Bitcoin Core APIs

Hash Byte Order

Bitcoin Core RPCs accept and return the byte-wise reverse of computed SHA-256 hash values. For example, the Unix sha256sum command displays the SHA256(SHA256()) hash of mainnet block 300,000’s header as:

> /bin/echo -n '020000007ef055e1674d2e6551dba41cd214debbee34aeb544c7ec670000000000000000d3998963f80c5bab43fe8c26228e98d030edf4dcbe48a666f5c39e2d7a885c9102c86d536c890019593a470d' | xxd -r -p | sha256sum -b | xxd -r -p | sha256sum -b

The result above is also how the hash appears in the previous-header-hash part of block 300,001’s header:


However, Bitcoin Core’s RPCs use the byte-wise reverse for hashes, so if you want to get information about block 300,000 using the getblock RPC, you need to reverse the requested hash:

> bitcoin-cli getblock \

(Note: hex representation uses two characters to display each byte of data, which is why the reversed string looks somewhat mangled.)

The rationale for the reversal is unknown, but it likely stems from Bitcoin Core’s use of hashes (which are byte arrays in C++) as integers for the purpose of determining whether the hash is below the network target. Whatever the reason for reversing header hashes, the reversal also extends to other hashes used in RPCs, such as TXIDs and merkle roots.

As header hashes and TXIDs are widely used as global identifiers in other Bitcoin software, this reversal of hashes has become the standard way to refer to certain objects. The table below should make clear where each byte order is used.

Data Internal Byte Order RPC Byte Order
Example: SHA256(SHA256(0x00)) Hash: 1406…539a Hash: 9a53…0614
Header Hashes: SHA256(SHA256(block header)) Used when constructing block headers Used by RPCs such as getblock; widely used in block explorers
Merkle Roots: SHA256(SHA256(TXIDs and merkle rows)) Used when constructing block headers Returned by RPCs such as getblock
TXIDs: SHA256(SHA256(transaction)) Used in transaction inputs Used by RPCs such as gettransaction and transaction data parts of getblock; widely used in wallet programs
P2PKH Hashes: RIPEMD160(SHA256(pubkey)) Used in both addresses and pubkey scripts N/A: RPCs use addresses which use internal byte order
P2SH Hashes: RIPEMD160(SHA256(redeem script)) Used in both addresses and pubkey scripts N/A: RPCs use addresses which use internal byte order

Note: RPCs which return raw results, such as getrawtransaction or the raw mode of getblock, always display hashes as they appear in blocks (internal byte order).

The code below may help you check byte order by generating hashes from raw hex.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from sys import byteorder
from hashlib import sha256

## You can put in $data an 80-byte block header to get its header hash,
## or a raw transaction to get its txid
data = "00".decode("hex")
hash = sha256(sha256(data).digest()).digest()

print "Warning: this code only tested on a little-endian x86_64 arch"
print "System byte order:", byteorder
print "Internal-Byte-Order Hash: ", hash.encode('hex_codec')
print "RPC-Byte-Order Hash:      ", hash[::-1].encode('hex_codec')

Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)

Bitcoin Core provides a remote procedure call (RPC) interface for various administrative tasks, wallet operations, and queries about network and block chain data.

If you start Bitcoin Core using bitcoin-qt, the RPC interface is disabled by default. To enable it, set server=1 in bitcoin.conf or supply the -server argument when invoking the program. If you start Bitcoin Core using bitcoind, the RPC interface is enabled by default.

The interface requires the user to provide a password for authenticating RPC requests. This password can be set either using the rpcpassword property in bitcoin.conf or by supplying the -rpcpassword program argument. Optionally a username can be set using the rpcuser configuration value. See the Examples Page for more information about setting Bitcoin Core configuration values.

Open-source client libraries for the RPC interface are readily available in most modern programming languages, so you probably don’t need to write your own from scratch. Bitcoin Core also ships with its own compiled C++ RPC client, bitcoin-cli, located in the bin directory alongside bitcoind and bitcoin-qt. The bitcoin-cli program can be used as a command-line interface (CLI) to Bitcoin Core or for making RPC calls from applications written in languages lacking a suitable native client. The remainder of this section describes the Bitcoin Core RPC protocol in detail.

The Bitcoin Core RPC service listens for HTTP POST requests on port 8332 in mainnet mode or 18332 in testnet or regtest mode. The port number can be changed by setting rpcport in bitcoin.conf. By default the RPC service binds to your server’s localhost loopback network interface so it’s not accessible from other servers. Authentication is implemented using HTTP basic authentication. RPC HTTP requests must include a Content-Type header set to text/plain and a Content-Length header set to the size of the request body.

