ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The com.adobe.gravity.framework package contains core interfaces for the Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform Experience Services - Client Component Framework.

 IApplicationDomainManager The IApplicationDomainManager interface provides a mechanism to create ApplicationDomains such that they can be tracked, primarily for debugging purposes.
 IBundle The IBundle interface represents a single physical component.
 IBundleActivator IBundleActivator is the interface to implement when creating a bundle.
 IBundleContext The IBundleContext interface is the main point of access to all bundle framework functionality.
 IFilter An object that can be used to match against a set of properties.
 IServiceFactory Services implement IServiceFactory when they need additional control over how service objects are dispensed.
 IServiceReference The IServiceReference interface is a "handle" to a service.
 IServiceRegistration The IServiceRegistration interface is used can be used by a bundle to manage the properties of services exposed by that bundle and to unregister the services.
 BundleConstants Bundle state constants.
 BundleEvent BundleEvents are dispatched for bundle lifecycle transitions.
 ServiceEvent The ServiceEvent class indicates changes in service properties or availability.