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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.labelbook.FlatBookBase

Base class for the containing window for LabelBook and FlatImageBook.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FlatBookBase:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
AddPage Adds a page to the book.
AdvanceSelection Cycles through the tabs.
AssignImageList Assigns an image list to the control.
ChangeSelection Changes the selection for the given page, returning the previous selection.
DeleteAllPages Deletes all the pages in the book.
DeletePage Deletes the specified page, and the associated window.
DoSetSelection Select the window by the provided pointer.
EnableTab Enables or disables a tab.
GetAGWWindowStyleFlag Returns the FlatBookBase window style.
GetCurrentPage Returns the currently selected notebook page or None.
GetEnabled Returns whether a tab is enabled or not.
GetFontBold Gets the font bold status.
GetFontSizeMultiple Gets the font size multiple for the page captions.
GetImageList Returns the associated image list.
GetPage Returns the window at the given page position.
GetPageCount Returns the number of pages in the book.
GetPageImage Returns the image index for the given page.
GetPageText Returns the text for the given page.
GetSelection Returns the current selection.
HasAGWFlag Returns whether a flag is present in the FlatBookBase style.
InsertPage Inserts a page into the book at the specified position.
OnNavigationKey Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY event for FlatBookBase.
RemovePage Deletes the specified page, without deleting the associated window.
ResizeTabArea Resizes the tab area if the control has the INB_FIT_LABELTEXT style set.
SetAGWWindowStyleFlag Sets the window style.
SetFontBold Sets whether the page captions are bold or not.
SetFontSizeMultiple Sets the font size multiple for the page captions.
SetPageImage Sets the image index for the given page.
SetPageText Sets the text for the given page.
SetSelection Changes the selection from currently visible/selected page to the page

property_summary Properties Summary

CurrentPage See GetCurrentPage
Page See GetPage
PageCount See GetPageCount
PageImage See GetPageImage, SetPageImage
PageText See GetPageText, SetPageText
Selection See GetSelection, SetSelection

api Class API

class FlatBookBase(wx.Panel)

Base class for the containing window for LabelBook and FlatImageBook.


__init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0, agwStyle=0, name="FlatBookBase")

Default class constructor.

  • parent – parent window. Must not be None;
  • id – window identifier. A value of -1 indicates a default value;
  • pos – the control position. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default position, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • size – the control size. A value of (-1, -1) indicates a default size, chosen by either the windowing system or wxPython, depending on platform;
  • style – the underlying Panel window style;
  • agwStyle – the AGW-specific window style. This can be a combination of the following bits:
    Window Styles Hex Value Description
    INB_BOTTOM 0x1 Place labels below the page area. Available only for FlatImageBook.
    INB_LEFT 0x2 Place labels on the left side. Available only for FlatImageBook.
    INB_RIGHT 0x4 Place labels on the right side.
    INB_TOP 0x8 Place labels above the page area.
    INB_BORDER 0x10 Draws a border around LabelBook or FlatImageBook.
    INB_SHOW_ONLY_TEXT 0x20 Shows only text labels and no images. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_SHOW_ONLY_IMAGES 0x40 Shows only tab images and no label texts. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_FIT_BUTTON 0x80 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
    INB_DRAW_SHADOW 0x100 Draw shadows below the book tabs. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_USE_PIN_BUTTON 0x200 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
    INB_GRADIENT_BACKGROUND 0x400 Draws a gradient shading on the tabs background. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_WEB_HILITE 0x800 On mouse hovering, tabs behave like html hyperlinks. Available only for LabelBook.
    INB_NO_RESIZE 0x1000 Don’t allow resizing of the tab area.
    INB_FIT_LABELTEXT 0x2000 Will fit the tab area to the longest text (or text+image if you have images) in all the tabs.
    INB_BOLD_TAB_SELECTION 0x4000 Show the selected tab text using a bold font.
  • name – the window name.

AddPage(self, page, text, select=False, imageId=-1)

Adds a page to the book.

  • page – specifies the new page;
  • text – specifies the text for the new page;
  • select – specifies whether the page should be selected;
  • imageId – specifies the optional image index for the new page.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.

AdvanceSelection(self, forward=True)

Cycles through the tabs.

Parameters:forward – if True, the selection is advanced in ascending order (to the right), otherwise the selection is advanced in descending order.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.

AssignImageList(self, imglist)

Assigns an image list to the control.

