ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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Package flash.sampler 

This package is used by the profiling agent distributed with Adobe Flash Builder, and is provided for your use for customizing the profiling agent or building your own memory tests. Use the startSampling() method and the Flash Player debugger version or later, to collect memory usage samples. Then use the getSamples() method to retrieve memory usage samples. The samples reveal the memory usage of distinct intervals of a running application. Then use the other methods in the flash.sampler package to analyze the memory usage information.

Note: If you create your own custom profiling agent, preload the agent SWF file by setting the PreloadSwf property in the mm.cfg file:

PreloadSwf=C:/Documents and Settings/username/testingagent.swf?aparam=asetting

Each preloaded agent SWF file has its own security domain and runs in a distinct security sandbox from the main SWF file being profiled. To run the methods of the flash.sampler package, the agent SWF file must be in a localTrusted file path (see the Security Center).

Public Methods
 FunctionDefined By
Clears the current set of Sample objects.
Returns the number of times a get function was executed.
Returns the number of times a method was executed.
Exposes the lexical scope of a Function so that captured scope objects (including activation objects and with scopes) are seen by the profiler as being retained by the Function instance.
Returns the master string upon which this string depends, or null if this string does not depend on another string.
getMemberNames(o:Object, instanceNames:Boolean = false):Object
Returns an object containing all members of a specified object, including private members.
Returns the number of samples collected.
Returns an object of memory usage Sample instances from the last sampling session.
Returns the saved "this" from a Method closure that you normal can't see from AS.
Returns the number of times a set function was executed.
Returns the size in memory of a specified object when used with the Flash Player or later debugger version.
Checks to see if a property is defined by a get/set function.
Stops the sampling process momentarily.
Tells the sampler if it should create NewObjectSamples for internal allocations from the flash player.
Sets a callback function for the sampler - this function will be called when the sample stream is almost exhausted.
Begins the process of collecting memory usage Sample objects.
Ends the process of collecting memory usage Sample objects and frees resources dedicated to the sampling process.
Function detail


public function clearSamples():void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Clears the current set of Sample objects. This method is usually called after calling getSamples() and iterating over the Sample objects. For Flash Player debugger version only.

Related API Elements


public function getGetterInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns the number of times a get function was executed. Use isGetterSetter() to verify that you have a get/set function before you use getGetterInvocationCount(). For Flash Player debugger version only.


obj:Object — A method instance or a class.
qname:QName — If qname is undefined return the number of iterations of the constructor function.

Number — The number of times a get method was executed.

Related API Elements


public function getInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns the number of times a method was executed. If the parameter obj is a Class and the parameter qname is undefined then this method returns the number of iterations of the constructor function. For Flash Player debugger version only.


obj:Object — A method instance or a class. A class can be used to get the invocation count of instance functions when a method instance isn't available. If obj is undefined, this method returns the count of the package-scoped function named by qname.
qname:QName — If qname is undefined return the number of iterations of the constructor function.

Number — The number of times a method was executed.

Example  ( How to use this example )

  public function exec3() {}

  import flash.sampler.*;
  import flash.system.*;
  import flash.display.Sprite;
  import flash.utils.*;
  public class getInvocationCountTest extends Sprite
      public function getInvocationCountTest()
      for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)
      for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)
      for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)

      // get exec QName
      var execName:QName;
          var name:QName;
      var fooName:QName;
      for each(name in getMemberNames(this)) {
          if(name.localName == "exec")
          execName = name;
          if(name.localName == "foo")
          fooName = name;

      var exec2Name:QName;
      for each(name in getMemberNames(getInvocationCountTest)) {
          if(name.localName == "exec2")
          exec2Name = name;

      // execute get/set
      foo = "bar";

      trace(isGetterSetter(this, fooName));
      trace(getSetterInvocationCount(this, fooName) == 1);
      trace(getGetterInvocationCount(this, fooName) == 0);

      trace(getSetterInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, fooName) == 1);
      trace(getGetterInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, fooName) == 1);

      trace(getInvocationCount(this, execName) == 10);
      trace(getInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, execName) == 10);
      trace(getInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, exec2Name) == 10);
      trace(getInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, undefined) == 1);

      trace(getInvocationCount(undefined, new QName("", "trace")) == 9);
      trace(getInvocationCount(undefined, new QName("flash.utils", "getTimer")) == 2);
      trace(getInvocationCount(undefined, new QName("", "exec3")) == 10);


      private function exec():void {}
      private static function exec2():void {}

      private function get foo():String { return "fo"; }
      private function set foo(s:String) { }


public function getLexicalScopes(obj:Function):Array

Exposes the lexical scope of a Function so that captured scope objects (including activation objects and with scopes) are seen by the profiler as being retained by the Function instance.


