ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The package includes events that are dispatched by the visual components of the Review, Commenting & Approval (RCA) Building Block.

 GanttActionEvent This event is dispatched when an option is clicked, in the context menu of an item, in the Gantt chart.
 GanttEvent This Gantt event is generated when an item in the Gantt chart is clicked, double-clicked, or the range mode of the Gantt chart is modified.
 ProcessComponentEvent This event is dispatched by ProcessComponent when a process is selected or a selection is cancelled.
 RCAErrorEvent RCA error event.
 ScaleChangedEvent This event is dispatched when the scale of the Gantt chart is changed.
 SchedulesStateEvent This is a simple event to trigger state change in the Schedules component.
 StageEvent This event is dispatched when an operation is performed on a stage.
 StageParticipantEvent This event is dispatched when a stage participant is added.
 TemplateEvent This event is dispatched when an operation on a template is performed.
 UserSelectedEvent This event is dispatched when a user is selected from the search result grid.