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LoadFromDocumentElement  - AS3 OSMF

Classpublic class LoadFromDocumentElement
InheritanceLoadFromDocumentElement Inheritance ProxyElement Inheritance MediaElement Inheritance EventDispatcher Inheritance Object
Subclasses F4MElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: OSMF 1.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

LoadFromDocumentElement is the base class for MediaElements that load documents that contain information about the real MediaElement to expose. For example, the contents of a SMIL document can be represented as a MediaElement, but until the SMIL document is loaded, it's impossible to know what MediaElement the SMIL document represents.

Because of the dynamic nature of this operation, a LoadFromDocumentElement extends ProxyElement. When the document has been loaded, this class will set the proxiedElement property to the MediaElement that was generated from the document.

This is an abstract base class, and must be subclassed.

Note: It is simplest to use the MediaPlayer class in conjunction with subclasses of the LoadFromDocumentElement. If you work directly with a LoadFromDocumentElement, then it's important to listen for events related to traits being added and removed. If you use the MediaPlayer class with a LoadFromDocumentElement, then the MediaPlayer will automatically listen for these events for you.

Related API Elements

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
 Inheritedcontainer : IMediaContainer
[read-only] The media container that this element uses.
 InheritedmetadataNamespaceURLs : Vector.<String>
[read-only] A Vector containing the namespace URLs for all Metadata objects stored within this MediaElement.
 InheritedproxiedElement : MediaElement
The MediaElement for which this ProxyElement serves as a proxy, or wrapper.
 Inheritedresource : MediaResourceBase
The media resource that this media element operates on.
 InheritedtraitTypes : Vector.<String>
[read-only] A Vector of MediaTraitType values representing the trait types on this media element.
Protected Properties
 PropertyDefined By
 InheritedblockedTraits : Vector.<String>
The set of MediaTraitTypes that this ProxyElement will block.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
LoadFromDocumentElement(resource:MediaResourceBase = null, loader:LoaderBase = null)
addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void
Registers an event listener object with an EventDispatcher object so that the listener receives notification of an event.
addMetadata(namespaceURL:String, metadata:Metadata):void
Adds a Metadata object to this MediaElement under the specified namespace URL.
Dispatches an event into the event flow.
Returns the Metadata object that is stored under this MediaElement with the specified namespace URL.
Returns the media trait of the specified type.
Checks whether the EventDispatcher object has any listeners registered for a specific type of event.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Determines whether this media element has a media trait of the specified type.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void
Removes a listener from the EventDispatcher object.
Removes the Metadata object that was stored under this MediaElement with the specified namespace URL.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Checks whether an event listener is registered with this EventDispatcher object or any of its ancestors for the specified event type.
Protected Methods
 MethodDefined By
Adds a new media trait to this media element.
Removes a media trait from this media element.
Sets up the traits for this media element.
 Event Summary Defined By
 Inherited[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application gains operating system focus and becomes active.EventDispatcher
 InheritedDispatched when the element's container property changed.MediaElement
 Inherited[broadcast event] Dispatched when the Flash Player or AIR application operating loses system focus and is becoming inactive.EventDispatcher
 InheritedDispatched when an error which impacts the operation of the media element occurs.MediaElement
 InheritedDispatched when a info which impacts the operation of the media element is available.MediaElement
 InheritedDispatched when a Metadata object has been added to this media element.MediaElement
 InheritedDispatched when a Metadata object has been removed from this media element.MediaElement
 InheritedDispatched when a trait is added to the media element.MediaElement
 InheritedDispatched when a trait is removed from the media element.MediaElement
Constructor Detail


public function LoadFromDocumentElement(resource:MediaResourceBase = null, loader:LoaderBase = null)

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Product Version: OSMF 1.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5


resource:MediaResourceBase (default = null) — The resource associated with this element.
loader:LoaderBase (default = null) — The LoaderBase used to load the resource. Cannot be null.

ArgumentError — If loader is null.