ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The com.adobe.icomm.assetplacement.model package contains the classes that model the Asset Placement Building Block package definition.

 Attachment This class models an <attachment> element in the package definition.
 Controller This class represents a generic "controller" which is a child of the <controllers> element in the package definition.
 NavigatorHostInstance NavigatorHostInstance is a static class used for global access to the INavigatorHost interface.
 PackageDefinition A PackageDefinition is an object that wraps the package definition XML file (package.xml).
 PackageDefinitionLoader This class is used to get the singleton instance of the PackageDefinition object.
 PackageDefinitionLoadFailedEvent This event fires after a call to PackageDefinitionLoader.getInstance() to indicate an error has occurred and the PackageDefinition object will not be available for use.
 PackageDefinitionReadyEvent This event fires after a call to PackageDefinitionLoader.getInstance() to inform that the PackageDefinition object is ready to be used.
 PackageElement The base class for the object representation of elements in the package definition file.
 PackageObjectReadyEvent The PackageObjectReadyEvent is dispatched by the PackageDefinition when an IPackageObject-implementing component is fully loaded and ready for use.
 Resource This class models a <resource> element in the package definition.