ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The com.adobe.icc.editors.managers package contains utility manager classes for some common actions.

 IErrorManager The interface to handle errors occurring on the client.
 ACMRelationshipManager Relationship manager for managing the Relationship browser.
 CategoryManager The CategoryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of categories and sub-categories existing in the system.
 ContentSearchManager The ContentSearchManager lets you search for content in the system by name.
 DataDictionaryManager The DataDictionaryManager class helps retrieve and maintain the list of data dictionary names existing in the system.
 EditorConfigurationManager The EditorConfigurationManager is the one-stop singleton for loading all kinds of configurations required for the CM Application to run correctly.
 ErrorManager The ErrorManager helps you handle errors occurring on the client.
 ErrorManagerImpl The class implementing IErrorManager which helps you handle errors occurring on the client.
 FileUploadManager The FileUploadManager handles the upload of files to the CM server.
 IccSearchManager Icc specific implementation of SearchManager which removes "Archive" state assets from results.
 ImportExportManager A manager for managaging the asset import export functionality.
 PreferencesManager The PreferencesManager is a singleton providing storage for various user preferences like preferred data dictionary and preferred categories.
 RevertManager A manager for reverting the assets.