obj:Function — A function

Array — An array containings all the lexical scope elements


public function getMasterString(str:String):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0

Returns the master string upon which this string depends, or null if this string does not depend on another string. For example, if you call String.substr(), the returned string will often actually be implemented as just a pointer into the original string, for the sake of efficiency. In normal usage, this is an implementation detail which is not visible to the user; however, it can be confusing when using a profiler to analyze your program's memory consumption, because the string may be shown as taking less memory than would be needed for the string's value. In addition, a string might be retained in memory solely because it is the master for other strings. getMasterString() allows profilers to show the user an accurate graph of string dependencies.


str:String — A string

String — The string upon which the passed-in string depends, or null if the passed-in string does not depend on another string


public function getMemberNames(o:Object, instanceNames:Boolean = false):Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns an object containing all members of a specified object, including private members. You can then iterate over the returned object to see all values. This method is similar to the flash.utils.describeType() method but also allows you to see private members and skips the intermediate step of creating an XML object. For Flash Player debugger version only.


o:Object — The object to analyze.
instanceNames:Boolean (default = false) — If object is a Class and instanceNames is true report the instance names as if o was an instance of class instead of the class's member names.

Object — An Object that you must iterate over with a for loop to retrieve the QNames for each property.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

The following example uses the getMemberNames() method to analyze an object and display the buttonMode, filters and dispatchEvent properties of its members, To use the memory profiler, you need to have Flash Player debugger version or later installed.
  import flash.sampler.*;
  import flash.system.*;
  import flash.display.Sprite;
  public class getMemberNamesTest extends Sprite
      public function getMemberNamesTest()
      var name_iter = getMemberNames(this);
      var o={};
      for each(var name:QName in name_iter) {
        o[name.localName] = "got it";

      name_iter = getMemberNames(this);
      var count=0;
      for(var dum in name_iter) {
      trace(count == 1);

      // my member
      trace("buttonMode" in o);
      // inherited member
      trace("filters" in o);
      // inherited function
      trace("dispatchEvent" in o);

      var name_iter = getMemberNames(getMemberNamesTest, true);
      var o={};
      for each(var name:QName in name_iter) {
        o[name.localName] = "got it";

      // my member
      trace("buttonMode" in o);
      // inherited member
      trace("filters" in o);
      // inherited function
      trace("dispatchEvent" in o);



public function getSampleCount():Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns the number of samples collected. For Flash Player debugger version only.

Number — An iterator of Sample instances.

Related API Elements


public function getSamples():Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns an object of memory usage Sample instances from the last sampling session. For Flash Player debugger version only.

Object — An iterator of Sample instances.

Related API Elements


public function getSavedThis(obj:Function):Object

Returns the saved "this" from a Method closure that you normal can't see from AS.


obj:Function — A MethodClosure instance

Object — An object that is the "this" of the MethodClosure


public function getSetterInvocationCount(obj:Object, qname:QName):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns the number of times a set function was executed. Use isGetterSetter() to verify that you have a get/set function before you use getSetterInvocationCount(). For Flash Player debugger version only.


obj:Object — A method instance or a class.
qname:QName — If qname is undefined return the number of iterations of the constructor function.

Number — The number of times a set method was executed.

Related API Elements


public function getSize(o:*):Number

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Returns the size in memory of a specified object when used with the Flash Player or later debugger version. If used with a Flash Player that is not the debugger version, this method returns 0.


o:* — The object to analyze for memory usage.

Number — The byte count of memory used by the specified object.

