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phoenix_title wx.lib.agw.supertooltip.SuperToolTip

The main class for SuperToolTip, which holds all the methods and setters/getters available to the user.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class SuperToolTip:

appearance Control Appearance







method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default class constructor.
ApplyStyle Applies none of the predefined styles.
DoHideNow Dismiss the SuperToolTip window immediately.
DoShowNow Create the SuperToolTip immediately.
EnableTip Globally (application-wide) enables/disables SuperToolTip.
GetBodyImage Returns the main body bitmap used in SuperToolTip.
GetBottomGradientColour Returns the bottom gradient colour.
GetDrawFooterLine Returns whether the separator line before the footer is drawn or not.
GetDrawHeaderLine Returns whether the separator line after the header is drawn or not.
GetDropShadow Returns whether a shadow below SuperToolTip is drawn or not.
GetEndDelay Returns the delay time (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is destroyed.
GetFooter Returns the footer text.
GetFooterBitmap Returns the footer bitmap.
GetFooterFont Returns the font used for the footer text.
GetHeader Returns the header text.
GetHeaderBitmap Returns the header bitmap.
GetHeaderFont Returns the font used for the header text.
GetHyperlinkFont Returns the font used for the hyperlink text.
GetMessage Returns the main body message in SuperToolTip.
GetMessageFont Returns the font used in the main body message.
GetMiddleGradientColour Returns the middle gradient colour.
GetStartDelay Returns the tim delay (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is created.
GetTarget Returns the target window for SuperToolTip.
GetTextColour Returns the text colour.
GetTipWindow Return the TipWindow, will return None if not yet created
GetTopGradientColour Returns the top gradient colour.
GetUseFade Returns whether a fade in/fade out effect is used or not.
InitFont Initalizes the fonts for SuperToolTip.
IsEnabled Returns True when SuperToolTip is globally enabled, False otherwise.
OnDestroy Handles the SuperToolTip target destruction.
OnEndTimer The show time for SuperToolTip has expired, destroy the SuperToolTip.
OnStartTimer The creation time has expired, create the SuperToolTip.
OnWidgetEnter Starts the SuperToolTip timer for creation, handles the wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW event.
OnWidgetLeave Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for the target widgets.
SetBodyImage Sets the main body bitmap for SuperToolTip.
SetBottomGradientColour Sets the bottom gradient colour for SuperToolTip.
SetDrawFooterLine Sets whether to draw a separator line before the footer or not.
SetDrawHeaderLine Sets whether to draw a separator line after the header or not.
SetDropShadow Whether to draw a shadow below SuperToolTip or not.
SetEndDelay Sets the delay time (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is destroyed.
SetFooter Sets the footer text.
SetFooterBitmap Sets the footer bitmap for SuperToolTip.
SetFooterFont Sets the font for the footer text.
SetHeader Sets the header text.
SetHeaderBitmap Sets the header bitmap for SuperToolTip.
SetHeaderFont Sets the font for the header text.
SetHyperlinkFont Sets the font for the hyperlink text.
SetMessage Sets the main body message for SuperToolTip.
SetMessageFont Sets the font for the main body message.
SetMiddleGradientColour Sets the middle gradient colour for SuperToolTip.
SetStartDelay Sets the time delay (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is created.
SetTarget Sets the target window for SuperToolTip.
SetTextColour Sets the text colour for SuperToolTip.
SetTopGradientColour Sets the top gradient colour for SuperToolTip.
SetUseFade Whether to use a fade in/fade out effect or not.
Show Shows or hides the window.
Update Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window and all of its

api Class API

class SuperToolTip(object)

The main class for SuperToolTip, which holds all the methods and setters/getters available to the user.


__init__(self, message, bodyImage=wx.NullBitmap, header="", headerBmp=wx.NullBitmap, footer="", footerBmp=wx.NullBitmap)

Default class constructor.

  • message – the main message in SuperToolTip body;
  • bodyImage – the image in the SuperToolTip body;
  • header – the header text;
  • headerBmp – the header bitmap;
  • footer – the footer text;
  • footerBmp – the footer bitmap.

ApplyStyle(self, style)

Applies none of the predefined styles.

Parameters:style – one of the predefined styles available at the beginning of the module.


Dismiss the SuperToolTip window immediately.

New in version 0.9.6.


Create the SuperToolTip immediately.

EnableTip(self, enable=True)

Globally (application-wide) enables/disables SuperToolTip.

Parameters:enableTrue to enable SuperToolTip globally, False otherwise.


Returns the main body bitmap used in SuperToolTip.


Returns the bottom gradient colour.


Returns whether the separator line before the footer is drawn or not.


Returns whether the separator line after the header is drawn or not.


Returns whether a shadow below SuperToolTip is drawn or not.


This method is available only on Windows and requires Mark Hammond’s pywin32 package.


Returns the delay time (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is destroyed.


Returns the footer text.


Returns the footer bitmap.


Returns the font used for the footer text.


