Online Course
API Manual
Bootstrap 4 API Manual
Wall of browser bugs
Most wanted features
Utilities for layout
Grid system
Close icon
Screen readers
Stretched link
Image replacement
Display property
Vertical alignment
Media object
List group
Input group
Button group
Getting started
Theming Bootstrap
Browsers and devices
Build tools
Summary - Approach
Responsive - Approach
Classes - Approach
z-index scales - Approach
Component elements - Approach
Overlay components - Approach
HTML and CSS over JS - Approach
Utilities - Approach
Flexible HTML - Approach
Preferred - Icons
More options - Icons
Changing display - Utilities for layout
Flexbox options - Utilities for layout
Margin and padding - Utilities for layout
Toggle visibility - Utilities for layout
Containers - Layout
Responsive breakpoints - Layout
Z-index - Layout
How it works - Grid system
Grid options - Grid system
Auto-layout columns - Grid system
Equal-width - Grid system
Setting one column width - Grid system
Variable width content - Grid system
Equal-width multi-row - Grid system
Responsive classes - Grid system
All breakpoints - Grid system
Stacked to horizontal - Grid system
Mix and match - Grid system
Gutters - Grid system
Alignment - Grid system
Vertical alignment - Grid system
Horizontal alignment - Grid system
No gutters - Grid system
Column wrapping - Grid system
Column breaks - Grid system
Reordering - Grid system
Order classes - Grid system
Offsetting columns - Grid system
Offset classes - Grid system
Margin utilities - Grid system
Nesting - Grid system
Sass mixins - Grid system
Variables - Grid system
Mixins - Grid system
Example usage - Grid system
Customizing the grid - Grid system
Columns and gutters - Grid system
Grid tiers - Grid system
Examples - Tables
Table head options - Tables
Striped rows - Tables
Bordered table - Tables
Borderless table - Tables
Hoverable rows - Tables
Small table - Tables
Contextual classes - Tables
Captions - Tables
Responsive tables - Tables
Always responsive - Tables
Breakpoint specific - Tables
Approach - Reboot
Page defaults - Reboot
Native font stack - Reboot
Headings and paragraphs - Reboot
Lists - Reboot
Preformatted text - Reboot
Tables - Reboot
Forms - Reboot
Misc elements - Reboot
Address - Reboot
Blockquote - Reboot
Inline elements - Reboot
Summary - Reboot
HTML5 [hidden] attribute - Reboot
Responsive images - Images
Image thumbnails - Images
Aligning images - Images
Picture - Images
Inline code - Code
Code blocks - Code
Variables - Code
User input - Code
Sample output - Code
Global settings - Typography
Headings - Typography
Customizing headings - Typography
Display headings - Typography
Lead - Typography
Inline text elements - Typography
Text utilities - Typography
Abbreviations - Typography
Blockquotes - Typography
Naming a source - Typography
Alignment - Typography
Lists - Typography
Unstyled - Typography
Inline - Typography
Description list alignment - Typography
Responsive font sizes - Typography
Examples - Shadows
About - Embeds
Example - Embeds
Aspect ratios - Embeds
Border - Borders
Additive - Borders
Subtractive - Borders
Border color - Borders
Border-radius - Borders
Sizes - Borders
Common values - Position
Fixed top - Position
Fixed bottom - Position
Sticky top - Position
Relative to the parent - Sizing
Relative to the viewport - Sizing
Color - Colors
Background color - Colors
Background gradient - Colors
Overview - Float
Classes - Float
Mixins - Float
Responsive - Float
How it works - Spacing
Notation - Spacing
Examples - Spacing
Horizontal centering - Spacing
Negative margin - Spacing
Identifying the containing block - Stretched link
How it works - Display property
Notation - Display property
Examples - Display property
Hiding elements - Display property
Display in print - Display property
Text alignment - Text
Text wrapping and overflow - Text
