Online Course
API Manual
React API Manual
Advanced Performance
Cloning ReactElements
Component API
Component Specs and Lifecycle
Keyed Fragments
Displaying Data
DOM Differences
Server-side Environments
Event System
Getting Started
React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
JSX Gotchas
JSX in Depth
JSX Spread Attributes
Language Tooling
Refs to Components
Multiple Components
Package Management
Performance Tools
Reusable Components
Shallow Compare
Special Non-DOM Attributes
Tags and Attributes
Test Utilities
Thinking in React
Tooling Integration
Top-Level API
Transferring Props
Two-Way Binding Helpers
Immutability Helpers
Web Components
Why React?
Working With the Browser
Type of the Children props
this.props.children undefined
Communicate Between Components
componentWillReceiveProps Not Triggered After Mounting
Value of null for Controlled Input
Dangerously Set innerHTML
DOM Event Listeners in a Component
Expose Component Functions
False in JSX
If-Else in JSX
Load Initial Data via AJAX
Inline Styles
Maximum Number of JSX Root Nodes
Props in getInitialState Is an Anti-Pattern
Self-Closing Tag
Shorthand for Specifying Pixel Values in style props
Use React with Other Libraries
Avoiding reconciling the DOM - Advanced Performance
shouldComponentUpdate in action - Advanced Performance
Immutable-js to the rescue - Advanced Performance
Immutable-js and Flux - Advanced Performance
High-level API: ReactCSSTransitionGroup - Animation
Low-level API: ReactTransitionGroup - Animation
Getting Started - Animation
Animate Initial Mounting - Animation
Custom Classes - Animation
Animation Group Must Be Mounted To Work - Animation
Animating One or Zero Items - Animation
Disabling Animations - Animation
componentWillAppear(callback) - Animation
componentDidAppear() - Animation
componentWillEnter(callback) - Animation
componentDidEnter() - Animation
componentWillLeave(callback) - Animation
componentDidLeave() - Animation
Rendering a Different Component - Animation
Rendering a Single Child - Animation
React.Component - Component API
setState - Component API
replaceState - Component API
forceUpdate - Component API
getDOMNode - Component API
isMounted - Component API
setProps - Component API
replaceProps - Component API
Component Specifications - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Lifecycle Methods - Component Specs and Lifecycle
render - Component Specs and Lifecycle
getInitialState - Component Specs and Lifecycle
getDefaultProps - Component Specs and Lifecycle
propTypes - Component Specs and Lifecycle
mixins - Component Specs and Lifecycle
statics - Component Specs and Lifecycle
displayName - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Mounting: componentWillMount - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Mounting: componentDidMount - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Updating: componentWillReceiveProps - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Updating: shouldComponentUpdate - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Updating: componentWillUpdate - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Updating: componentDidUpdate - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Unmounting: componentWillUnmount - Component Specs and Lifecycle
Passing info automatically through a tree - Context
Parent-child coupling - Context
Referencing context in lifecycle methods - Context
Referencing context in stateless functional components - Context
Updating context - Context
When not to use context - Context
Known limitations - Context
Array<ReactNode> createFragment(object children) - Keyed Fragments
Getting Started - Displaying Data
Reactive Updates - Displaying Data
Components are Just Like Functions - Displaying Data
JSX Syntax - Displaying Data
React without JSX - Displaying Data
Node.js - Server-side Environments
Nashorn - Server-side Environments
SyntheticEvent - Event System
Event pooling - Event System
Supported Events - Event System
Clipboard Events - Event System
Composition Events - Event System
Keyboard Events - Event System
Focus Events - Event System
Form Events - Event System
Mouse Events - Event System
Selection Events - Event System
Touch Events - Event System
UI Events - Event System
Wheel Events - Event System
Media Events - Event System
Image Events - Event System
Animation Events - Event System
Transition Events - Event System
Interactive Props - Forms
Controlled Components - Forms
Uncontrolled Components - Forms
Advanced Topics - Forms
Potential Issues With Checkboxes and Radio Buttons - Forms
Default Value - Forms
Why Controlled Components? - Forms
Why Textarea Value? - Forms
Why Select Value? - Forms
React Elements - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
React Nodes - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
React Components - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
Formal Type Definitions - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
Factories - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
Entry Point - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
Nodes and Elements - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
Classes and Components - React (Virtual) DOM Terminology
A Simple Example - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
Event Handling and Synthetic Events - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
Under the Hood: Autobinding and Event Delegation - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
Components are Just State Machines - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
How State Works - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
What Components Should Have State? - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