The format of the request body and response data is based on version 1.0 of the JSON-RPC specification. Specifically, the HTTP POST data of a request must be a JSON object with the following format:

Name Type Presence Description
Request object Required
(exactly 1)
The JSON-RPC request object

number (real) Optional
(0 or 1)
Version indicator for the JSON-RPC request. Currently ignored by Bitcoin Core.

string Optional
(0 or 1)
An arbitrary string that will be returned with the response. May be omitted or set to an empty string (“”)

string Required
(exactly 1)
The RPC method name (e.g. getblock). See the RPC section for a list of available methods.

array Optional
(0 or 1)
An array containing positional parameter values for the RPC. May be an empty array or omitted for RPC calls that don’t have any required parameters.
→ →
any Optional
(0 or more)
A parameter. May be any JSON type allowed by the particular RPC method

In the table above and in other tables describing RPC input and output, we use the following conventions

The HTTP response data for a RPC request is a JSON object with the following format:

Name Type Presence Description
Response object Required
(exactly 1)
The JSON-RPC response object.

any Required
(exactly 1)
The RPC output whose type varies by call. Has value null if an error occurred.

null/object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the error if one occurred, otherwise null.
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The error code returned by the RPC function call. See rpcprotocol.h for a full list of error codes and their meanings.
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
A text description of the error. May be an empty string (“”).

string Required
(exactly 1)
The value of id provided with the request. Has value null if the id field was omitted in the request.

As an example, here is the JSON-RPC request object for the hash of the genesis block:

    "method": "getblockhash",
    "params": [0],
    "id": "foo"

The command to send this request using bitcoin-cli is:

bitcoin-cli getblockhash 0

Alternatively, we could POST this request using the cURL command-line program as follows:

curl --user ':my_secret_password' --data-binary '''
      "method": "getblockhash",
      "params": [0],
      "id": "foo"
  }''' \
  --header 'Content-Type: text/plain;' localhost:8332

The HTTP response data for this request would be:

    "result": "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f",
    "error": null,
    "id": "foo"

Note: In order to minimize its size, the raw JSON response from Bitcoin Core doesn’t include any extraneous whitespace characters. Here we’ve added whitespace to make the object more readable. Speaking of which, bitcoin-cli also transforms the raw response to make it more human-readable. It:

Continuing with the example above, the output from the bitcoin-cli command would be simply:


If there’s an error processing a request, Bitcoin Core sets the result field to null and provides information about the error in the error field. For example, a request for the block hash at block height -1 would be met with the following response (again, whitespace added for clarity):

    "result": null,
    "error": {
        "code": -8,
        "message": "Block height out of range"
    "id": "foo"

If bitcoin-cli encounters an error, it exits with a non-zero status code and outputs the error field as text to the process’s standard error stream:

error: {"code": -8, "message": "Block height out of range"}

Starting in Bitcoin Core version 0.7.0, the RPC interface supports request batching as described in version 2.0 of the JSON-RPC specification. To initiate multiple RPC requests within a single HTTP request, a client can POST a JSON array filled with Request objects. The HTTP response data is then a JSON array filled with the corresponding Response objects. Depending on your usage pattern, request batching may provide significant performance gains. The bitcoin-cli RPC client does not support batch requests.

To keep this documentation compact and readable, the examples for each of the available RPC calls will be given as bitcoin-cli commands:

bitcoin-cli [options] <method name> <param1> <param2> ...

This translates into an JSON-RPC Request object of the form:

    "method": "<method name>",
    "params": [ "<param1>", "<param2>", "..." ],
    "id": "foo"

Warning icon Warning: if you write programs using the JSON-RPC interface, you must ensure they handle high-precision real numbers correctly. See the Proper Money Handling Bitcoin Wiki article for details and example code.

Quick Reference

Block Chain RPCs

Control RPCs

Generating RPCs

Mining RPCs

Network RPCs

Raw Transaction RPCs

Utility RPCs

Wallet RPCs

Note: the wallet RPCs are only available if Bitcoin Core was built with wallet support, which is the default.

Removed RPCs


Warning icon Warning: the block chain and memory pool can include arbitrary data which several of the commands below will return in hex format. If you convert this data to another format in an executable context, it could be used in an exploit. For example, displaying a pubkey script as ASCII text in a webpage could add arbitrary Javascript to that page and create a cross-site scripting (XSS) exploit. To avoid problems, please treat block chain and memory pool data as an arbitrary input from an untrusted source.


Requires wallet support.

The addmultisigaddress RPC adds a P2SH multisig address to the wallet.

