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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.persist.persist_handlers

This module contains different classes which handle different kind of saving/restoring actions depending on the widget kind.

function_summary Functions Summary

CreateFont Creates a tuple of 7 wx.Font attributes from the font input parameter.
FindHandler Finds a suitable handler for the input Persistent Object depending on the
HasCtrlHandler Is there a suitable handler for this control
PyDate2wxDate Transforms a object into a DateTime one.
wxDate2PyDate Transforms a DateTime object into a one.

class_summary Classes Summary

AbstractHandler Base class for persistent windows, uses the window name as persistent name by
AUIHandler Supports saving/restoring lib.agw.aui.framemanager.AuiManager perspectives.
BookHandler Supports saving/restoring book control selection.
CalendarCtrlHandler Supports saving/restoring a adv.CalendarCtrl date.
CheckBoxHandler Supports saving/restoring a CheckBox state.
CheckListBoxHandler Supports saving/restoring checked and selected items in CheckListBox.
ChoiceComboHandler Supports saving/restoring Choice, ComboBox and adv.OwnerDrawnComboBox
ChoiceDialogHandler Supports saving/restoring a MultiChoiceDialog / SingleChoiceDialog choices.
CollapsiblePaneHandler Supports saving/restoring a CollapsiblePane / lib.agw.pycollapsiblepane.PyCollapsiblePane state.
ColourDialogHandler Supports saving/restoring a wx.ColourDialog data (colour, custom colours and full
ColourPickerHandler Supports saving/restoring a wx.ColourPickerCtrl / lib.colourselect.ColourSelect colour.
DatePickerHandler Supports saving/restoring a adv.DatePickerCtrl date.
FileDirDialogHandler Supports saving/restoring a DirDialog / FileDialog path.
FileDirPickerHandler Supports saving/restoring a FilePickerCtrl / DirPickerCtrl path.
FileHistoryHandler Supports saving/restoring a FileHistory list of file names.
FindReplaceHandler Supports saving/restoring a FindReplaceDialog data (search string, replace string
FoldPanelBarHandler Supports saving/restoring of lib.agw.foldpanelbar.FoldPanelBar.
FontDialogHandler Supports saving/restoring a wx.FontDialog data (effects, symbols, colour, font, help).
FontPickerHandler Supports saving/restoring a wx.FontPickerCtrl font.
ListBoxHandler Supports saving/restoring selected items in ListBox, ListCtrl, ListView,
ListCtrlHandler Supports saving/restoring selected items and column sizes in ListCtrl.
MediaCtrlHandler Supports saving/restoring a media.MediaCtrl movie position, volume and playback
MenuBarHandler Supports saving/restoring the wx.MenuBar and lib.agw.flatmenu.FlatMenuBar items state.
RadioBoxHandler Supports saving/restoring a RadioBox state.
RadioButtonHandler Supports saving/restoring a RadioButton state.
ScrolledWindowHandler Supports saving/restoring a ScrolledWindow / lib.scrolledpanel.ScrolledPanel
SliderHandler Supports saving/restoring a Slider / lib.agw.knobctrl.KnobCtrl thumb position.
SpinHandler Supports saving/restoring a SpinButton / SpinCtrl value.
SplitterHandler Supports saving/restoring a SplitterWindow splitter position.
TextCtrlHandler Supports saving/restoring a TextCtrl entered string.
TextEntryHandler Supports saving/restoring a TextEntryDialog string.
TLWHandler Supports saving/restoring window position and size as well as
ToggleButtonHandler Supports saving/restoring a ToggleButton and friends state.
ToolBarHandler Supports saving/restoring the lib.agw.aui.auibar.AuiToolBar items state.
TreebookHandler Supports saving/restoring open tree branches.
TreeCtrlHandler Supports saving/restoring a TreeCtrl expansion state, selections and
TreeListCtrlHandler Supports saving/restoring a lib.agw.hypertreelist.HyperTreeList expansion state,



Creates a tuple of 7 wx.Font attributes from the font input parameter.

Parameters:font – a wx.Font instance.
Returns:A tuple of 7 wx.Font attributes from the font input parameter.


Finds a suitable handler for the input Persistent Object depending on the widget kind.

Parameters:pObject – an instance of PersistentObject class.


Is there a suitable handler for this control

Parameters:control – the control instance to check if a handler for it exists.


Transforms a object into a DateTime one.

Parameters:date – a object.


Transforms a DateTime object into a one.

Parameters:date – a DateTime object.