Word break - Text
Text transform - Text
Font weight and italics - Text
Monospace - Text
Reset color - Text
Text decoration - Text
Enable flex behaviors - Flex
Direction - Flex
Justify content - Flex
Align items - Flex
Align self - Flex
Fill - Flex
Grow and shrink - Flex
Auto margins - Flex
With align-items - Flex
Wrap - Flex
Order - Flex
Align content - Flex
How it works - Navbar
Supported content - Navbar
Brand - Navbar
Nav - Navbar
Forms - Navbar
Text - Navbar
Color schemes - Navbar
Containers - Navbar
Placement - Navbar
Responsive behaviors - Navbar
Toggler - Navbar
External content - Navbar
Overview - Pagination
Working with icons - Pagination
Disabled and active states - Pagination
Sizing - Pagination
Alignment - Pagination
About - Cards
Example - Cards
Content types - Cards
Body - Cards
Titles, text, and links - Cards
Images - Cards
List groups - Cards
Kitchen sink - Cards
Header and footer - Cards
Sizing - Cards
Using grid markup - Cards
Using utilities - Cards
Using custom CSS - Cards
Text alignment - Cards
Navigation - Cards
Image caps - Cards
Image overlays - Cards
Horizontal - Cards
Card styles - Cards
Background and color - Cards
Border - Cards
Mixins utilities - Cards
Card layout - Cards
Card groups - Cards
Card decks - Cards
Card columns - Cards
Overview - Forms
Form controls - Forms
Sizing - Forms
Readonly - Forms
Readonly plain text - Forms
Range Inputs - Forms
Checkboxes and radios - Forms
Default (stacked) - Forms
Inline - Forms
Without labels - Forms
Layout - Forms
Form groups - Forms
Form grid - Forms
Form row - Forms
Horizontal form - Forms
Column sizing - Forms
Auto-sizing - Forms
Inline forms - Forms
Help text - Forms
Disabled forms - Forms
Validation - Forms
How it works - Forms
Custom styles - Forms
Browser defaults - Forms
Server side - Forms
Supported elements - Forms
Tooltips - Forms
Customizing - Forms
Custom forms - Forms
Checkboxes - Forms
Radios - Forms
Disabled - Forms
Switches - Forms
Select menu - Forms
Range - Forms
File browser - Forms
Translating or customizing the strings with SCSS - Forms
Translating or customizing the strings with HTML - Forms
Examples - Buttons
Button tags - Buttons
Outline buttons - Buttons
Sizes - Buttons
Active state - Buttons
Disabled state - Buttons
Button plugin - Buttons
Toggle states - Buttons
Checkbox and radio buttons - Buttons
Methods - Buttons
How it works - Progress
Labels - Progress
Height - Progress
Backgrounds - Progress
Multiple bars - Progress
Striped - Progress
Animated stripes - Progress
Example - Media object
Nesting - Media object
Alignment - Media object
Order - Media object
Media list - Media object
How it works - Scrollspy
Example in navbar - Scrollspy
Example with nested nav - Scrollspy
Example with list-group - Scrollspy
Usage - Scrollspy
Via data attributes - Scrollspy
Via JavaScript - Scrollspy
Methods - Scrollspy
.scrollspy('refresh') - Scrollspy
.scrollspy('dispose') - Scrollspy
Options - Scrollspy
Events - Scrollspy
Overview - Toasts
Examples - Toasts
Basic - Toasts
Translucent - Toasts
Stacking - Toasts
Placement - Toasts
Accessibility - Toasts
JavaScript behavior - Toasts
Usage - Toasts
Options - Toasts
Methods - Toasts
$().toast(options) - Toasts
.toast('show') - Toasts
.toast('hide') - Toasts
.toast('dispose') - Toasts
Events - Toasts
How it works - Collapse
Example - Collapse
Multiple targets - Collapse
Accordion example - Collapse
Accessibility - Collapse
Usage - Collapse
Via data attributes - Collapse
Via JavaScript - Collapse
Options - Collapse
Methods - Collapse
.collapse(options) - Collapse
.collapse('toggle') - Collapse
.collapse('show') - Collapse
.collapse('hide') - Collapse
.collapse('dispose') - Collapse
Events - Collapse
Overview - Popovers
Example: Enable popovers everywhere - Popovers
Example: Using the container option - Popovers
Example - Popovers
Four directions - Popovers