Parameter #1—the number of signatures required

Name Type Presence Description
Required number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The minimum (m) number of signatures required to spend this m-of-n multisig script

Parameter #2—the full public keys, or addresses for known public keys

Name Type Presence Description
Keys Or Addresses array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of strings with each string being a public key or address

Key Or Address
string Required
(1 or more)
A public key against which signatures will be checked. Alternatively, this may be a P2PKH address belonging to the wallet—the corresponding public key will be substituted. There must be at least as many keys as specified by the Required parameter, and there may be more keys

Parameter #3—the account name

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Optional
(0 or 1)
The account name in which the address should be stored. Default is the default account, “” (an empty string)

Result—a P2SH address printed and stored in the wallet

Name Type Presence Description
result string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2SH multisig address. The address will also be added to the wallet, and outputs paying that address will be tracked by the wallet

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Adding a 2-of-3 P2SH multisig address to the “test account” by mixing two P2PKH addresses and one full public key:

bitcoin-cli -testnet addmultisigaddress \
  2 \
  ''' \
  'test account'



(New P2SH multisig address also stored in wallet.)

See also


The addnode RPC attempts to add or remove a node from the addnode list, or to try a connection to a node once.

Parameter #1—hostname/IP address and port of node to add or remove

Name Type Presence Description
Node string Required
(exactly 1)
The node to add as a string in the form of <IP address>:<port>. The IP address may be a hostname resolvable through DNS, an IPv4 address, an IPv4-as-IPv6 address, or an IPv6 address

Parameter #2—whether to add or remove the node, or to try only once to connect

Name Type Presence Description
Command string Required
(exactly 1)
What to do with the IP address above. Options are:
add to add a node to the addnode list. This will not connect immediately if the outgoing connection slots are full
remove to remove a node from the list. If currently connected, this will disconnect immediately
onetry to immediately attempt connection to the node even if the outgoing connection slots are full; this will only attempt the connection once

Result—null plus error on failed remove

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always JSON null whether the node was added, removed, tried-and-connected, or tried-and-not-connected. The JSON-RPC error field will be set only if you try removing a node that is not on the addnodes list

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Try connecting to the following node.

bitcoin-cli -testnet addnode onetry

Result (no output from bitcoin-cli because result is set to null).

See also


Requires wallet support.

The backupwallet RPC safely copies wallet.dat to the specified file, which can be a directory or a path with filename.

Parameter #1—destination directory or filename

Name Type Presence Description
Destination string Required
(exactly 1)
A filename or directory name. If a filename, it will be created or overwritten. If a directory name, the file wallet.dat will be created or overwritten within that directory

Result—null or error

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always null whether success or failure. The JSON-RPC error and message fields will be set if a failure occurred

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet backupwallet /tmp/backup.dat

See also


The createmultisig RPC creates a P2SH multi-signature address.

Parameter #1—the number of signatures required

Name Type Presence Description
Required number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The minimum (m) number of signatures required to spend this m-of-n multisig script

Parameter #2—the full public keys, or addresses for known public keys

Name Type Presence Description
Keys Or Addresses array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of strings with each string being a public key or address

Key Or Address
string Required
(1 or more)
A public key against which signatures will be checked. If wallet support is enabled, this may be a P2PKH address belonging to the wallet—the corresponding public key will be substituted. There must be at least as many keys as specified by the Required parameter, and there may be more keys

Result—P2SH address and hex-encoded redeem script

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the multisig address

string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2SH address for this multisig redeem script

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The multisig redeem script encoded as hex

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Creating a 2-of-3 P2SH multisig address by mixing two P2PKH addresses and one full public key:

bitcoin-cli -testnet createmultisig 2 '''


  "address" : "2MyVxxgNBk5zHRPRY2iVjGRJHYZEp1pMCSq",
  "redeemScript" : "522103ede722780d27b05f0b1169efc90fa15a601a32fc6c3295114500c586831b6aaf2102ecd2d250a76d204011de6bc365a56033b9b3a149f679bc17205555d3c2b2854f21022d609d2f0d359e5bc0e5d0ea20ff9f5d3396cb5b1906aa9c56a0e7b5edc0c5d553ae"

See also


The createrawtransaction RPC creates an unsigned serialized transaction that spends a previous output to a new output with a P2PKH or P2SH address. The transaction is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.

Parameter #1—references to previous outputs

Name Type Presence Description
Outpoints array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects, each one being an unspent outpoint
Outpoint object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing a particular unspent outpoint
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the outpoint encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number (vout) of the outpoint; the first output in a transaction is index 0

Parameter #2—P2PKH or P2SH addresses and amounts

Name Type Presence Description
Outputs object Required
(exactly 1)
The addresses and amounts to pay

string : number (bitcoins) Required
(1 or more)
A key/value pair with the address to pay as a string (key) and the amount to pay that address (value) in bitcoins

Result—the unsigned raw transaction in hex

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(Exactly 1)
The resulting unsigned raw transaction in serialized transaction format encoded as hex. If the transaction couldn’t be generated, this will be set to JSON null and the JSON-RPC error field may contain an error message

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet createrawtransaction '''
      "txid": "1eb590cd06127f78bf38ab4140c4cdce56ad9eb8886999eb898ddf4d3b28a91d",
      "vout" : 0
  ]''' '{ "mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe": 0.13 }'

Result (wrapped):


See also


The decoderawtransaction RPC decodes a serialized transaction hex string into a JSON object describing the transaction.