Returns the header text.


Returns the header bitmap.


Returns the font used for the header text.


Returns the font used for the hyperlink text.


Returns the main body message in SuperToolTip.


Returns the font used in the main body message.


Returns the middle gradient colour.


Returns the tim delay (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is created.


Returns the target window for SuperToolTip.


Returns the text colour.


Return the TipWindow, will return None if not yet created


Returns the top gradient colour.


Returns whether a fade in/fade out effect is used or not.


This method is available only on Windows and requires Mark Hammond’s pywin32 package.


Initalizes the fonts for SuperToolTip.


Returns True when SuperToolTip is globally enabled, False otherwise.

New in version 0.9.6.

OnDestroy(self, event)

Handles the SuperToolTip target destruction.


The show time for SuperToolTip has expired, destroy the SuperToolTip.


The creation time has expired, create the SuperToolTip.

OnWidgetEnter(self, event)

Starts the SuperToolTip timer for creation, handles the wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW event.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

OnWidgetLeave(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW event for the target widgets.

Parameters:event – a MouseEvent event to be processed.

SetBodyImage(self, bmp)

Sets the main body bitmap for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:bmp – the body bitmap, a valid wx.Bitmap object.

SetBottomGradientColour(self, colour)

Sets the bottom gradient colour for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:colour – the colour to use as bottom colour, a valid wx.Colour object.

SetDrawFooterLine(self, draw)

Sets whether to draw a separator line before the footer or not.

Parameters:drawTrue to draw a separator line before the footer, False otherwise.

SetDrawHeaderLine(self, draw)

Sets whether to draw a separator line after the header or not.

Parameters:drawTrue to draw a separator line after the header, False otherwise.

SetDropShadow(self, drop)

Whether to draw a shadow below SuperToolTip or not.

Parameters:dropTrue to drop a shadow below the control, False otherwise.


This method is available only on Windows and requires Mark Hammond’s pywin32 package.

SetEndDelay(self, delay=1e6)

Sets the delay time (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is destroyed.

Parameters:delay – the delay in seconds.

SetFooter(self, footer)

Sets the footer text.

Parameters:footer – the footer text to display.

SetFooterBitmap(self, bmp)

Sets the footer bitmap for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:bmp – the footer bitmap, a valid wx.Bitmap object.

SetFooterFont(self, font)

Sets the font for the footer text.

Parameters:font – the font to use for the footer text, a valid wx.Font object.

SetHeader(self, header)

Sets the header text.

Parameters:header – the header text to display.

SetHeaderBitmap(self, bmp)

Sets the header bitmap for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:bmp – the header bitmap, a valid wx.Bitmap object.

SetHeaderFont(self, font)

Sets the font for the header text.

Parameters:font – the font to use for the header text, a valid wx.Font object.

SetHyperlinkFont(self, font)

Sets the font for the hyperlink text.

Parameters:font – the font to use for the hyperlink text, a valid wx.Font object.

SetMessage(self, message)

Sets the main body message for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:message – the message to display in the body.

SetMessageFont(self, font)

Sets the font for the main body message.

Parameters:font – the font to use for the main body message, a valid wx.Font object.

SetMiddleGradientColour(self, colour)

Sets the middle gradient colour for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:colour – the colour to use as middle colour, a valid wx.Colour object.

SetStartDelay(self, delay=1)

Sets the time delay (in seconds) after which the SuperToolTip is created.

Parameters:delay – the delay in seconds.

SetTarget(self, widget)

Sets the target window for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:widget – the widget to which SuperToolTip is associated.

SetTextColour(self, colour)

Sets the text colour for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:colour – the colour to use as text colour, a valid wx.Colour object.

SetTopGradientColour(self, colour)

Sets the top gradient colour for SuperToolTip.

Parameters:colour – the colour to use as top colour, a valid wx.Colour object.

SetUseFade(self, fade)

Whether to use a fade in/fade out effect or not.

Parameters:fadeTrue to use a fade in/fade out effect, False otherwise.


This method is available only on Windows and requires Mark Hammond’s pywin32 package.

Show(self, show=True)

Shows or hides the window.

You may need to call Raise for a top level window if you want to bring it to top, although this is not needed if Show is called immediately after the frame creation.

Parameters:show (bool) – True to show the SuperToolTip window, False to hide it.
Returns:True if the window has been shown or hidden or False if nothing was done because it already was in the requested state.


Notice that the default state of newly created top level windows is hidden (to allow you to create their contents without flicker) unlike for all the other, not derived from TopLevelWindow, windows that are by default created in the shown state.

New in version 0.9.5.


Calling this method immediately repaints the invalidated area of the window and all of its children recursively (this normally only happens when the flow of control returns to the event loop).


Notice that this function doesn’t invalidate any area of the window so nothing happens if nothing has been invalidated (i.e. marked as requiring a redraw). Use Refresh first if you want to immediately redraw the window unconditionally.

New in version 0.9.5.