Example  ( How to use this example )

The following example uses startSampling() and pauseSampling to collect Sample objects. The example then iterates over the Sample objects for id values and sizes. After calling System.gc() to stop the current process, the example compares the deletedObjectSample objects to the original id values and displays their size. To use the memory profiler, you need to have Flash Player debugger version or later installed.
 package {
  import flash.sampler.*;
  import flash.system.*;
  import flash.display.Sprite;
  import flash.utils.Dictionary;
  public class deletedObjectSize extends Sprite {
    public function deletedObjectSize() {

      var obj = {};

      var id:Number;
      var sampleIter = getSamples();
      for each(var s:Sample in sampleIter) {
    id =;
      sampleIter = getSamples();
      var count=0;
      for(var dum in sampleIter) {
      trace(count == 1);

      var size:Number = getSize(obj);
      obj = undefined;


      // force DRC
      for(var i:int=0;i<1000;i++)
    new Object();

      var sampleIter = getSamples();
      for each(var s:Sample in sampleIter) {
    //    trace(s);
    if(s is DeleteObjectSample && == id) {
      trace(s.size == size);



public function isGetterSetter(obj:Object, qname:QName):Boolean

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Checks to see if a property is defined by a get/set function. If you want to use getInvocationCount() on a get/set function for a property, first call isGetterSetter() to check to see if it is a get/set function, and then use either getSetterInvocationCount or getGetterInvocationCount to get the respective counts. For Flash Player debugger version only.


obj:Object — A method instance or a class.
qname:QName — If qname is undefined return the number of iterations of the constructor function.

Boolean — A Boolean value indicating if the property is defined by a get/set function (true) or not (false).

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

  public function exec3() {}

  import flash.sampler.*;
  import flash.system.*;
  import flash.display.Sprite;
  import flash.utils.*;
  public class getInvocationCountTest extends Sprite
      public function getInvocationCountTest()
      for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)
      for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)
      for(var i:int=0;i<10;i++)

      // get exec QName
      var execName:QName;
          var name:QName;
      var fooName:QName;
      for each(name in getMemberNames(this)) {
          if(name.localName == "exec")
          execName = name;
          if(name.localName == "foo")
          fooName = name;

      var exec2Name:QName;
      for each(name in getMemberNames(getInvocationCountTest)) {
          if(name.localName == "exec2")
          exec2Name = name;

      // execute get/set
      foo = "bar";

      trace(isGetterSetter(this, fooName));
      trace(getSetterInvocationCount(this, fooName) == 1);
      trace(getGetterInvocationCount(this, fooName) == 0);

      trace(getSetterInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, fooName) == 1);
      trace(getGetterInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, fooName) == 1);

      trace(getInvocationCount(this, execName) == 10);
      trace(getInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, execName) == 10);
      trace(getInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, exec2Name) == 10);
      trace(getInvocationCount(getInvocationCountTest, undefined) == 1);

      trace(getInvocationCount(undefined, new QName("", "trace")) == 9);
      trace(getInvocationCount(undefined, new QName("flash.utils", "getTimer")) == 2);
      trace(getInvocationCount(undefined, new QName("", "exec3")) == 10);


      private function exec():void {}
      private static function exec2():void {}

      private function get foo():String { return "fo"; }
      private function set foo(s:String) { }


public function pauseSampling():void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Stops the sampling process momentarily. Restart the sampling process using startSampling(). For Flash Player debugger version only.

Related API Elements


public function sampleInternalAllocs(b:Boolean):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0

Tells the sampler if it should create NewObjectSamples for internal allocations from the flash player. If this is set to true, then every allocation will generate a NewObjectSample. These internal allocs will not have a type, or a reference to the Object. They will have the ActionScript stack trace that triggered the allocation. Defaults to false, which only collects allocations for ActionScript objects.




public function setSamplerCallback(f:Function):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0

Sets a callback function for the sampler - this function will be called when the sample stream is almost exhausted. This should be used to process samples before the sample buffer is filled. pauseSampling will be called before the callback is called, and startSampling will be called after the callback has been executed.




public function startSampling():void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Begins the process of collecting memory usage Sample objects. For Flash Player debugger version only.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

The following example initiates the sampling process and iterates over the collected objects. To use the memory profiler, you need to have Flash Player debugger version or later.
    import flash.sampler.*
    import flash.system.*
    import flash.display.Sprite
    public class startSampling extends Sprite
        public function startSampling()
            for(var i:int=0;i<1000;i++)
                new Object()
            trace(getSampleCount() > 0)


public function stopSampling():void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: AIR 1.0, Flash Player

Ends the process of collecting memory usage Sample objects and frees resources dedicated to the sampling process. You start the sampling process with startSampling(). For Flash Player debugger version only.

Related API Elements