Parameter #1—serialized transaction in hex

Name Type Presence Description
Serialized Transaction string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction to decode in serialized transaction format

Result—the decoded transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the decoded transaction, or JSON null if the transaction could not be decoded

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction’s TXID encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction format version number

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction’s locktime: either a Unix epoch date or block height; see the Locktime parsing rules

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects with each object being an input vector (vin) for this transaction. Input objects will have the same order within the array as they have in the transaction, so the first input listed will be input 0
→ →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing one of this transaction’s inputs. May be a regular input or a coinbase
→ → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The TXID of the outpoint being spent, encoded as hex in RPC byte order. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The output index number (vout) of the outpoint being spent. The first output in a transaction has an index of 0. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → →
object Optional
(0 or 1)
An object describing the signature script of this input. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The signature script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ → → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The signature script encoded as hex
→ → →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The coinbase (similar to the hex field of a scriptSig) encoded as hex. Only present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The input sequence number

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing an output vector (vout) for this transaction. Output objects will have the same order within the array as they have in the transaction, so the first output listed will be output 0
→ →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing one of this transaction’s outputs
→ → →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of bitcoins paid to this output. May be 0
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number of this output within this transaction
→ → →
object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the pubkey script
→ → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ → → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script encoded as hex
→ → → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of signatures required; this is always 1 for P2PK, P2PKH, and P2SH (including P2SH multisig because the redeem script is not available in the pubkey script). It may be greater than 1 for bare multisig. This value will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types (see the type key below)
→ → → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The type of script. This will be one of the following:
pubkey for a P2PK script
pubkeyhash for a P2PKH script
scripthash for a P2SH script
multisig for a bare multisig script
nulldata for nulldata scripts
nonstandard for unknown scripts
→ → → →
string : array Optional
(0 or 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH addresses used in this transaction, or the computed P2PKH address of any pubkeys in this transaction. This array will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types
→ → → → →
string Required
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Decode a signed one-input, three-output transaction:

bitcoin-cli -testnet decoderawtransaction 0100000001268a9ad7bfb2\


    "txid" : "ef7c0cbf6ba5af68d2ea239bba709b26ff7b0b669839a63bb01c2cb8e8de481e",
    "version" : 1,
    "locktime" : 0,
    "vin" : [
            "txid" : "d7c7557e5ca87d439e9ab6eb69a04a9664a0738ff20f6f083c1db2bfd79a8a26",
            "vout" : 0,
            "scriptSig" : {
                "asm" : "3045022100ee69171016b7dd218491faf6e13f53d40d64f4b40123a2de52560feb95de63b902206f23a0919471eaa1e45a0982ed288d374397d30dff541b2dd45a4c3d0041acc001 03a7c1fd1fdec50e1cf3f0cc8cb4378cd8e9a2cee8ca9b3118f3db16cbbcf8f326",
                "hex" : "483045022100ee69171016b7dd218491faf6e13f53d40d64f4b40123a2de52560feb95de63b902206f23a0919471eaa1e45a0982ed288d374397d30dff541b2dd45a4c3d0041acc0012103a7c1fd1fdec50e1cf3f0cc8cb4378cd8e9a2cee8ca9b3118f3db16cbbcf8f326"
            "sequence" : 4294967295
    "vout" : [
            "value" : 0.39890000,
            "n" : 0,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 56847befbd2360df0e35b4e3b77bae48585ae068 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a91456847befbd2360df0e35b4e3b77bae48585ae06888ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [
            "value" : 0.10000000,
            "n" : 1,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 2b14950b8d31620c6cc923c5408a701b1ec0a020 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a9142b14950b8d31620c6cc923c5408a701b1ec0a02088ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [
            "value" : 0.20000000,
            "n" : 2,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f584 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a9140dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f58488ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [

See also


The decodescript RPC decodes a hex-encoded P2SH redeem script.

