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phoenix_title wx.lib.mixins.listctrl

function_summary Functions Summary

getListCtrlSelection Returns list of item indexes of given state (selected by defaults)
selectBeforePopup Ensures the item the mouse is pointing at is selected before a popup.

class_summary Classes Summary

CheckListCtrlMixin This is a mixin for ListCtrl which add a checkbox in the first
ColumnSorterMixin A mixin class that handles sorting of a wx.ListCtrl in REPORT mode when
ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin A mix-in class that automatically resizes the last column to take up
ListCtrlSelectionManagerMix Mixin that defines a platform independent selection policy
ListRowHighlighter Editra Control Library: ListRowHighlighter
TextEditMixin A mixin class that enables any text in any column of a


getListCtrlSelection(listctrl, state=wx.LIST_STATE_SELECTED)

Returns list of item indexes of given state (selected by defaults)


Ensures the item the mouse is pointing at is selected before a popup.

Works with both single-select and multi-select lists.