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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.foldpanelbar.FoldWindowItem

This class is a child sibling of the FoldPanelItem class. It will contain wx.Window that can be either a separator (a coloured line simulated by a wx.Window) or a wxPython controls (such as a Button, a ListCtrl etc...).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FoldWindowItem:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor
GetLeftSpacing Returns the left indent of FoldWindowItem.
GetLineColour Returns the separator line colour.
GetLineLength Returns the separator line length.
GetLineY Returns the y position of the separator.
GetRightSpacing Returns the right indent of FoldWindowItem.
GetSpacing Returns the spacing of FoldWindowItem.
GetType Returns the FoldWindowItem type.
GetWindowLength Returns space needed by the window if type is FoldWindowItem
ResizeItem Resizes the element, whatever it is.

api Class API

class FoldWindowItem(object)

This class is a child sibling of the FoldPanelItem class. It will contain wx.Window that can be either a separator (a coloured line simulated by a wx.Window) or a wxPython controls (such as a Button, a ListCtrl etc...).


__init__(self, parent, window=None, **kw)

Default class constructor

  • parent – the FoldWindowItem parent;
  • window – the window contained in this item.
  • Type – can be “WINDOW” or “SEPARATOR”;
  • lineColour – the separator colour (meaningful for separators only);
  • y – the separator y position (meaningful for separators only);
  • flags – the alignment flags;
  • spacing – reserves a number of pixels before the window/separator element;
  • leftSpacing – an indent, in pixels;
  • rightSpacing – a right spacing, only relevant when the style FPB_ALIGN_WIDTH is chosen.

See also

FoldPanelBar.AddFoldPanelWindow() for a list of valid alignment flags.


Returns the left indent of FoldWindowItem.


Returns the separator line colour.


Returns the separator line length.


Returns the y position of the separator.


Returns the right indent of FoldWindowItem.


Returns the spacing of FoldWindowItem.


Returns the FoldWindowItem type.

GetWindowLength(self, vertical=True)

Returns space needed by the window if type is FoldWindowItem “WINDOW” and returns the total size plus the extra spacing.

Parameters:verticalTrue if the parent FoldPanelBar is in vertical mode.

ResizeItem(self, size, vertical=True)

Resizes the element, whatever it is.

A separator or line will be always aligned by width or height depending on orientation of the whole panel.
