This is the archived documentation for Angular v5. Please visit to see documentation for the current version of Angular.


npm Package @angular/animations
Module import { AnimationPlayer } from '@angular/animations';
Source animations/src/players/animation_player.ts

Interface Overview

      interface AnimationPlayer { 
  onDone(fn: () => void): void
  onStart(fn: () => void): void
  onDestroy(fn: () => void): void
  init(): void
  hasStarted(): boolean
  play(): void
  pause(): void
  restart(): void
  finish(): void
  destroy(): void
  reset(): void
  setPosition(p: any): void
  getPosition(): number
  parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer | null
  get totalTime: number
  beforeDestroy?: () => any
  triggerCallback?: (phaseName: string) => void


AnimationPlayer controls an animation sequence that was produced from a programmatic animation. (see AnimationBuilder for more information on how to create programmatic animations.)

Class Implementations


      onDone(fn: () => void): void

      onStart(fn: () => void): void

      onDestroy(fn: () => void): void

      init(): void

      hasStarted(): boolean

      play(): void

      pause(): void

      restart(): void

      finish(): void

      destroy(): void

      reset(): void

      setPosition(p: any): void

      getPosition(): number

      parentPlayer: AnimationPlayer | null

      get totalTime: number

      beforeDestroy?: () => any

      triggerCallback?: (phaseName: string) => void