ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The package includes all the domain interfaces defined by the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block.These domain interfaces expose properties of the value object and domain-specific operations.

 IApprover Represents an approver in an approval stage.
 IAuthor Defines a stage participant who is responsible for creation of an asset in a creation stage.
 IComment Defines the structure of a comment published during a stage on an asset.
 IInitiator Defines an initiator of a review.
 IModerator Defines a moderator of a stage.
 IParticipant Defines a participant in review.
 IReviewContext Defines details of a particular review version.
 IReviewer Defines the properties of a reviewer participant in a review stage.
 IReviewTemplate Defines a schedule template,
 IStage Defines a stage inside a schedule template.
 IStageParticipant Defines the basic properties of a participant of a creation, a review, or an approval stage.
 IStageTemplate Defines a stage template.
 ISupportingDocument Defines a supporting document.
 IUser Defines a user such as a project or an asset owner, a team member, or a stage participant.
 RCADomainFactoryImpl The factory class to create instances of domain objects.