


package transport

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractTransportAdapter extends Transport with SchemeAugmenter

    An adapter that wraps a transport and provides interception

  2. abstract class AbstractTransportAdapterHandle extends AssociationHandle with SchemeAugmenter
  3. abstract class ActorTransportAdapter extends AbstractTransportAdapter
  4. abstract class ActorTransportAdapterManager extends Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics]
  5. class AkkaProtocolException extends AkkaException with OnlyCauseStackTrace
  6. trait AssociationHandle extends AnyRef

    An SPI layer for abstracting over logical links (associations) created by a akka.remote.transport.Transport.

    An SPI layer for abstracting over logical links (associations) created by a akka.remote.transport.Transport. Handles are responsible for providing an API for sending and receiving from the underlying channel.

    To register a listener for processing incoming payload data, the listener must be registered by completing the Promise returned by akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle#readHandlerPromise. Incoming data is not processed until this registration takes place.

  7. final case class FailureInjectorException(msg: String) extends AkkaException with NoStackTrace with Product with Serializable
  8. class FailureInjectorProvider extends TransportAdapterProvider
  9. final case class HandshakeInfo(origin: Address, uid: Int, cookie: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. trait SchemeAugmenter extends AnyRef
  11. final case class TestAssociationHandle(localAddress: Address, remoteAddress: Address, transport: TestTransport, inbound: Boolean) extends AssociationHandle with Product with Serializable
  12. class TestTransport extends Transport

    Transport implementation to be used for testing.

    Transport implementation to be used for testing.

    The TestTransport is basically a shared memory between actor systems. The TestTransport could be programmed to emulate different failure modes of a Transport implementation. TestTransport keeps a log of the activities it was requested to do. This class is not optimized for performance and MUST not be used as an in-memory transport in production systems.

  13. class ThrottlerProvider extends TransportAdapterProvider
  14. class ThrottlerTransportAdapter extends ActorTransportAdapter
  15. trait Transport extends AnyRef

    An SPI layer for implementing asynchronous transport mechanisms.

    An SPI layer for implementing asynchronous transport mechanisms. The Transport is responsible for initializing the underlying transmission mechanism and setting up logical links between transport entities.

    Transport implementations that are loaded dynamically by the remoting must have a constructor that accepts a com.typesafe.config.Config and an akka.actor.ExtendedActorSystem as parameters.

  16. trait TransportAdapterProvider extends AnyRef
  17. class TransportAdapters extends Extension