Parameter #1—a hex-encoded redeem script

Name Type Presence Description
Redeem Script string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The redeem script to decode as a hex-encoded serialized script

Result—the decoded script

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the decoded script, or JSON null if the script could not be decoded

string Required
(exactly 1)
The redeem script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed. May be empty

string Optional
(0 or 1)
The type of script. This will be one of the following:
pubkey for a P2PK script inside P2SH
pubkeyhash for a P2PKH script inside P2SH
multisig for a multisig script inside P2SH
nonstandard for unknown scripts

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of signatures required; this is always 1 for P2PK or P2PKH within P2SH. It may be greater than 1 for P2SH multisig. This value will not be returned for nonstandard script types (see the type key above)

array Optional
(0 or 1)
A P2PKH addresses used in this script, or the computed P2PKH addresses of any pubkeys in this script. This array will not be returned for nonstandard script types
→ →
string Required
(1 or more)
A P2PKH address

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2SH address of this redeem script

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

A 2-of-3 P2SH multisig pubkey script:

bitcoin-cli -testnet decodescript 522103ede722780d27b05f0b1169ef\


    "asm" : "2 03ede722780d27b05f0b1169efc90fa15a601a32fc6c3295114500c586831b6aaf 02ecd2d250a76d204011de6bc365a56033b9b3a149f679bc17205555d3c2b2854f 022d609d2f0d359e5bc0e5d0ea20ff9f5d3396cb5b1906aa9c56a0e7b5edc0c5d5 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG",
    "reqSigs" : 2,
    "type" : "multisig",
    "addresses" : [
    "p2sh" : "2MyVxxgNBk5zHRPRY2iVjGRJHYZEp1pMCSq"

See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The dumpprivkey RPC returns the wallet-import-format (WIP) private key corresponding to an address. (But does not remove it from the wallet.)

Parameter #1—the address corresponding to the private key to get

Name Type Presence Description
P2PKH Address string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2PKH address corresponding to the private key you want returned. Must be the address corresponding to a private key in this wallet

Result—the private key

Name Type Presence Description
result string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The private key encoded as base58check using wallet import format

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet dumpprivkey moQR7i8XM4rSGoNwEsw3h4YEuduuP6mxw7



See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The dumpwallet RPC creates or overwrites a file with all wallet keys in a human-readable format.

Parameter #1—a filename

Name Type Presence Description
Filename string Required
(exactly 1)
The file in which the wallet dump will be placed. May be prefaced by an absolute file path. An existing file with that name will be overwritten

Result—null or error

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always null whether success or failure. The JSON-RPC error and message fields will be set if a failure occurred

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Create a wallet dump and then print its first 10 lines.

bitcoin-cli -testnet dumpwallet /tmp/dump.txt
head /tmp/dump.txt

Results (only showing the first 10 lines):

# Wallet dump created by Bitcoin v0.9.1.0-g026a939-beta (Tue, 8 Apr 2014 12:04:06 +0200)
# * Created on 2014-04-29T20:46:09Z
# * Best block at time of backup was 227221 (0000000026ede4c10594af8087748507fb06dcd30b8f4f48b9cc463cabc9d767),
#   mined on 2014-04-29T21:15:07Z

cTtefiUaLfXuyBXJBBywSdg8soTEkBNh9yTi1KgoHxUYxt1xZ2aA 2014-02-05T15:44:03Z label=test1 # addr=mnUbTmdAFD5EAg3348Ejmonub7JcWtrMck
cQNY9v93Gyt8KmwygFR59bDhVs3aRDkuT8pKaCBpop82TZ8ND1tH 2014-02-05T16:58:41Z reserve=1 # addr=mp4MmhTp3au21HPRz5waf6YohGumuNnsqT
cNTEPzZH9mjquFFADXe5S3BweNiHLUKD6PvEKEsHApqjX4ZddeU6 2014-02-05T16:58:41Z reserve=1 # addr=n3pdvsxveMBkktjsGJixfSbxacRUwJ9jQW
cTVNtBK7mBi2yc9syEnwbiUpnpGJKohDWzXMeF4tGKAQ7wvomr95 2014-02-05T16:58:41Z change=1 # addr=moQR7i8XM4rSGoNwEsw3h4YEuduuP6mxw7
cNCD679B4xi17jb4XeLpbRbZCbYUugptD7dCtUTfSU4KPuK2DyKT 2014-02-05T16:58:41Z reserve=1 # addr=mq8fzjxxVbAKxUGPwaSSo3C4WaUxdzfw3C

See also


Requires wallet support.

The encryptwallet RPC encrypts the wallet with a passphrase. This is only to enable encryption for the first time. After encryption is enabled, you will need to enter the passphrase to use private keys.

Warning icon Warning: if using this RPC on the command line, remember that your shell probably saves your command lines (including the value of the passphrase parameter). In addition, there is no RPC to completely disable encryption. If you want to return to an unencrypted wallet, you must create a new wallet and restore your data from a backup made with the dumpwallet RPC.

Parameter #1—a passphrase

Name Type Presence Description
Passphrase string Required
(exactly 1)
The passphrase to use for the encrypted wallet. Must be at least one character

Result—a notice (with program shutdown)

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
A notice that the server is stopping and that you need to make a new backup. The wallet is now encrypted

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet encryptwallet "test"


wallet encrypted; Bitcoin server stopping, restart to run with encrypted
wallet. The keypool has been flushed, you need to make a new backup.

