
Overview for layout

The layout package provides utilities to build responsive UIs that react to screen-size changes.

BreakpointObserver is a utility for evaluating media queries and reacting to their changing.

The isMatched method is used to evaluate one or more media queries against the current viewport size.

const isSmallScreen = breakpointObserver.isMatched('(max-width: 599px)');

The observe method is used to get an observable stream that will emit whenever one of the given media queries would have a different result.

const layoutChanges = breakpointObserver.observe([
  '(orientation: portrait)',
  '(orientation: landscape)',

layoutChanges.subscribe(result => {

A set of default media queries are available corresponding to breakpoints for different device types.

import {BreakpointObserver, Breakpoints} from '@angular/cdk/layout';

class MyComponent {
  constructor(breakpointObserver: BreakpointObserver) {
    ]).subscribe(result => {
      if (result.matches) {

The built-in breakpoints based on Google's Material Design specification. The available values are:

  • Handset
  • Tablet
  • Web
  • HandsetPortrait
  • TabletPortrait
  • WebPortrait
  • HandsetLandscape
  • TabletLandscape
  • WebLandscape

MediaMatcher is a lower-level utility that wraps the native matchMedia. This service normalizes browser differences and serves as a convenient API that can be replaced with a fake in unit tests. The matchMedia method can be used to get a native MediaQueryList.

class MyComponent {
  constructor(mediaMatcher: MediaMatcher) {
    const mediaQueryList = mediaMatcher.matchMedia('(min-width: 1px)');