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phoenix_title wx.ribbon.RibbonToolBar

A ribbon tool bar is similar to a traditional toolbar which has no labels.

It contains one or more tool groups, each of which contains one or more tools. Each tool is represented by a (generally small, i.e. 16x15) bitmap.

events Events Emitted by this Class

Handlers bound for the following event types will receive a wx.ribbon.RibbonToolBarEvent parameter.

  • EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_CLICKED: Triggered when the normal (non-dropdown) region of a tool on the tool bar is clicked.
  • EVT_RIBBONTOOLBAR_DROPDOWN_CLICKED: Triggered when the dropdown region of a tool on the tool bar is clicked. wx.ribbon.RibbonToolBarEvent.PopupMenu should be called by the event handler if it wants to display a popup menu (which is what most dropdown tools should be doing).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class RibbonToolBar:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default constructor.
AddDropdownTool Add a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version).
AddHybridTool Add a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version).
AddSeparator Add a separator to the tool bar.
AddToggleTool Add a toggle tool to the tool bar (simple version).
AddTool Add a tool to the tool bar (simple version).
ClearTools Deletes all the tools in the toolbar.
Create Create a tool bar in two-step tool bar construction.
DeleteTool Removes the specified tool from the toolbar and deletes it.
DeleteToolByPos This function behaves like DeleteTool but it deletes the tool at the specified position and not the one with the given id.
EnableTool Enable or disable a single tool on the bar.
FindById Returns a pointer to the tool opaque structure by id or None if no corresponding tool is found.
GetToolByPos Return the opaque pointer corresponding to the given tool.
GetToolClientData Get any client data associated with the tool.
GetToolEnabled Called to determine whether a tool is enabled (responds to user input).
GetToolHelpString Returns the help string for the given tool.
GetToolId Return the id assciated to the tool opaque structure.
GetToolKind Return the kind of the given tool.
GetToolPos Returns the tool position in the toolbar, or NOT_FOUND if the tool is not found.
GetToolState Gets the on/off state of a toggle tool.
InsertDropdownTool Insert a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.
InsertHybridTool Insert a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.
InsertSeparator Insert a separator to the tool bar at the specified position.
InsertToggleTool Insert a toggle tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.
InsertTool Insert a tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.
Realize Calculate tool layouts and positions.
SetRows Set the number of rows to distribute tool groups over.
SetToolClientData Sets the client data associated with the tool.
SetToolDisabledBitmap Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID when the tool is in a disabled state.
SetToolHelpString Sets the help string shown in tooltip for the given tool.
SetToolNormalBitmap Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID.
ToggleTool Set a toggle tool to the checked or unchecked state.

api Class API

class wx.ribbon.RibbonToolBar(RibbonControl)

Possible constructors:


RibbonToolBar(parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize,

A ribbon tool bar is similar to a traditional toolbar which has no labels.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self)

Default constructor.

With this constructor, Create should be called in order to create the tool bar.

__init__ (self, parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=0)

Construct a ribbon tool bar with the given parameters.

  • parent (wx.Window) – Parent window for the tool bar (typically a wx.ribbon.RibbonPanel).
  • id (wx.WindowID) – An identifier for the toolbar. ID_ANY is taken to mean a default.
  • pos (wx.Point) – Initial position of the tool bar.
  • size (wx.Size) – Initial size of the tool bar.
  • style (long) – Tool bar style, currently unused.

AddDropdownTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string="")

Add a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version).

  • tool_id (int) –
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –
  • help_string (string) –
Return type:


See also


AddHybridTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string="")

Add a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version).

  • tool_id (int) –
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –
  • help_string (string) –
Return type:


See also



Add a separator to the tool bar.

Separators are used to separate tools into groups. As such, a separator is not explicitly drawn, but is visually seen as the gap between tool groups.

Return type:RibbonToolBarToolBase

AddToggleTool(self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string)

Add a toggle tool to the tool bar (simple version).

  • tool_id (int) –
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –
  • help_string (string) –
Return type:


New in version 2.9.4.

See also


AddTool(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

AddTool (self, tool_id, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL)

Add a tool to the tool bar (simple version).

Return type:


AddTool (self, tool_id, bitmap, bitmap_disabled=NullBitmap, help_string=””, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, clientData=None)

Add a tool to the tool bar.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the new tool (used for event callbacks).
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) – Bitmap to use as the foreground for the new tool. Does not have to be the same size as other tool bitmaps, but should be similar as otherwise it will look visually odd.
  • bitmap_disabled (wx.Bitmap) – Bitmap to use when the tool is disabled. If left as NullBitmap, then a bitmap will be automatically generated from bitmap.
  • help_string (string) – The UI help string to associate with the new tool.
  • kind (RibbonButtonKind) – The kind of tool to add.
  • clientData (PyUserData) –

Client data to associate with the new tool.

Return type:RibbonToolBarToolBase
Returns:An opaque pointer which can be used only with other tool bar methods.


Deletes all the tools in the toolbar.

New in version 2.9.4.

Create(self, parent, id=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=0)

Create a tool bar in two-step tool bar construction.

Should only be called when the default constructor is used, and arguments have the same meaning as in the full constructor.

Return type:


DeleteTool(self, tool_id)

Removes the specified tool from the toolbar and deletes it.

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool to delete.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the tool was deleted, False otherwise.

New in version 2.9.4.

See also


DeleteToolByPos(self, pos)

This function behaves like DeleteTool but it deletes the tool at the specified position and not the one with the given id.

