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Component Router

This guide describes the new Component Router for AngularJS 1.5.

If you are looking for information about the old router for AngularJS 1.4 and earlier have a look at the ngRoute module. If you are looking for information about the Component Router for Angular 2 then check out the Angular 2 Router Guide.


Here is a table of the main concepts used in the Component Router.

Concept Description
Router Displays the Routing Components for the active Route. Manages navigation from one component to the next.
RootRouter The top level Router that interacts with the current URL location
RouteConfig Configures a Router with RouteDefinitions, each mapping a URL path to a component.
Routing Component An Angular component with a RouteConfig and an associated Router.
RouteDefinition Defines how the router should navigate to a component based on a URL pattern.
ngOutlet The directive (<ng-outlet>) that marks where the router should display a view.
ngLink The directive (ng-link="...") for binding a clickable HTML element to a route, via a Link Paramaters Array.
Link Parameters Array An array that the router inteprets into a routing instruction. We can bind a RouterLink to that array or pass the array as an argument to the Router.navigate method.

Component-based Applications

It is recommended to develop AngularJS applications as a hierarchy of Components. Each Component is an isolated part of the application, which is responsible for its own user interface and has a well defined programmatic interface to the Component that contains it. Take a look at the component guide for more information.

Component Based Architecture

URLs and Navigation

In most applications, users navigate from one view to the next as they perform application tasks. The browser provides a familiar model of application navigation. We enter a URL in the address bar or click on a link and the browser navigates to a new page. We click the browser's back and forward buttons and the browser navigates backward and forward through the history of pages we've seen.

We understand that each view corresponds to a particular URL. In a Component-based application, each of these views is implemented by one or more Components.

Component Routes

How do we choose which Components to display given a particular URL?

When using the Component Router, each Component in the application can have a Router associated with it. This Router contains a mapping of URL segments to child Components.

$routeConfig: [
  { path: '/a/b/c', component: 'someComponent' }, ...

This means that for a given URL the Router will render an associated child Component.


How do we know where to render a child Component?

Each Routing Component, needs to have a template that contains one or more Outlets, which is where its child Components are rendered. We specify the Outlet in the template using the <ng-outlet> directive.


In the future ng-outlet will be able to render different child Components for a given Route by specifying a name attribute.

Root Router and Component

How does the Component Router know which Component to render first?

All Component Router applications must contain a top level Routing Component, which is associated with a top level Root Router.

The Root Router is the starting point for all navigation. You can access this Router by injecting the $rootRouter service.

We define the top level Root Component by providing a value for the $routerRootComponent service.

myModule.value('$routerRootComponent', 'myApp');

Here we have specified that the Root Component is the component directive with the name myApp.

Remember to instantiate this Root Component in our index.html file.


Route Matching

When we navigate to any given URL, the $rootRouter matches its Route Config against the URL. If a Route Definition in the Route Config recognizes a part of the URL then the Component associated with the Route Definition is instantiated and rendered in the Outlet.

If the new Component contains routes of its own then a new Router (ChildRouter) is created for this Routing Component.

The ChildRouter for the new Routing Component then attempts to match its Route Config against the parts of the URL that have not already been matched by the previous Router.

This process continues until we run out of Routing Components or consume the entire URL.

Routed Components

In the previous diagram, we can see that the URL /heros/4 has been matched against the App, Heroes and HeroDetail Routing Components. The Routers for each of the Routing Components consumed a part of the URL: "/", "/heroes" and "/4" respectively.

The result is that we end up with a hierarchy of Routing Components rendered in Outlets, via the ngOutlet directive, in each Routing Component's template, as you can see in the following diagram.

Component Hierarchy

Example Heroes App

You can see the complete application running below.

<h1 class="title">Component Router</h1>

<!-- Load up the router library - normally you might use npm and host it locally -->
<script src=""></script>

Getting Started

In the following sections we will step through building this application. The finished application has views to display list and detail views of Heroes and Crises.

Install the libraries

It is easier to use npm to install the Component Router module. For this guide we will also install AngularJS itself via npm:

npm init
npm install@1.5.x angular --save
npm install @angular/router --save

Load the scripts

Just like any Angular application, we load the JavaScript files into our index.html:

<script src="/node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/@angular/router/angular1/angular_1_router.js"></script>
<script src="/app/app.js"></script>

Create the app module

In the app.js file, create the main application module app which depends on the ngComponentRouter module, which is provided by the Component Router script.

angular.module('app', ['ngComponentRouter'])

We must choose what Location Mode the Router should use. We are going to use HTML5 mode locations, so that we will not have hash-based paths. We must rely on the browser to provide pushState support, which is true for most modern browsers. See $locationProvider for more information.

