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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.genericmessagedialog.GenericMessageDialog

Main class implementation, GenericMessageDialog is a possible replacement for the standard MessageDialog.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class GenericMessageDialog:

appearance Control Appearance







super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor. Use ShowModal to show the dialog.
CreateButtonSizer Creates a sizer with standard buttons.
CreateMessageDialog Actually creates the GenericMessageDialog, just before showing it on screen.
CreateSeparatedButtonSizer Creates a sizer with standard buttons using CreateButtonSizer separated
CreateStdDialogButtonSizer Creates a StdDialogButtonSizer with standard buttons.
EndDialog Ends the GenericMessageDialog life. This will be done differently depending on
GetCaption Returns the main caption (the title) for GenericMessageDialog.
GetCustomCancelBitmap If a custom icon been used for the Cancel button, this method will return
GetCustomCancelLabel If a custom label has been used for the Cancel button, this method will return
GetCustomHelpBitmap If a custom icon has been used for the Help button, this method will return
GetCustomHelpLabel If a custom label has been used for the Help button, this method will return
GetCustomNoBitmap If a custom icon has been used for the No button, this method will return
GetCustomNoLabel If a custom label has been used for the No button, this method will return
GetCustomOKBitmap If a custom icon has been used for the OK button, this method will return
GetCustomOKLabel If a custom label has been used for the OK button, this method will return
GetCustomYesBitmap If a custom icon has been used for the Yes button, this method will return
GetCustomYesLabel If a custom label has been used for the Yes button, this method will return
GetDefaultCancelBitmap Returns the default icon for the Cancel button.
GetDefaultCancelLabel Returns the default label for the Cancel button.
GetDefaultHelpBitmap Returns the default icon for the Help button.
GetDefaultHelpLabel Returns the default label for the Help button.
GetDefaultNoBitmap Returns the default icon for the No button.
GetDefaultNoLabel Returns the default label for the No button.
GetDefaultOKBitmap Returns the default icon for the OK button.
GetDefaultOKLabel Returns the default label for the OK button.
GetDefaultYesBitmap Returns the default icon for the Yes button.
GetDefaultYesLabel Returns the default label for the Yes button.
GetExtendedMessage Returns a string representing the extended GenericMessageDialog message.
GetFullMessage Returns a string representing the combination of the main GenericMessageDialog
GetMessage Returns a string representing the main GenericMessageDialog message.
GetMessageDialogStyle Returns the AGW-specific window style for GenericMessageDialog.
HasCustomBitmaps Returns True if any of the buttons have a non-default icons.
HasCustomLabels Returns True if any of the buttons have a non-default label.
OnCancel GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_CANCEL answer.
OnHelp GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_HELP answer.
OnKeyDown Handles the wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN event for GenericMessageDialog.
OnNavigation Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY event for GenericMessageDialog.
OnNo GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_NO answer.
OnOk GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_OK answer.
OnYes GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_YES answer.
SetExtendedMessage Sets the extended message for the dialog: this message is usually an extension of the
SetHelpBitmap Overrides the default icon of the Help button.
SetHelpLabel Overrides the default label of the Help button.
SetMessage Sets the message shown by the dialog.
SetOKBitmap Overrides the default icon of the OK button.
SetOKCancelBitmaps Overrides the default icons of the OK and Cancel buttons.
SetOKCancelLabels Overrides the default labels of the OK and Cancel buttons.
SetOKLabel Overrides the default label of the OK button.
SetYesNoBitmaps Overrides the default icons of the Yes and No buttons.
SetYesNoCancelBitmaps Overrides the default icons of the Yes and No buttons.
SetYesNoCancelLabels Overrides the default labels of the Yes and No buttons.
SetYesNoLabels Overrides the default labels of the Yes and No buttons.
ShowModal Shows the dialog, returning one of wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_CANCEL, wx.ID_YES,
SwitchFocus Switch focus between buttons.
WrapMessage Wraps the input message to multi lines so that the resulting new message

api Class API

class GenericMessageDialog(wx.Dialog)

Main class implementation, GenericMessageDialog is a possible replacement for the standard MessageDialog.


__init__(self, parent, message, caption, agwStyle, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wx.WANTS_CHARS, wrap=-1)

Default class constructor. Use ShowModal to show the dialog.

  • parent – the GenericMessageDialog parent (if any);
  • message – the message in the main body of the dialog;
  • caption – the dialog title;
  • agwStyle – the AGW-specific dialog style; it can be one of the following bits:
    Window Styles Hex Value Description
    GMD_DEFAULT 0 Uses normal generic buttons
    GMD_USE_AQUABUTTONS 0x20 Uses AquaButton buttons instead of generic buttons.
    GMD_USE_GRADIENTBUTTONS 0x40 Uses GradientButton buttons instead of generic buttons.