Dismiss on next click - Popovers
Disabled elements - Popovers
Usage - Popovers
Options - Popovers
Methods - Popovers
$().popover(options) - Popovers
.popover('show') - Popovers
.popover('hide') - Popovers
.popover('toggle') - Popovers
.popover('dispose') - Popovers
.popover('enable') - Popovers
.popover('disable') - Popovers
.popover('toggleEnabled') - Popovers
.popover('update') - Popovers
Events - Popovers
Base nav - Navs
Available styles - Navs
Horizontal alignment - Navs
Vertical - Navs
Tabs - Navs
Pills - Navs
Fill and justify - Navs
Working with flex utilities - Navs
Regarding accessibility - Navs
Using dropdowns - Navs
Tabs with dropdowns - Navs
Pills with dropdowns - Navs
JavaScript behavior - Navs
Using data attributes - Navs
Via JavaScript - Navs
Fade effect - Navs
Methods - Navs
$().tab - Navs
.tab(��show') - Navs
.tab(��dispose') - Navs
Events - Navs
How it works - Carousel
Example - Carousel
Slides only - Carousel
With controls - Carousel
With indicators - Carousel
With captions - Carousel
Crossfade - Carousel
Individual .carousel-item interval - Carousel
Usage - Carousel
Via data attributes - Carousel
Via JavaScript - Carousel
Options - Carousel
Methods - Carousel
.carousel(options) - Carousel
.carousel('cycle') - Carousel
.carousel('pause') - Carousel
.carousel(number) - Carousel
.carousel('prev') - Carousel
.carousel('next') - Carousel
.carousel('dispose') - Carousel
Events - Carousel
Change transition duration - Carousel
Basic example - List group
Active items - List group
Disabled items - List group
Links and buttons - List group
Flush - List group
Horizontal - List group
Contextual classes - List group
With badges - List group
Custom content - List group
JavaScript behavior - List group
Using data attributes - List group
Via JavaScript - List group
Fade effect - List group
Methods - List group
$().tab - List group
.tab(��show') - List group
Events - List group
Examples - Alerts
Link color - Alerts
Additional content - Alerts
Dismissing - Alerts
JavaScript behavior - Alerts
Triggers - Alerts
Methods - Alerts
Events - Alerts
Basic example - Input group
Wrapping - Input group
Sizing - Input group
Checkboxes and radios - Input group
Multiple inputs - Input group
Multiple addons - Input group
Button addons - Input group
Buttons with dropdowns - Input group
Segmented buttons - Input group
Custom forms - Input group
Custom select - Input group
Custom file input - Input group
Accessibility - Input group
Example - Breadcrumb
Changing the separator - Breadcrumb
Accessibility - Breadcrumb
Overview - Dropdowns
Accessibility - Dropdowns
Examples - Dropdowns
Single button - Dropdowns
Split button - Dropdowns
Sizing - Dropdowns
Directions - Dropdowns
Dropup - Dropdowns
Dropright - Dropdowns
Dropleft - Dropdowns
Menu items - Dropdowns
Active - Dropdowns
Disabled - Dropdowns
Menu alignment - Dropdowns
Responsive alignment - Dropdowns
Menu content - Dropdowns
Headers - Dropdowns
Dividers - Dropdowns
Text - Dropdowns
Forms - Dropdowns
Dropdown options - Dropdowns
Usage - Dropdowns
Via data attributes - Dropdowns
Via JavaScript - Dropdowns
Options - Dropdowns
Methods - Dropdowns
Events - Dropdowns
How it works - Modal
Examples - Modal
Modal components - Modal
Live demo - Modal
Scrolling long content - Modal
Vertically centered - Modal
Tooltips and popovers - Modal
Using the grid - Modal
Varying modal content - Modal
Change animation - Modal
Remove animation - Modal
Dynamic heights - Modal
Accessibility - Modal
Embedding YouTube videos - Modal
Optional sizes - Modal
Usage - Modal
Via data attributes - Modal
Via JavaScript - Modal
Options - Modal
Methods - Modal
.modal(options) - Modal
.modal('toggle') - Modal
.modal('show') - Modal
.modal('hide') - Modal
.modal('handleUpdate') - Modal
.modal('dispose') - Modal
Events - Modal
Overview - Tooltips
