ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The package contains the definition of the events that get returned via a message listener or returned as a parameter to a success or failure handler for a variety of Composite Application Framework APIs such as, addTile, addView, addPanel, removeView, removeTile, removePanel, loadCatalog, and resolveReferences methods.

 AddPanelEvent The AddPanelEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Panel.
 AddServiceEvent The AddServiceEvent is dispatched when a service is added to the composite application.
 AddTileEvent The AddTileEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a Tile.
 AddViewEvent The AddViewEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a view.
 AddViewManagerEvent The AddViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of adding a ViewManager.
 AnnotationParseEvent The AnnotationParseEvent is dispatched when annotation parsers have completed processing, digesting, and injecting values onto eligible composite application parts, such as Tile or Service.
 BaseEvent The BaseEvent class defines a generic base event that can be tranferred to JavaScript for processing.
 CatalogLoadEvent The CatalogLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog load results.
 CloseSessionEvent The CloseSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of closing an ISession.
 DeleteViewEvent The DeleteViewEvent class defines a transient notification of deleted views.
 DisplayEvent The DisplayEvent class defines a transient notification of revealed nodes.
 LoadApplicationEvent The LoadApplicationEvent class defines a notification of loading an IApplication.
 MaximizeTileEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The MaximizeTileEvent class defines a transient notification of maximizing a Tile.
 Message The Message class defines a transient notification including a namespace, a name, and a valid payload.
 MinimizeTileEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The MinimizeTileEvent class defines a transient notification of minimizing a Tile.
 MoveTileEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The MoveTileEvent class defines a transient notification of moving a Tile.
 OpenSessionEvent The OpenSessionEvent class defines a transient notification of opening an ISession.
 RemovePanelEvent The RemovePanelEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a Panel.
 RemoveTileEvent The RemoveTileEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a Tile.
 RemoveViewEvent The RemoveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a View.
 RemoveViewManagerEvent The RemoveViewManagerEvent class defines a transient notification of removing a ViewManager.
 ReparentTileEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The ReparentTileEvent class defines a transient notification of Tile that has been reparented.
 RequestApplicationEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestApplicationEvent class defines a transient notification of an initialized but unresolved and non-loaded IApplicationSpecifier object.
 RequestApplicationListEvent The RequestApplicationListEvent class defines a transient notification of an array of type IApplicationListItem representing the applications available to the current user.
 RequestCatalogEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of an initialized but unresolved and non-loaded ICatalogSpecifier object.
 RequestCatalogListEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The RequestCatalogListEvent class defines a transient notification of an array of type ICatalogListItem representing the catalogs available to the current user.
 ResolveReferencesEvent The ResolveReferencesEvent class defines a transient notification of references resolved.
 RestoreTileEvent NOT IMPLEMENTED The RestoreTileEvent class defines a transient notification of restoring a Tile.
 SaveViewEvent The SaveViewEvent class defines a transient notification of a view save result.
 SearchCatalogEvent The SearchCatalogEvent class defines a transient notification of catalog search results.
 UnloadApplicationEvent The UnloadApplicationEvent class defines a transient notification of unloading an IApplication.
 UserViewsLoadEvent The UserViewsLoadEvent class defines a transient notification of user views load results.