ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The package contains classes for working with the FLVPlayback and FLVPlaybackCaptioning components.

 INCManager The INCManager is the interface for classes that create the for the VideoPlayer class.
 IVPEvent The IVPEvent interface is implemented by video events that apply to a specific VideoPlayer object within the FLVPlayback component.
 AutoLayoutEvent Flash® Player dispatches an AutoLayoutEvent object when the video player is resized and laid out automatically.
 CaptionChangeEvent The CaptionChangeEvent is dispatched any time a caption is added or removed from the caption target text field.
 CaptionTargetEvent Type for the captionTargetCreated event, dispatched after the captionTargetCreated event is created automatically and before any captions have been added to it.
 CuePointType The CuePointType class provides constant values for the type property on the info object of a MetadataEvent instance of type CUE_POINT.
 FLVPlayback FLVPlayback extends the Sprite class and wraps a VideoPlayer object.
 FLVPlaybackCaptioningThe FLVPlaybackCaptioning component enables captioning for the FLVPlayback component.
 LayoutEvent Event dispatched when the video player is resized and/or laid out.
 MetadataEvent Flash® Player dispatches a MetadataEvent object when the user requests the FLV file's metadata information packet (NetStream.onMetaData) and when cue points (NetStream.onCuePoint) are encountered in the FLV file.
 NCManager Creates the NetConnection object for the VideoPlayer class, a helper class for that user facing class.
 NCManagerNative The NCManagerNative class is a subclass of the NCManager class and supports native bandwidth detection, which some Flash Video Streaming Service providers may support.
 SkinErrorEvent Flash® Player dispatches a SkinErrorEvent object when there is an error loading a skin.
 SoundEvent Flash® Player dispatches a SoundEvent object when the user changes the sound by either moving the handle of the volumeBar control or setting the volume or soundTransform property.
 VideoAlign The VideoAlign class provides constant values to use for the FLVPlayback.align and VideoPlayer.align properties.
 VideoError The VideoError exception is the primary mechanism for reporting runtime errors from the FLVPlayback and VideoPlayer classes.
 VideoEvent Flash® Player dispatches a VideoEvent object when the user plays a video.
 VideoPlayer The VideoPlayer class lets you create a video player with a slightly smaller SWF file than if you used the FLVPlayback component.
 VideoProgressEvent Flash® Player dispatches a VideoProgressEvent object when the user makes a request for the number of bytes loaded during a progressive HTTP download of their video.
 VideoScaleMode The VideoScaleMode class provides constant values to use for the FLVPlayback.scaleMode and VideoPlayer.scaleMode properties.
 VideoState The VideoState class provides constant values for the read-only FLVPlayback.state and VideoPlayer.state properties.