See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0.

The estimatefee RPC estimates the transaction fee per kilobyte that needs to be paid for a transaction to be included within a certain number of blocks.

Parameter #1—how many blocks the transaction may wait before being included

Name Type Presence Description
Blocks number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The maximum number of blocks a transaction should have to wait before it is predicted to be included in a block

Result—the fee the transaction needs to pay per kilobyte

Name Type Presence Description
result number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated fee the transaction should pay in order to be included within the specified number of blocks. If the node doesn’t have enough information to make an estimate, the value -1 will be returned

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli estimatefee 6



Requesting data the node can’t calculate yet:

bitcoin-cli estimatefee 100



See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0.

The estimatepriority RPC estimates the priority that a transaction needs in order to be included within a certain number of blocks as a free high-priority transaction.

Transaction priority is relative to a transaction’s byte size.

Parameter #1—how many blocks the transaction may wait before being included as a free high-priority transaction

Name Type Presence Description
Blocks number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The maximum number of blocks a transaction should have to wait before it is predicted to be included in a block based purely on its priority

Result—the priority a transaction needs

Name Type Presence Description
result number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated priority the transaction should have in order to be included within the specified number of blocks. If the node doesn’t have enough information to make an estimate, the value -1 will be returned

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli estimatepriority 6



Requesting data the node can’t calculate yet:

bitcoin-cli estimatepriority 100



See also


Requires wallet support.

The generate RPC nearly instantly generates blocks (in regtest mode only)

Parameter #1—the number of blocks to generate

Name Type Presence Description
Blocks number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of blocks to generate. The RPC call will not return until all blocks have been generated

Result—the generated block header hashes

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing the block header hashes of the generated blocks (may be empty if used with generate 0)

Header Hashes
string (hex) Required
(1 or more)
The hashes of the headers of the blocks generated in regtest mode, as hex in RPC byte order

Examples from Bitcoin Core master (commit c2fa0846)

Using regtest mode, generate 2 blocks:

bitcoin-cli -regtest generate 2



See also


Requires wallet support.

The getaccountaddress RPC returns the current Bitcoin address for receiving payments to this account. If the account doesn’t exist, it creates both the account and a new address for receiving payment. Once a payment has been received to an address, future calls to this RPC for the same account will return a different address.

Parameter #1—an account name

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of an account. Use an empty string (“”) for the default account. If the account doesn’t exist, it will be created

Result—a bitcoin address

Name Type Presence Description
result string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
An address, belonging to the account specified, which has not yet received any payments

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get an address for the default account:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getaccountaddress ""



See also


Requires wallet support.

The getaccount RPC returns the name of the account associated with the given address.

Parameter #1—a Bitcoin address

Name Type Presence Description
Address string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH or P2SH Bitcoin address belonging either to a specific account or the default account (“”)

Result—an account name

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of an account, or an empty string (“”, the default account)

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getaccount mjSk1Ny9spzU2fouzYgLqGUD8U41iR35QN


doc test

See also


The getaddednodeinfo RPC returns information about the given added node, or all added nodes (except onetry nodes). Only nodes which have been manually added using the addnode RPC will have their information displayed.

Parameter #1—whether to display connection information

Name Type Presence Description
Details bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true to display detailed information about each added node; set to false to only display the IP address or hostname and port added

Parameter #2—what node to display information about

Name Type Presence Description
Node string Optional
(0 or 1)
The node to get information about in the same <IP address>:<port> format as the addnode RPC. If this parameter is not provided, information about all added nodes will be returned

Result—a list of added nodes

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing objects describing each added node. If no added nodes are present, the array will be empty. Nodes added with onetry will not be returned

Added Node
object Optional
(0 or more)
An object containing details about a single added node
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
An added node in the same <IP address>:<port> format as used in the addnode RPC. This element is present for any added node whether or not the Details parameter was set to true
→ →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
If the Details parameter was set to true, this will be set to true if the node is currently connected and false if it is not
→ →
array Optional
(0 or 1)
If the Details parameter was set to true, this will be an array of addresses belonging to the added node
→ → →
object Optional
(0 or more)
An object describing one of this node’s addresses
→ → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
An IP address and port number of the node. If the node was added using a DNS address, this will be the resolved IP address
→ → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
Whether or not the local node is connected to this addnode using this IP address. Valid values are:
false for not connected
inbound if the addnode connected to us
outbound if we connected to the addnode

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getaddednodeinfo true

Result (real hostname and IP address replaced):

        "addednode" : "",
        "connected" : true,
        "addresses" : [
                "address" : "",
                "connected" : "outbound"

See also


Requires wallet support.