    The styles above are mutually exclusive. The style chosen above can be combined with a bitlist containing flags chosen from the following:

    Window Styles Hex Value Description
    wx.OK 0x4 Shows an OK button.
    wx.CANCEL 0x10 Shows a Cancel button.
    wx.YES_NO 0xA Show Yes and No buttons.
    wx.YES_DEFAULT 0x0 Used with wx.YES_NO, makes Yes button the default - which is the default behaviour.
    wx.NO_DEFAULT 0x80 Used with wx.YES_NO, makes No button the default.
    wx.ICON_EXCLAMATION 0x100 Shows an exclamation mark icon.
    wx.ICON_HAND 0x200 Shows an error icon.
    wx.ICON_ERROR 0x200 Shows an error icon - the same as wx.ICON_HAND.
    wx.ICON_QUESTION 0x400 Shows a question mark icon.
    wx.ICON_INFORMATION 0x800 Shows an information icon.
  • pos – the dialog position on screen;
  • size – the dialog size;
  • style – the underlying Dialog style;
  • wrap – if set greater than zero, wraps the string in message so that every line is at most wrap pixels long.


Notice that not all styles are compatible: only one of wx.OK and wx.YES_NO may be specified (and one of them must be specified) and at most one default button style can be used and it is only valid if the corresponding button is shown in the message box.

CreateButtonSizer(self, flags)

Creates a sizer with standard buttons.

Parameters:flags – a bit list of the following flags:
Flags Hex Value Description
wx.YES 0x2 Show a Yes button
wx.OK 0x4 Show an OK button
wx.NO 0x8 Show a No button
wx.CANCEL 0x10 Show a Cancel button
wx.NO_DEFAULT 0x80 Used with wx.YES and wx.NO, makes No button the default
wx.HELP 0x8000 Show a Help button


The sizer lays out the buttons in a manner appropriate to the platform.


Actually creates the GenericMessageDialog, just before showing it on screen.

CreateSeparatedButtonSizer(self, flags)

Creates a sizer with standard buttons using CreateButtonSizer separated from the rest of the dialog contents by a horizontal StaticLine.

Parameters:flags – the button sizer flags.

See also

CreateButtonSizer for a list of valid flags.

CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(self, flags)

Creates a StdDialogButtonSizer with standard buttons.

Parameters:flags – the button sizer flags.

See also

CreateButtonSizer for a list of valid flags.


The sizer lays out the buttons in a manner appropriate to the platform.

EndDialog(self, rc)

Ends the GenericMessageDialog life. This will be done differently depending on the dialog modal/non-modal behaviour.

Parameters:rc – one of the wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_NO, wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_CANCEL constants.


the rc parameter is unused if the dialog is not modal.


Returns the main caption (the title) for GenericMessageDialog.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom icon been used for the Cancel button, this method will return it as an instance of wx.Bitmap. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultCancelBitmap) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom label has been used for the Cancel button, this method will return it as a string. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultCancelLabel) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom icon has been used for the Help button, this method will return it as an instance of wx.Bitmap. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultHelpBitmap) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom label has been used for the Help button, this method will return it as a string. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultHelpLabel) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom icon has been used for the No button, this method will return it as an instance of wx.Bitmap. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultNoBitmap) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom label has been used for the No button, this method will return it as a string. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultNoLabel) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom icon has been used for the OK button, this method will return it as an instance of wx.Bitmap. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultOKBitmap) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom label has been used for the OK button, this method will return it as a string. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultOKLabel) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom icon has been used for the Yes button, this method will return it as an instance of wx.Bitmap. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultYesBitmap) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


If a custom label has been used for the Yes button, this method will return it as a string. Otherwise, the default one (as defined in GetDefaultYesLabel) is returned.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default icon for the Cancel button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button icons.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default label for the Cancel button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button labels.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default icon for the Help button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button icons.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default label for the Help button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button labels.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default icon for the No button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button icons.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default label for the No button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button labels.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default icon for the OK button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button icons.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default label for the OK button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button labels.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default icon for the Yes button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button icons.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the default label for the Yes button.


this method may be overridden to provide different defaults for the default button labels.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns a string representing the extended GenericMessageDialog message.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns a string representing the combination of the main GenericMessageDialog message and the extended message, separated by an empty line.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns a string representing the main GenericMessageDialog message.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns the AGW-specific window style for GenericMessageDialog.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns True if any of the buttons have a non-default icons.

New in version 0.9.3.


Returns True if any of the buttons have a non-default label.

New in version 0.9.3.

OnCancel(self, event)

GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_CANCEL answer.

OnHelp(self, event)

GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_HELP answer.