Parameters:imglist – an instance of wx.ImageList.

ChangeSelection(self, page)

Changes the selection for the given page, returning the previous selection.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page to be selected.


The call to this function does not generate the page changing events.


Deletes all the pages in the book.

DeletePage(self, page)

Deletes the specified page, and the associated window.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page to be deleted.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.

DoSetSelection(self, window)

Select the window by the provided pointer.

Parameters:window – an instance of wx.Window.

EnableTab(self, page, enabled=True)

Enables or disables a tab.

  • page – an integer specifying the page index;
  • enabledTrue to enable a tab, False to disable it.


Returns the FlatBookBase window style.

See also

SetAGWWindowStyleFlag for a list of possible window style flags.


Returns the currently selected notebook page or None.

GetEnabled(self, page)

Returns whether a tab is enabled or not.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page index.


Gets the font bold status.


Gets the font size multiple for the page captions.


Returns the associated image list.

GetPage(self, page)

Returns the window at the given page position.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page to be returned.


Returns the number of pages in the book.

GetPageImage(self, page)

Returns the image index for the given page.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page index.

GetPageText(self, page)

Returns the text for the given page.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page index.


Returns the current selection.

HasAGWFlag(self, flag)

Returns whether a flag is present in the FlatBookBase style.

Parameters:flag – one of the possible FlatBookBase window styles.

See also

SetAGWWindowStyleFlag for a list of possible window style flags.

InsertPage(self, page_idx, page, text, select=False, imageId=-1)

Inserts a page into the book at the specified position.

  • page_idx – specifies the position for the new page;
  • page – specifies the new page;
  • text – specifies the text for the new page;
  • select – specifies whether the page should be selected;
  • imageId – specifies the optional image index for the new page.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.

OnNavigationKey(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY event for FlatBookBase.

Parameters:event – a NavigationKeyEvent event to be processed.

RemovePage(self, page)

Deletes the specified page, without deleting the associated window.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page to be removed.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.


Resizes the tab area if the control has the INB_FIT_LABELTEXT style set.

SetAGWWindowStyleFlag(self, agwStyle)

Sets the window style.

Parameters:agwStyle – can be a combination of the following bits:
Window Styles Hex Value Description
INB_BOTTOM 0x1 Place labels below the page area. Available only for FlatImageBook.
INB_LEFT 0x2 Place labels on the left side. Available only for FlatImageBook.
INB_RIGHT 0x4 Place labels on the right side.
INB_TOP 0x8 Place labels above the page area.
INB_BORDER 0x10 Draws a border around LabelBook or FlatImageBook.
INB_SHOW_ONLY_TEXT 0x20 Shows only text labels and no images. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_SHOW_ONLY_IMAGES 0x40 Shows only tab images and no label texts. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_FIT_BUTTON 0x80 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
INB_DRAW_SHADOW 0x100 Draw shadows below the book tabs. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_USE_PIN_BUTTON 0x200 Displays a pin button to show/hide the book control.
INB_GRADIENT_BACKGROUND 0x400 Draws a gradient shading on the tabs background. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_WEB_HILITE 0x800 On mouse hovering, tabs behave like html hyperlinks. Available only for LabelBook.
INB_NO_RESIZE 0x1000 Don’t allow resizing of the tab area.
INB_FIT_LABELTEXT 0x2000 Will fit the tab area to the longest text (or text+image if you have images) in all the tabs.
INB_BOLD_TAB_SELECTION 0x4000 Show the selected tab text using a bold font.

SetFontBold(self, bold)

Sets whether the page captions are bold or not.

Parameters:boldTrue or False.

SetFontSizeMultiple(self, multiple)

Sets the font size multiple for the page captions.

Parameters:multiple – The multiple to be applied to the system font to get the our font size.

SetPageImage(self, page, imageId)

Sets the image index for the given page.

  • page – an integer specifying the page index;
  • image – an index into the image list.

SetPageText(self, page, text)

Sets the text for the given page.

  • page – an integer specifying the page index;
  • text – the new tab label.

SetSelection(self, page)

Changes the selection from currently visible/selected page to the page given by page.

Parameters:page – an integer specifying the page to be selected.


The call to this function generates the page changing events.



See GetCurrentPage


See GetPage


See GetPageCount


See GetPageImage, SetPageImage


See GetPageText, SetPageText


See GetSelection, SetSelection