ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The package includes an implementation of domain interfaces that are defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block.These domain implementations expose the properties of the value object and domain-specific operations.

 Approver This class defines an approver in an approval stage.
 Author This class defines an author in a creation stage.
 Comment This class defines a comment.
 Initiator This class defines an initiator in a review workflow.
 Moderator This class defines a moderator of a stage.
 Participant This class defines a participant in a review workflow.
 ReviewContext This class defines the review context domain object.
 Reviewer This class defines a reviewer in a review stage.
 ReviewTemplate This class defines a template that can be used to initiate a review.
 Stage This class defines a stage in a review workflow.
 StageParticipant This class defines a participant of a stage.
 StageTemplate This class defines a stage template.
 SupportingDocument This class defines supporting documents.
 User This class defines an user.