Example: Enable tooltips everywhere - Tooltips
Examples - Tooltips
Usage - Tooltips
Markup - Tooltips
Disabled elements - Tooltips
Options - Tooltips
Methods - Tooltips
$().tooltip(options) - Tooltips
.tooltip('show') - Tooltips
.tooltip('hide') - Tooltips
.tooltip('toggle') - Tooltips
.tooltip('dispose') - Tooltips
.tooltip('enable') - Tooltips
.tooltip('disable') - Tooltips
.tooltip('toggleEnabled') - Tooltips
.tooltip('update') - Tooltips
Events - Tooltips
Basic example - Button group
Button toolbar - Button group
Sizing - Button group
Nesting - Button group
Vertical variation - Button group
Example - Badges
Contextual variations - Badges
Pill badges - Badges
Links - Badges
About - Spinners
Border spinner - Spinners
Colors - Spinners
Growing spinner - Spinners
Alignment - Spinners
Margin - Spinners
Placement - Spinners
Flex - Spinners
Floats - Spinners
Text align - Spinners
Size - Spinners
Buttons - Spinners
Precompiled Bootstrap - Getting started
CSS files - Getting started
JS files - Getting started
Bootstrap source code - Getting started
Quick start - Getting started
CSS - Getting started
JS - Getting started
Starter template - Getting started
Important globals - Getting started
HTML5 doctype - Getting started
Responsive meta tag - Getting started
Box-sizing - Getting started
Reboot - Getting started
Community - Getting started
Installing Bootstrap - Webpack
Importing JavaScript - Webpack
Importing Styles - Webpack
Importing Precompiled Sass - Webpack
Importing Compiled CSS - Webpack
Introduction - Theming Bootstrap
Sass - Theming Bootstrap
File structure - Theming Bootstrap
Importing - Theming Bootstrap
Variable defaults - Theming Bootstrap
Maps and loops - Theming Bootstrap
Modify map - Theming Bootstrap
Add to map - Theming Bootstrap
Remove from map - Theming Bootstrap
Required keys - Theming Bootstrap
Functions - Theming Bootstrap
Color contrast - Theming Bootstrap
Sass options - Theming Bootstrap
Color - Theming Bootstrap
All colors - Theming Bootstrap
Theme colors - Theming Bootstrap
Grays - Theming Bootstrap
Components - Theming Bootstrap
Modifiers - Theming Bootstrap
Responsive - Theming Bootstrap
CSS variables - Theming Bootstrap
Available variables - Theming Bootstrap
Examples - Theming Bootstrap
Breakpoint variables - Theming Bootstrap
Compiled CSS and JS - Download
Source files - Download
BootstrapCDN - Download
Package managers - Download
npm - Download
yarn - Download
RubyGems - Download
Composer - Download
NuGet - Download
Individual or compiled - JavaScript
Dependencies - JavaScript
Data attributes - JavaScript
Events - JavaScript
Programmatic API - JavaScript
Asynchronous functions and transitions - JavaScript
Default settings - JavaScript
No conflict - JavaScript
Version numbers - JavaScript
No special fallbacks when JavaScript is disabled - JavaScript
Util - JavaScript
Sanitizer - JavaScript
Supported browsers - Browsers and devices
Mobile devices - Browsers and devices
Desktop browsers - Browsers and devices
Internet Explorer - Browsers and devices
Modals and dropdowns on mobile - Browsers and devices
Overflow and scrolling - Browsers and devices
iOS text fields and scrolling - Browsers and devices
Navbar Dropdowns - Browsers and devices
Browser zooming - Browsers and devices
Sticky :hover/:focus on iOS - Browsers and devices
Printing - Browsers and devices
Android stock browser - Browsers and devices
Select menu - Browsers and devices
Validators - Browsers and devices
Overview and Limitations - Accessibility
Structural markup - Accessibility
Interactive components - Accessibility
Color contrast - Accessibility
Visually hidden content - Accessibility
Reduced motion - Accessibility
Additional resources - Accessibility
Tooling setup - Build tools
Using npm scripts - Build tools
Autoprefixer - Build tools
Local documentation - Build tools
Troubleshooting - Build tools