Using HTML5 mode means that we can have clean URLs for our application routes. However, HTML5 mode does require that our web server, which hosts the application, understands that it must respond with the index.html file for requests to URLs that represent all our application routes. We are going to use the lite-server web server to do this for us.
.config(function($locationProvider) {

Configure the top level routed App Component.

.value('$routerRootComponent', 'app')

Create a very simple App Component to test that the application is working.

We are using the Angular 1.5 .component() helper method to create all the Components in our application. It is perfectly suited to this task.

.component('app', {
  template: 'It worked!'

Add a <base> element to the head of our index.html. Remember that we have chosen to use HTML5 mode for the $location service. This means that our HTML must have a base URL.

<base href="/">

Bootstrap AngularJS

Bootstrap the Angular application and add the top level App Component.

<body ng-app="app">
  <h1 class="title">Component Router</h1>

Implementing the AppComponent

In the previous section we have created a single top level App Component. Let's now create some more Routing Components and wire up Route Config for those. We start with a Heroes Feature, which will display one of two views.

Heroes List View

Heroes List View

We are going to have a Heroes Component for the Heroes feature of our application, and then HeroList and HeroDetail Components that will actually display the two different views.

App Component

Configure the App Component with a template and Route Config:

.component('app', {
    '<nav>\n' +
    '  <a>Crisis Center</a>\n' +
    '  <a ng-link="[\'Heroes\']">Heroes</a>\n' +
    '</nav>\n' +
  $routeConfig: [
    {path: '/heroes/...', name: 'Heroes', component: 'heroes'},

The App Component has an <ng-outlet> directive in its template. This is where the child Components of this view will be rendered.

We have used the ng-link directive to create a link to navigate to the Heroes Component. By using this directive we don't need to know what the actual URL will be. We can let the Router generate that for us.

We have included a link to the Crisis Center but have not included the ng-link directive as we have not yet implemented the CrisisCenter component.

Non-terminal Routes

We need to tell the Router that the Heroes Route Definition is non-terminal, that it should continue to match Routes in its child Components. We do this by adding a continuation ellipsis (...) to the path of the Heroes Route, /heroes/.... Without the continuation ellipsis the HeroList Route will never be matched because the Router will stop at the Heroes Routing Component and not try to match the rest of the URL.

Heroes Feature

Now we can implement our Heroes Feature which consists of three Components: Heroes, HeroList and HeroDetail. The Heroes Routing Component simply provides a template containing the ngOutlet directive and a Route Config that defines a set of child Routes which delegate through to the HeroList and HeroDetail Components.


Create a new file heroes.js, which defines a new Angular module for the Components of this feature and registers the Heroes Component.

angular.module('heroes', [])
.component('heroes', {
  template: '<h2>Heroes</h2><ng-outlet></ng-outlet>',
  $routeConfig: [
    {path: '/',    name: 'HeroList',   component: 'heroList', useAsDefault: true},
    {path: '/:id', name: 'HeroDetail', component: 'heroDetail'}

Remember to load this file in the index.html:

<script src="/app/heroes.js"></script>

and also to add the module as a dependency of the app module:

angular.module('app', ['ngComponentRouter', 'heroes'])

Use As Default

The useAsDefault property on the HeroList Route Definition, indicates that if no other Route Definition matches the URL, then this Route Definition should be used by default.

Route Parameters

The HeroDetail Route has a named parameter (id), indicated by prefixing the URL segment with a colon, as part of its path property. The Router will match anything in this segment and make that value available to the HeroDetail Component.

Terminal Routes

Both the Routes in the HeroesComponent are terminal, i.e. their routes do not end with .... This is because the HeroList and HeroDetail will not contain any child routes.

Route Names

What is the difference between the name and component properties on a Route Definition?

The component property in a Route Definition defines the Component directive that will be rendered into the DOM via the Outlet. For example the heroDetail Component will be rendered into the page where the <ng-outlet></ng-outlet> lives as `.

The name property is used to reference the Route Definition when generating URLs or navigating to Routes. For example this link will <a ng-link="['Heroes']">Heroes</a> navigate the Route Definition that has the name property of "Heroes".

HeroList Component

The HeroList Component is the first component in the application that actually contains significant functionality. It loads up a list of heroes from a heroService and displays them using ng-repeat. Add it to the heroes.js file:

.component('heroList', {
    '<div ng-repeat="hero in $ctrl.heroes">\n' +
      '<a ng-link="[\'HeroDetail\', {id:}]">{{}}</a>\n' +
  controller: HeroListComponent

The ng-link directive creates links to a more detailed view of each hero, via the expression ['HeroDetail', {id:}]. This expression is an array describing what Routes to use to generate the link. The first item is the name of the HeroDetail Route Definition and the second is a parameter object that will be available to the HeroDetail Component.

