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phoenix_title wx.propgrid.UIntProperty

Basic property with integer value.

Seamlessly supports 64-bit integer (ULongLong ) on overflow.

Supported special attributes:

  • “Min”, “Max”: Specify acceptable value range.
  • “Base”: Define base. Valid constants are wx.propgrid.PG_BASE_OCT, wx.propgrid.PG_BASE_DEC, wx.propgrid.PG_BASE_HEX and wx.propgrid.PG_BASE_HEXL (lowercase characters). Arbitrary bases are not supported.
  • “Prefix”: Possible values are wx.propgrid.PG_PREFIX_NONE, PG_PREFIX_0x, and wx.propgrid.PG_PREFIX_DOLLAR_SIGN. Only wx.propgrid.PG_PREFIX_NONE works with Decimal and Octal numbers.


  • For example how to use seamless 64-bit integer support, see wx.propgrid.IntProperty documentation (just use ULongLong instead of LongLong ).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class UIntProperty:

method_summary Methods Summary

DoGetValidator Returns pointer to the wx.Validator that should be used with the editor of this property (None for no validator).
DoSetAttribute Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property.
IntToValue Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into Variant value appropriate for this property.
StringToValue Converts text into Variant value appropriate for this property.
ValidateValue Implement this function in derived class to check the value.
ValueToString Converts property value into a text representation.

api Class API

class wx.propgrid.UIntProperty(PGProperty)

Possible constructors:

UIntProperty(label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0)

UIntProperty(label, name, value)

Basic property with integer value.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self, label=PG_LABEL, name=PG_LABEL, value=0)

  • label (string) –
  • name (string) –
  • value (long) –

__init__ (self, label, name, value)

  • label (string) –
  • name (string) –
  • value (ULongLong) –


Returns pointer to the wx.Validator that should be used with the editor of this property (None for no validator).

Setting validator explicitly via SetPropertyValidator will override this.

In most situations, code like this should work well (macros are used to maintain one actual validator instance, so on the second call the function exits within the first macro):

class MyPropertyClass(wx.propgrid.UIntProperty):
    def DoGetValidator(self):
        validator = MyValidator(...)

        ... prepare validator...

        return validator
Return type:Validator


You can get common filename validator by returning wx.propgrid.FileProperty.GetClassValidator . wx.propgrid.DirProperty, for example, uses it.

DoSetAttribute(self, name, value)

Reimplement this member function to add special handling for attributes of this property.

  • name (string) –
  • value (PGVariant) –
Return type:



Return False to have the attribute automatically stored in m_attributes. Default implementation simply does that and nothing else.


To actually set property attribute values from the application, use wx.propgrid.PGProperty.SetAttribute instead.

IntToValue(self, variant, number, argFlags=0)

Converts integer (possibly a choice selection) into Variant value appropriate for this property.

  • variant (PGVariant) – On function entry this is the old value (should not be NullVariant in normal cases). Translated value must be assigned back to it.
  • number (int) – Integer to be translated into variant.
  • argFlags (int) – If wx.propgrid.PG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable value instead of displayable one.
Return type:



Returns True if resulting Variant value was different.


  • If property is not supposed to use choice or spinctrl or other editor with int-based value, it is not necessary to implement this method.
  • Default implementation simply assign given int to m_value.
  • If property uses choice control, and displays a dialog on some choice items, then it is preferred to display that dialog in IntToValue instead of OnEvent.
  • You might want to take into account that m_value is Mull variant if property value is unspecified (which is usually only case if you explicitly enabled that sort behaviour).

StringToValue(self, variant, text, argFlags=0)

Converts text into Variant value appropriate for this property.

  • variant (PGVariant) – On function entry this is the old value (should not be NullVariant in normal cases). Translated value must be assigned back to it.
  • text (string) – Text to be translated into variant.
  • argFlags (int) – If wx.propgrid.PG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable value instead of displayable one (they may be different). If wx.propgrid.PG_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT is set, text is interpreted as a part of composite property string value (as generated by ValueToString called with this same flag).
Return type:


You might want to take into account that m_value is Null variant if property value is unspecified (which is usually only case if you explicitly enabled that sort behaviour).

Returns:Returns True if resulting Variant value was different.


Default implementation converts semicolon delimited tokens into child values. Only works for properties with children.

ValidateValue(self, value, validationInfo)

Implement this function in derived class to check the value.

Return True if it is ok. Returning False prevents property change events from occurring.

Return type:



  • Default implementation always returns True.

ValueToString(self, value, argFlags=0)

Converts property value into a text representation.

  • value (PGVariant) – Value to be converted.
  • argFlags (int) – If 0 (default value), then displayed string is returned. If wx.propgrid.PG_FULL_VALUE is set, returns complete, storable string value instead of displayable. If wx.propgrid.PG_EDITABLE_VALUE is set, returns string value that must be editable in textctrl. If wx.propgrid.PG_COMPOSITE_FRAGMENT is set, returns text that is appropriate to display as a part of string property’s composite text representation.
Return type:



Default implementation calls GenerateComposedValue .