Useful to delete separators.

Parameters:pos (int) –
Return type:bool

New in version 2.9.4.

EnableTool(self, tool_id, enable=True)

Enable or disable a single tool on the bar.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the tool to enable or disable.
  • enable (bool) – True to enable the tool, False to disable it.

New in version 2.9.4.

FindById(self, tool_id)

Returns a pointer to the tool opaque structure by id or None if no corresponding tool is found.

Parameters:tool_id (int) –
Return type:RibbonToolBarToolBase

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolByPos(self, pos)

Return the opaque pointer corresponding to the given tool.

Parameters:pos (int) –
Return type:RibbonToolBarToolBase
Returns:an opaque pointer, None if is a separator or not found.

New in version 2.9.4: Returns the number of tools in the toolbar.

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolClientData(self, tool_id)

Get any client data associated with the tool.

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
Return type:PyUserData
Returns:Client data, or None if there is none.

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolEnabled(self, tool_id)

Called to determine whether a tool is enabled (responds to user input).

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the tool is enabled, False otherwise.

New in version 2.9.4.

See also


GetToolHelpString(self, tool_id)

Returns the help string for the given tool.

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
Return type:string

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolId(self, tool)

Return the id assciated to the tool opaque structure.

The structure pointer must not be None.

Parameters:tool (RibbonToolBarToolBase) –
Return type:int

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolKind(self, tool_id)

Return the kind of the given tool.

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
Return type: wx.ribbon.RibbonButtonKind

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolPos(self, tool_id)

Returns the tool position in the toolbar, or NOT_FOUND if the tool is not found.

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
Return type:int

New in version 2.9.4.

GetToolState(self, tool_id)

Gets the on/off state of a toggle tool.

Parameters:tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the tool is toggled on, False otherwise.

New in version 2.9.4.

See also


InsertDropdownTool(self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string="")

Insert a dropdown tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.

  • pos (int) –
  • tool_id (int) –
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –
  • help_string (string) –
Return type:


New in version 2.9.4.

InsertHybridTool(self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string="")

Insert a hybrid tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.

  • pos (int) –
  • tool_id (int) –
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –
  • help_string (string) –
Return type:


New in version 2.9.4.

InsertSeparator(self, pos)

Insert a separator to the tool bar at the specified position.

Parameters:pos (int) –
Return type:RibbonToolBarToolBase

New in version 2.9.4.

InsertToggleTool(self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string="")

Insert a toggle tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.

  • pos (int) –
  • tool_id (int) –
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –
  • help_string (string) –
Return type:


New in version 2.9.4.

InsertTool(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

InsertTool (self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, help_string, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL)

Insert a tool to the tool bar (simple version) as the specified position.

Return type:


New in version 2.9.4.

See also


InsertTool (self, pos, tool_id, bitmap, bitmap_disabled=NullBitmap, help_string=””, kind=RIBBON_BUTTON_NORMAL, clientData=None)

Insert a tool to the tool bar at the specified position.

  • pos (int) – Position of the new tool (number of tools and separators from the beginning of the toolbar).
  • tool_id (int) – ID of the new tool (used for event callbacks).
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) – Bitmap to use as the foreground for the new tool. Does not have to be the same size as other tool bitmaps, but should be similar as otherwise it will look visually odd.
  • bitmap_disabled (wx.Bitmap) – Bitmap to use when the tool is disabled. If left as NullBitmap, then a bitmap will be automatically generated from bitmap.
  • help_string (string) – The UI help string to associate with the new tool.
  • kind (RibbonButtonKind) – The kind of tool to add.
  • clientData (PyUserData) –

Client data to associate with the new tool.

Return type:RibbonToolBarToolBase
Returns:An opaque pointer which can be used only with other tool bar methods.

New in version 2.9.4.


Calculate tool layouts and positions.

Must be called after tools are added to the tool bar, as otherwise the newly added tools will not be displayed.

Return type:bool

SetRows(self, nMin, nMax=-1)

Set the number of rows to distribute tool groups over.

Tool groups can be distributed over a variable number of rows. The way in which groups are assigned to rows is not specified, and the order of groups may change, but they will be distributed in such a way as to minimise the overall size of the tool bar.

  • nMin (int) – The minimum number of rows to use.
  • nMax (int) – The maximum number of rows to use (defaults to nMin).

SetToolClientData(self, tool_id, clientData)

Sets the client data associated with the tool.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
  • clientData (PyUserData) – The client data to use.

New in version 2.9.4.

SetToolDisabledBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap)

Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID when the tool is in a disabled state.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) – Bitmap to use for disabled tools.

New in version 2.9.4.

SetToolHelpString(self, tool_id, helpString)

Sets the help string shown in tooltip for the given tool.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
  • helpString (string) – A string for the help.

New in version 2.9.4.

SetToolNormalBitmap(self, tool_id, bitmap)

Sets the bitmap to be used by the tool with the given ID.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the tool in question, as passed to AddTool .
  • bitmap (wx.Bitmap) – Bitmap to use for normals tools.

New in version 2.9.4.

ToggleTool(self, tool_id, checked)

Set a toggle tool to the checked or unchecked state.

  • tool_id (int) – ID of the toggle tool to manipulate.
  • checked (bool) – True to set the tool to the toggled/pressed/checked state, False to set it to the untoggled/unpressed/unchecked state.

New in version 2.9.4.