The HeroDetail section below explains how to get hold of the id parameter of the HeroDetail Route.

The template iterates through each hero object of the array in the $ctrl.heroes property.

Remember that the module.component() helper automatically provides the Component's Controller as the $ctrl property on the scope of the template.


Our HeroService simulates requesting a list of heroes from a server. In a real application this would be making an actual server request, perhaps over HTTP.

function HeroService($q) {
  var heroesPromise = $q.when([
    { id: 11, name: 'Mr. Nice' },

  this.getHeroes = function() {
    return heroesPromise;

  this.getHero = function(id) {
    return heroesPromise.then(function(heroes) {
      for(var i=0; i<heroes.length; i++) {
        if ( heroes[i].id == id) return heroes[i];

Note that both the getHeroes() and getHero(id) methods return a promise for the data. This is because in real-life we would have to wait for the server to respond with the data.

Router Lifecycle Hooks

How do I know when my Component is active?

To deal with initialization and tidy up of Components that are rendered by a Router, we can implement one or more Lifecycle Hooks on the Component. These will be called at well defined points in the lifecycle of the Component.

The Lifecycle Hooks that can be implemented as instance methods on the Component are as follows:

We can also provide an Injectable function ($routerCanActivate) on the Component Definition Object, or as a static method on the Component, that will determine whether this Component is allowed to be activated. If any of the $routerCan... methods return false or a promise that resolves to false, the navigation will be cancelled.

For our HeroList Component we want to load up the list of heroes when the Component is activated. So we implement the $routerOnActivate() instance method.

function HeroListComponent(heroService) {
  var $ctrl = this;
  this.$routerOnActivate = function() {
    return heroService.getHeroes().then(function(heroes) {
      $ctrl.heroes = heroes;

Running the application should update the browser's location to /heroes and display the list of heroes returned from the heroService.

By returning a promise for the list of heroes from $routerOnActivate() we can delay the activation of the Route until the heroes have arrived successfully. This is similar to how a resolve works in ngRoute.

Route Parameters

How do I access parameters for the current route?

The HeroDetailComponent displays details of an individual hero. The id of the hero to display is passed as part of the URL, for example /heroes/12.

The Router parses the id from the URL when it recognizes the Route Definition and provides it to the Component as part of the parameters of the $routerOnActivate() hook.

function HeroDetailComponent(heroService) {
var $ctrl = this;

this.$routerOnActivate = function(next, previous) {
  // Get the hero identified by the route parameter
  var id =;
  return heroService.getHero(id).then(function(hero) {
    $ctrl.hero = hero;

The $routerOnActivate(next, previous) hook receives two parameters, which hold the next and previous Instruction objects for the Route that is being activated.

These parameters have a property called params which will hold the id parameter extracted from the URL by the Router. In this code it is used to identify a specific Hero to retrieve from the heroService. This hero is then attached to the Component so that it can be accessed in the template.

Access to the Current Router

How do I get hold of the current router for my component?

Each component has its own Router. Unlike in Angular 2, we cannot use the dependency injector to get hold of a component's Router. We can only inject the $rootRouter. Instead we use the fact that the ng-outlet directive binds the current router to a $router attribute on our component.

<ng-outlet><hero-detail $router="$$router"></hero-detail></ng-outlet>

We can then specify a bindings property on our component definition to bind the current router to our component:

bindings: { $router: '<' }

This sets up a one-way binding of the current Router to the $router property of our Component. The binding is available once the component has been activated, and the $routerOnActivate hook is called.

As you might know from reading the component guide, the binding is actually available by the time the $onInit hook is called, which is before the call to $routerOnActivate.


The HeroDetailComponent displays a form that allows the Hero to be modified.

.component('heroDetail', {
    '<div ng-if="$ctrl.hero">\n' +
    '  <h3>"{{$}}"</h3>\n' +
    '  <div>\n' +
    '    <label>Id: </label>{{$}}</div>\n' +
    '  <div>\n' +
    '    <label>Name: </label>\n' +
    '    <input ng-model="$" placeholder="name"/>\n' +
    '  </div>\n' +
    '  <button ng-click="$ctrl.gotoHeroes()">Back</button>\n' +
  bindings: { $router: '<' },
  controller: HeroDetailComponent

The template contains a button to navigate back to the HeroList. We could have styled an anchor to look like a button and used `ng-link="['HeroList']" but here we demonstrate programmatic navigation via the Router itself, which was made available by the binding in the Component Definition Object.

function HeroDetailComponent(heroService) {
this.gotoHeroes = function() {
  var heroId = this.hero &&;

Here we are asking the Router to navigate to a route defined by ['HeroList']. This is the same kind of array used by the ng-link directive.