OnKeyDown(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN event for GenericMessageDialog.

Parameters:event – a KeyEvent event to be processed.

OnNavigation(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY event for GenericMessageDialog.

Parameters:event – a NavigationKeyEvent event to be processed.

OnNo(self, event)

GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_NO answer.

OnOk(self, event)

GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_OK answer.

OnYes(self, event)

GenericMessageDialog had received a wx.ID_YES answer.

SetExtendedMessage(self, extendedMessage)

Sets the extended message for the dialog: this message is usually an extension of the short message specified in the constructor or set with SetMessage.

If it is set, the main message appears highlighted and this message appears beneath it in normal font.

Parameters:extendedMessage – a string representing the extended GenericMessageDialog message.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetHelpBitmap(self, helpBitmap)

Overrides the default icon of the Help button.

Parameters:helpBitmap – the new icon for the Help button, an instance of wx.Bitmap.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetHelpLabel(self, help)

Overrides the default label of the Help button.

Parameters:help – the new label for the Help button.

See also

The remarks in the SetYesNoLabels documentation.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetMessage(self, message)

Sets the message shown by the dialog.

Parameters:message – a string representing the main GenericMessageDialog message.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetOKBitmap(self, okBitmap)

Overrides the default icon of the OK button.

Parameters:yesBitmap – the new icon for the OK button, an instance of wx.Bitmap;

New in version 0.9.3.

SetOKCancelBitmaps(self, okBitmap, cancelBitmap)

Overrides the default icons of the OK and Cancel buttons.

  • okBitmap – the new icon for the OK button, an instance of wx.Bitmap;
  • cancelBitmap – the new icon for the Cancel button, an instance of wx.Bitmap.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetOKCancelLabels(self, ok, cancel)

Overrides the default labels of the OK and Cancel buttons.

  • ok – the new label for the OK button;
  • cancel – the new label for the Cancel button.

See also

The remarks in the SetYesNoLabels documentation.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetOKLabel(self, ok)

Overrides the default label of the OK button.

Parameters:ok – the new label for the OK button.

See also

The remarks in the SetYesNoLabels documentation.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetYesNoBitmaps(self, yesBitmap, noBitmap)

Overrides the default icons of the Yes and No buttons.

  • yesBitmap – the new icon for the Yes button, an instance of wx.Bitmap;
  • noBitmap – the new icon for the No button, an instance of wx.Bitmap.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetYesNoCancelBitmaps(self, yesBitmap, noBitmap, cancelBitmap)

Overrides the default icons of the Yes and No buttons.

  • yesBitmap – the new icon for the Yes button, an instance of wx.Bitmap;
  • noBitmap – the new icon for the No button, an instance of wx.Bitmap;
  • cancelBitmap – the new icon for the Cancel button, an instance of wx.Bitmap.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetYesNoCancelLabels(self, yes, no, cancel)

Overrides the default labels of the Yes and No buttons.

  • yes – the new label for the Yes button;
  • no – the new label for the No button;
  • cancel – the new label for the Cancel button.

See also

The remarks in the SetYesNoLabels documentation.

New in version 0.9.3.

SetYesNoLabels(self, yes, no)

Overrides the default labels of the Yes and No buttons.

  • yes – the new label for the Yes button;
  • no – the new label for the No button.

Typically, if the function was used successfully, the main dialog message may need to be changed, e.g.:

main_message = "Hello world! I am the main message."

dlg = GenericMessageDialog(None, main_message, "A Nice Message Box",
                           agwStyle=wx.ICON_INFORMATION | wx.OK)

if dlg.SetYesNoLabels(_("&Quit"), _("&Don't quit")):
    dlg.SetMessage(_("What do you want to do?"))

else: # buttons have standard "Yes"/"No" values, so rephrase the question
    dlg.SetMessage(_("Do you really want to quit?"))

New in version 0.9.3.


Shows the dialog, returning one of wx.ID_OK, wx.ID_CANCEL, wx.ID_YES, wx.ID_NO or wx.ID_HELP.


Notice that this method returns the identifier of the button which was clicked unlike the MessageBox () function.


Reimplemented from Dialog.


Switch focus between buttons.

WrapMessage(self, message, wrap, font=None)

Wraps the input message to multi lines so that the resulting new message is at most wrap pixels wide.

  • message – the original input message;
  • wrap – wraps the string in message so that every line is at most wrap pixels long;
  • font – if not None, it should be an instance of wx.Font to be used to measure and then wrap the input message.

a new message wrapped at maximum wrap pixels wide.


Estabilish if wrapping all messages by default is a better idea than provide a keyword parameter to GenericMessageDialog. A default maximum line width might be the wxMac one, at 360 pixels.