What Should Go in State? - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
What Shouldn't Go in State? - Interactivity and Dynamic UIs
HTML Entities - JSX Gotchas
Custom HTML Attributes - JSX Gotchas
Why JSX? - JSX in Depth
HTML Tags vs. React Components - JSX in Depth
The Transform - JSX in Depth
Namespaced Components - JSX in Depth
JavaScript Expressions - JSX in Depth
Attribute Expressions - JSX in Depth
Boolean Attributes - JSX in Depth
Child Expressions - JSX in Depth
Comments - JSX in Depth
Mutating Props is Bad - JSX Spread Attributes
Spread Attributes - JSX Spread Attributes
What's with the weird ... notation? - JSX Spread Attributes
ES2015 with JSX - Language Tooling
Flow - Language Tooling
TypeScript - Language Tooling
In-browser JSX Transform - Language Tooling
Productionizing: Precompiled JSX - Language Tooling
Helpful Open-Source Projects - Language Tooling
The ref returned from ReactDOM.render - Refs to Components
The ref Callback Attribute - Refs to Components
The ref String Attribute - Refs to Components
A Complete Example - Refs to Components
Summary - Refs to Components
Benefits: - Refs to Components
Cautions: - Refs to Components
Motivation: Separation of Concerns - Multiple Components
Composition Example - Multiple Components
Ownership - Multiple Components
Children - Multiple Components
Data Flow - Multiple Components
A Note on Performance - Multiple Components
Child Reconciliation - Multiple Components
Stateful Children - Multiple Components
Dynamic Children - Multiple Components
CDN-hosted React - Package Management
Using React from npm - Package Management
Using React from Bower - Package Management
Using master - Package Management
General API - Performance Tools
Advanced API - Performance Tools
Perf.start() and Perf.stop() - Performance Tools
Perf.printInclusive(measurements) - Performance Tools
Perf.printExclusive(measurements) - Performance Tools
Perf.printWasted(measurements) - Performance Tools
Perf.printOperations(measurements) - Performance Tools
Perf.printDOM(measurements) - Performance Tools
Perf.getLastMeasurements() - Performance Tools
Motivation - Reconciliation
Pair-wise diff - Reconciliation
List-wise diff - Reconciliation
Trade-offs - Reconciliation
Different Node Types - Reconciliation
DOM Nodes - Reconciliation
Custom Components - Reconciliation
Problematic Case - Reconciliation
Keys - Reconciliation
Prop Validation - Reusable Components
Default Prop Values - Reusable Components
Transferring Props: A Shortcut - Reusable Components
Mixins - Reusable Components
ES6 Classes - Reusable Components
Stateless Functions - Reusable Components
Single Child - Reusable Components
No Autobinding - Reusable Components
No Mixins - Reusable Components
Supported Elements - Tags and Attributes
Supported Attributes - Tags and Attributes
Using React.DOM Factory methods - Tags and Attributes
HTML Attributes - Tags and Attributes
SVG Attributes - Tags and Attributes
HTML Elements - Tags and Attributes
SVG elements - Tags and Attributes
Shallow rendering - Test Utilities
Simulate - Test Utilities
renderIntoDocument - Test Utilities
mockComponent - Test Utilities
isElement - Test Utilities
isElementOfType - Test Utilities
isDOMComponent - Test Utilities
isCompositeComponent - Test Utilities
isCompositeComponentWithType - Test Utilities
findAllInRenderedTree - Test Utilities
scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass - Test Utilities
findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass - Test Utilities
scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithTag - Test Utilities
findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag - Test Utilities
scryRenderedComponentsWithType - Test Utilities
findRenderedComponentWithType - Test Utilities
React - Top-Level API
ReactDOM - Top-Level API
ReactDOMServer - Top-Level API
React.Component - Top-Level API
React.createClass - Top-Level API
React.createElement - Top-Level API
React.cloneElement - Top-Level API
React.createFactory - Top-Level API
React.isValidElement - Top-Level API
React.DOM - Top-Level API
React.PropTypes - Top-Level API
React.Children - Top-Level API
ReactDOM.render - Top-Level API
ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode - Top-Level API
ReactDOM.findDOMNode - Top-Level API
ReactDOMServer.renderToString - Top-Level API
ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup - Top-Level API - Top-Level API
React.Children.forEach - Top-Level API
React.Children.count - Top-Level API
React.Children.only - Top-Level API
React.Children.toArray - Top-Level API
Manual Transfer - Transferring Props
Transferring with ... in JSX - Transferring Props
Consuming and Transferring the Same Prop - Transferring Props
Rest and Spread Properties ... - Transferring Props
Transferring with Underscore - Transferring Props
ReactLink: Before and After - Two-Way Binding Helpers
Under the Hood - Two-Way Binding Helpers
ReactLink Without LinkedStateMixin - Two-Way Binding Helpers
ReactLink Without valueLink - Two-Way Binding Helpers
The main idea - Immutability Helpers
Available commands - Immutability Helpers
Examples - Immutability Helpers
Simple push - Immutability Helpers
Nested collections - Immutability Helpers
Updating a value based on its current one - Immutability Helpers
(Shallow) merge - Immutability Helpers
Using Web Components in React - Web Components
Using React in your Web Components - Web Components
Complete Example - Web Components
The Virtual DOM - Working With the Browser
Refs and findDOMNode() - Working With the Browser
Component Lifecycle - Working With the Browser
Browser Support - Working With the Browser
Mounting - Working With the Browser
Updating - Working With the Browser
Unmounting - Working With the Browser
Mounted Methods - Working With the Browser