ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The package contains classes that support RTMP streaming.

 DroppedFramesRule DroppedFramesRule is a switching rule that switches down when frame drop crosses a certain threshold.
 InsufficientBandwidthRule InsufficientBandwidthRule is a switching rule that switches down when the bandwidth is insufficient for the current stream.
 InsufficientBufferRule InsufficientBufferRule is a switching rule that switches down when the buffer has insufficient data.
 RTMPDynamicStreamingNetLoader RTMPDynamicStreamingNetLoader is a NetLoader that provides dynamic stream switching functionality for RTMP streams.
 RTMPNetStreamMetrics RTMPNetStreamMetrics is a metrics provider for RTMP-based NetStreams.
 SufficientBandwidthRule SufficientBandwidthRule is a switching rule that switches up when the user has sufficient bandwidth to do so.