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phoenix_title wx.lib.analogclock.analogclock.AnalogClockWindow

A simple derived class that provides some backwards compatibility with the old analogclock module.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AnalogClockWindow:

api Class API

class AnalogClockWindow(AnalogClock)

A simple derived class that provides some backwards compatibility with the old analogclock module.


SetClockStyle(self, style)

SetHandColours(self, h=None, m=None, s=None)

SetHandWeights(self, h=None, m=None, s=None)

SetMinutesOffset(self, o)

SetShadowColour(self, s)

SetTickColours(self, h=None, m=None)

SetTickFontss(self, h=None, m=None)

SetTickShapes(self, tsh, tsm=None)

SetTickSizes(self, h=None, m=None)

SetTickStyles(self, h=None, m=None)

SetWatchPenBrush(self, p=None, b=None)