SetSelection(self, page)

Sets the selection for the given page.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the new selected page.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.