ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The com.adobe.guides.spark.layouts.components package provides classes to layout the contents of a Guide.

 ILayoutComponent Interface supported by the skinnable layout host components
 AlignmentArea This class aligns columns inside a Spark Group honouring the "keepWithPrevious" settings of the passed in items.
 ChartLayoutHost This layout host component provides four skin parts: header, entry, chartItems, trailer.
 LayoutHostBase The LayoutHostBase class is the base class for all Skinnable Guide panel layouts.
 RepeaterLayoutHost This layout host component provides three skin parts: header, repeatingPart, trailer.
 SingleGroupLayoutHost This layout host component has one skin part which corresponds to single group of itemFactories.
 VariableGroupLayoutHost This layout host component has one dynamic skin part.