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The flashx.textLayout.formats package contains classes used for representing text formatting in the Text Layout Framework.

 IListMarkerFormat This interface provides read access to ListMarkerFormat properties.
 ITabStopFormat This interface provides read access to tab stop-related properties.
 ITextLayoutFormat This interface provides read access to FlowElements-related properties.
 BackgroundColor Defines a constant for specifying that the value of the backgroundColor property of the TextLayoutFormat class is "transparent".
 BaselineOffset Defines values for the firstBaselineOffset property of the TextLayoutFormat and ContainerFormattedElement classes.
 BaselineShift Defines constants for specifying subscript or superscript in the baselineShift property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 BlockProgression Defines values for the blockProgression property of the TextLayouFormat class.
 ClearFloats Defines values for setting the clear property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 Direction Defines values for setting the direction property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 Float Defines values for the float property of the InlineGraphicElement class.
 FormatValue Defines values for specifying that a formatting property is to inherit its parent's value or have it's value generated automatically.
 JustificationRule Defines values for setting the justificationRule property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 LeadingModel Defines values for setting the leadingModel property of the TextLayoutFormat class, composed of valid combinations of leading basis and leading direction.
 LineBreak Defines values for setting the lineBreak property of TextLayoutFormat to specify how lines are broken within wrapping text.
 ListMarkerFormat Defines the marker format in a ListItemElement.
 ListStylePosition Defines values for setting the listStylePosition property.
 ListStyleType Defines values for setting the listStyleType property of a TextLayoutFormat object.
 Suffix Defines values for setting the suffix property of a ListMarkerFormat.
 TabStopFormat The TabStopFormat class represents the properties of a tab stop in a paragraph.
 TextAlign Defines values for setting the textAlign and textAlignLast properties of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 TextDecoration Defines values for the textDecoration property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 TextJustify Defines values for setting the textJustify property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 TextLayoutFormat The TextLayoutFormat class holds all of the text layout properties.
 TLFTypographicCase Defines values for the typographicCase property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 VerticalAlign Defines values for the verticalAlign property of the TextLayoutFormat class.
 WhiteSpaceCollapse Defines values for setting the whiteSpaceCollapse property of the TextLayoutFormat class.