The getaddressesbyaccount RPC returns a list of every address assigned to a particular account.

Parameter #1—the account name

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account containing the addresses to get. To get addresses from the default account, pass an empty string (“”)

Result—a list of addresses

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing all addresses belonging to the specified account. If the account has no addresses, the array will be empty
Address string (base58) Optional
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address belonging to the account

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the addresses assigned to the account “doc test”:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getaddressesbyaccount "doc test"



See also


Requires wallet support.

The getbalance RPC gets the balance in decimal bitcoins across all accounts or for a particular account.

Parameter #1—an account name

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Optional
(0 or 1)
The name of an account to get the balance for. An empty string (“”) is the default account. The string * will get the balance for all accounts (this is the default behavior)

Parameter #2—the minimum number of confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an externally-generated transaction must have before it is counted towards the balance. Transactions generated by this node are counted immediately. Typically, externally-generated transactions are payments to this wallet and transactions generated by this node are payments to other wallets. Use 0 to count unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Parameter #3—whether to include watch-only addresses

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet

Result—the balance in bitcoins

Name Type Presence Description
result number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The balance of the account (or all accounts) in bitcoins

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the balance for the “test1” account, including transactions with at least one confirmation and those spent to watch-only addresses in that account.

bitcoin-cli -testnet getbalance "test1" 1 true



See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.9.0

The getbestblockhash RPC returns the header hash of the most recent block on the best block chain.

Parameters: none

Result—hash of the tip from the best block chain

Name Type Presence Description
result string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the block header from the most recent block on the best block chain, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getbestblockhash



See also


The getblock RPC gets a block with a particular header hash from the local block database either as a JSON object or as a serialized block.

Parameter #1—header hash

Name Type Presence Description
Header Hash string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the header of the block to get, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Parameter #2—JSON or hex output

Name Type Presence Description
Format bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to false to get the block in serialized block format; set to true (the default) to get the decoded block as a JSON object

Result (if format was false)—a serialized block

Name Type Presence Description
result string (hex)/null Required
(exactly 1)
The requested block as a serialized block, encoded as hex, or JSON null if an error occurred

Result (if format was true or omitted)—a JSON block

Name Type Presence Description
result object/null Required
(exactly 1)
An object containing the requested block, or JSON null if an error occurred

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of this block’s block header encoded as hex in RPC byte order. This is the same as the hash provided in parameter #1

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations the transactions in this block have, starting at 1 when this block is at the tip of the best block chain. This score will be -1 if the the block is not part of the best block chain

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The size of this block in serialized block format, counted in bytes

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of this block on its block chain

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
This block’s version number. See block version numbers

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The merkle root for this block, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing the TXIDs of all transactions in this block. The transactions appear in the array in the same order they appear in the serialized block
→ →
string (hex) Required
(1 or more)
The TXID of a transaction in this block, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The value of the time field in the block header, indicating approximately when the block was created

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The nonce which was successful at turning this particular block into one that could be added to the best block chain

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The value of the nBits field in the block header, indicating the target threshold this block’s header had to pass

number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated amount of work done to find this block relative to the estimated amount of work done to find block 0

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated number of block header hashes miners had to check from the genesis block to this block, encoded as big-endian hex

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The hash of the header of the previous block, encoded as hex in RPC byte order. Not returned for genesis block

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The hash of the next block on the best block chain, if known, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get a block in raw hex:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock \
            000000000fe549a89848c76070d4132872cfb6efe5315d01d7ef77e4900f2d39 \

Result (wrapped):


Get the same block in JSON:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getblock \
            000000000fe549a89848c76070d4132872cfb6efe5315d01d7ef77e4900f2d39 \


    "hash" : "000000000fe549a89848c76070d4132872cfb6efe5315d01d7ef77e4900f2d39",
    "confirmations" : 88029,
    "size" : 189,
    "height" : 227252,
    "version" : 2,
    "merkleroot" : "c738fb8e22750b6d3511ed0049a96558b0bc57046f3f77771ec825b22d6a6f4a",
    "tx" : [
    "time" : 1398824312,
    "nonce" : 1883462912,
    "bits" : "1d00ffff",
    "difficulty" : 1.00000000,
    "chainwork" : "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000083ada4a4009841a",
    "previousblockhash" : "00000000c7f4990e6ebf71ad7e21a47131dfeb22c759505b3998d7a814c011df",
    "nextblockhash" : "00000000afe1928529ac766f1237657819a11cfcc8ca6d67f119e868ed5b6188"

See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.9.2

The getblockchaininfo RPC provides information about the current state of the block chain.

