ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The lc.procmgmt.ui.layout package contains classes and components that represents the main Adobe Digital Enterprise Platform - Workspace user interface components. The classes in this package are useful for reusing entire parts of Workspace, such as the StartProcess component.

 DesktopThe Desktop component combines all the components available for Workspace.
 DesktopModel The DesktopModel class provides the model implementation for the Desktop component.
 HeaderPaneThe HeaderPane class provides layout for logos, links, preferences, and messages.
 HeaderPaneModel The HeaderPane class provides the model implementation for the HeaderPane component.
 ResourceContainer The ResourceContainer component provides support for displaying forms that are displayed in an HTML wrapper.
 WorkspaceThe Workspace component enables a user to navigate between the StartProcess, ToDo, and Tracking components.
 WorkspaceModel The WorkspaceModel class acts as the model for the Workspace component.