Other options for generating this navigation are:

Absolute vs Relative Navigation

Why not use $rootRouter to do the navigation?

Instead of binding to the current Router, we can inject the $rootRouter into our Component and use that: $rootRouter.navigate(...).

The trouble with doing this is that navigation is always relative to the Router. So in order to navigate to the HeroListComponent with the $rootRouter, we would have to provide a complete path of Routes: ['App','Heroes','HeroList'].

Extra Parameters

We can also pass additional optional parameters to routes, which get encoded into the URL and are again available to the $routerOnActivate(next, previous) hook. If we pass the current id from the HeroDetailComponent back to the HeroListComponent we can use it to highlight the previously selected hero.

this.gotoHeroes = function() {
  var heroId = this.hero &&;
  this.$router.navigate(['HeroList', {id: heroId}]);

Then in the HeroList component we can extract this id in the $routerOnActivate() hook.

function HeroListComponent(heroService) {
  var selectedId = null;
  var $ctrl = this;

  this.$routerOnActivate = function(next) {
    heroService.getHeroes().then(function(heroes) {
      $ctrl.heroes = heroes;
      selectedId =;

  this.isSelected = function(hero) {
    return ( == selectedId);

Finally, we can use this information to higlight the current hero in the template.

<div ng-repeat="hero in $ctrl.heroes"
       ng-class="{ selected: $ctrl.isSelected(hero) }">
  <a ng-link="['HeroDetail', {id:}]">{{}}</a>

Crisis Center

Let's implement the Crisis Center feature, which displays a list if crises that need to be dealt with by a hero. The detailed crisis view has an additional feature where it blocks you from navigating if you have not saved changes to the crisis being edited.

Crisis List View

Crisis Detail View

Crisis Feature

This feature is very similar to the Heroes feature. It contains the following Components:

CrisisService and CrisisListComponent are basically the same as HeroService and HeroListComponent respectively.

How do I prevent navigation from occurring?

Each Component can provide the $canActivate and $routerCanDeactivate Lifecycle Hooks. The $routerCanDeactivate hook is an instance method on the Component. The $canActivate hook is used as a static method defined on the Component Definition Object.

The Router will call these hooks to control navigation from one Route to another. Each of these hooks can return a boolean or a Promise that will resolve to a boolean.

During a navigation, some Components will become inactive and some will become active. Before the navigation can complete, all the Components must agree that they can be deactivated or activated, respectively.

The Router will call the $routerCanDeactivate and $canActivate hooks, if they are provided. If any of the hooks resolve to false then the navigation is cancelled.

Dialog Box Service

We can implement a very simple dialog box that will prompt the user whether they are happy to lose changes they have made. The result of the prompt is a promise that can be used in a $routerCanDeactivate hook.

.service('dialogService', DialogService);

function DialogService($q) {
  this.confirm = function(message) {
    return $q.when(window.confirm(message || 'Is it OK?'));


We put the template into its own file by using a templateUrl property in the Component Definition Object:

.component('crisisDetail', {
  templateUrl: 'app/crisisDetail.html',
  bindings: { $router: '<' },
  controller: CrisisDetailComponent

In the $routerOnActivate hook, we make a local copy of the property to compare with the original value so that we can determine whether the name has changed.

this.$routerOnActivate = function(next) {
  // Get the crisis identified by the route parameter
  var id =;
  crisisService.getCrisis(id).then(function(crisis) {
    if (crisis) {
      ctrl.editName =;  // Make a copy of the crisis name for editing
      ctrl.crisis = crisis;
    } else { // id not found

In the $routerCanDeactivate we check whether the name has been modified and ask whether the user wishes to discard the changes.

this.$routerCanDeactivate = function() {
  // Allow synchronous navigation (`true`) if no crisis or the crisis is unchanged.
  if (!this.crisis || === this.editName) {
    return true;
  // Otherwise ask the user with the dialog service and return its
  // promise which resolves to true or false when the user decides
  return dialogService.confirm('Discard changes?');

You can test this check by navigating to a crisis detail page, modifying the name and then either pressing the browser's back button to navigate back to the previous page, or by clicking on one of the links to the Crisis Center or Heroes features.

The Save and Cancel buttons update the editName and/or properties before navigating to prevent the $routerCanDeactivate hook from displaying the dialog box.


This guide has given an overview of the features of the Component Router and how to implement a simple application.