ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The flashx.textLayout.operations package contains classes for editing operations applied to the text in the Text Layout Framework.

 ApplyElementIDOperation The ChangeElementIDOperation class encapsulates an element ID change.
 ApplyElementStyleNameOperation The ApplyElementStyleNameOperation class encapsulates a style name change.
 ApplyElementTypeNameOperation The ApplyElementTypeNameOperation class encapsulates a type name change.
 ApplyElementUserStyleOperation The ApplyElementUserStyleOperation class encapsulates a change in a style value of an element.
 ApplyFormatOperation The ApplyFormatOperation class encapsulates a style change.
 ApplyFormatToElementOperation The ApplyFormatToElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element.
 ApplyLinkOperation The ApplyLinkOperation class encapsulates a link creation or modification operation.
 ApplyTCYOperation The ApplyTCYOperation class encapsulates a TCY transformation.
 ClearFormatOnElementOperation The ClearFormatOnElementOperation class encapsulates a style change to an element.
 ClearFormatOperation The ClearFormatOperation class encapsulates a way to undefine formats.
 CompositeOperation The CompositeOperation class encapsulates a group of transformations managed as a unit.
 CopyOperation The CopyOperation class encapsulates a copy operation.
 CreateDivOperation The CreateDivOperation class encapsulates creating DivElement
 CreateListOperation The CreateListOperation class encapsulates creating list
 CreateSubParagraphGroupOperation The CreateSPGEOperation class encapsulates creating a SubPargraphGroupElement
 CutOperation The CutOperation class encapsulates a cut operation.
 DeleteTextOperation The DeleteTextOperation class encapsulates the deletion of a range of text.
 FlowElementOperation The FlowElementOperation class is the base class for operations that transform a FlowElement.
 FlowOperation The FlowOperation class is the base class for all Text Layout Framework operations.
 FlowTextOperation The FlowTextOperation is the base class for operations that transform a range of text.
 InsertInlineGraphicOperation The InsertInlineGraphicOperation class encapsulates the insertion of an inline graphic into a text flow.
 InsertTextOperation The InsertTextOperation class encapsulates a text insertion operation.
 ModifyInlineGraphicOperation The InsertInlineGraphicOperation class encapsulates the modification of an existing inline graphic.
 MoveChildrenOperation The MoveChildrenOperation class allows moving a set of siblings out of its immediate parent chain, and the operation removes any empty ancestor chain left behind.
 PasteOperation The PasteOperation class encapsulates a paste operation.
 RedoOperation The RedoOperation class encapsulates a redo operation.
 SplitElementOperation The SplitElementOperation class encapsulates a change that splits any FlowGroupElement into two elements.
 SplitParagraphOperation The SplitParagraphOperation class encapsulates a change that splits a paragraph into two elements.
 UndoOperation The UndoOperation class encapsulates an undo operation.