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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.ribbon.toolbar.RibbonToolBarEvent

Handles events related to RibbonToolBar.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RibbonToolBarEvent:

super_classes Known Superclasses


method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
GetBar Returns an instance of RibbonToolBar.
PopupMenu Pops up the given menu and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu.
SetBar Sets the current RibbonToolBar for this event.

api Class API

class RibbonToolBarEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent)

Handles events related to RibbonToolBar.


__init__(self, command_type=None, win_id=0, bar=None)

Default class constructor.

  • command_type (integer) – the event type;
  • win_id (integer) – the event identifier;
  • bar – an instance of RibbonToolBar.


Returns an instance of RibbonToolBar.

PopupMenu(self, menu)

Pops up the given menu and returns control when the user has dismissed the menu.

If a menu item is selected, the corresponding menu event is generated and will be processed as usual.

Parameters:menu – the menu to pop up, an instance of wx.Menu.


Just before the menu is popped up, wx.Menu.UpdateUI is called to ensure that the menu items are in the correct state. The menu does not get deleted by the window.

SetBar(self, bar)

Sets the current RibbonToolBar for this event.

Parameters:bar – an instance of RibbonToolBar.