Parameters: none

Result—A JSON object providing information about the block chain

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
Information about the current state of the local block chain

string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the block chain. One of main for mainnet, test for testnet, or regtest for regtest

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of validated blocks in the local best block chain. For a new node with just the hardcoded genesis block, this will be 0

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The number of validated headers in the local best headers chain. For a new node with just the hardcoded genesis block, this will be zero. This number may be higher than the number of blocks

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the header of the highest validated block in the best block chain, encoded as hex in RPC byte order. This is identical to the string returned by the getbestblockhash RPC

number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The difficulty of the highest-height block in the best block chain

number (real) Required (exactly 1) Estimate of what percentage of the block chain transactions have been verified so far, starting at 0.0 and increasing to 1.0 for fully verified. May slightly exceed 1.0 when fully synced to account for transactions in the memory pool which have been verified before being included in a block

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated number of block header hashes checked from the genesis block to this block, encoded as big-endian hex

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockchaininfo


    "chain" : "test",
    "blocks" : 315280,
    "headers" : 315280,
    "bestblockhash" : "000000000ebb17fb455e897b8f3e343eea1b07d926476d00bc66e2c0342ed50f",
    "difficulty" : 1.00000000,
    "verificationprogress" : 1.00000778,
    "chainwork" : "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015e984b4fb9f9b350"

See also


The getblockcount RPC returns the number of blocks in the local best block chain.

Parameters: none

Result—the number of blocks in the local best block chain

Name Type Presence Description
result number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of blocks in the local best block chain. For a new node with only the hardcoded genesis block, this number will be 0

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockcount



See also


The getblockhash RPC returns the header hash of a block at the given height in the local best block chain.

Parameter—a block height

Name Type Presence Description
Block Height number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of the block whose header hash should be returned. The height of the hardcoded genesis block is 0

Result—the block header hash

Name Type Presence Description
result string (hex)/null Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the block at the requested height, encoded as hex in RPC byte order, or JSON null if an error occurred

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getblockhash 240886



See also


The getblocktemplate RPC gets a block template or proposal for use with mining software. For more information, please see the following resources:

See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0.

The getchaintips RPC returns information about the highest-height block (tip) of each local block chain.

Parameters: none

Result—an array of block chain tips

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of JSON objects, with each object describing a chain tip. At least one tip—the local best block chain—will always be present

object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing a particular chain tip. The first object will always describe the active chain (the local best block chain)
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of the highest block in the chain. A new node with only the genesis block will have a single tip with height of 0
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the highest block in the chain, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of blocks that are on this chain but not on the main chain. For the local best block chain, this will be 0; for all other chains, it will be at least 1
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The status of this chain. Valid values are:
active for the local best block chain
invalid for a chain that contains one or more invalid blocks
headers-only for a chain with valid headers whose corresponding blocks both haven’t been validated and aren’t stored locally
valid-headers for a chain with valid headers whose corresponding blocks are stored locally, but which haven’t been fully validated
valid-fork for a chain which is fully validated but which isn’t part of the local best block chain (it was probably the local best block chain at some point)
unknown for a chain whose reason for not being the active chain is unknown

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getchaintips
        "height" : 312647,
        "hash" : "000000000b1be96f87b31485f62c1361193304a5ad78acf47f9164ea4773a843",
        "branchlen" : 0,
        "status" : "active"
        "height" : 282072,
        "hash" : "00000000712340a499b185080f94b28c365d8adb9fc95bca541ea5e708f31028",
        "branchlen" : 5,
        "status" : "valid-fork"
        "height" : 281721,
        "hash" : "000000006e1f2a32199629c6c1fbd37766f5ce7e8c42bab0c6e1ae42b88ffe12",
        "branchlen" : 1,
        "status" : "valid-headers"

See also


The getconnectioncount RPC returns the number of connections to other nodes.

Parameters: none

Result—the number of connections to other nodes

Name Type Presence Description
result number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of connections to other nodes (both inbound and outbound)

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getconnectioncount



See also


The getdifficulty RPC

Parameters: none

Result—the current difficulty

Name Type Presence Description
result number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The difficulty of creating a block with the same target threshold (nBits) as the highest-height block in the local best block chain. The number is a a multiple of the minimum difficulty

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getdifficulty



See also


Requires wallet support.

The getgenerate RPC returns true if the node is set to generate blocks using its CPU.

Parameters: none

Result—whether the server is set to generate blocks

Name Type Presence Description
result bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the server is set to generate blocks; set to false if it is not

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getgenerate



See also


Requires wallet support.

The gethashespersec RPC was removed in Bitcoin Core master (unreleased). It returned a recent hashes per second performance measurement when the node was generating blocks.

Parameters: none

Result—the number of hashes your computer generated per second

Name Type Presence Description
result number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
If generation is enabled, the number of hashes per second your computer most recently generated. If generation is disabled, the value 0

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet gethashespersec



See also


The getinfo RPC prints various information about the node and the network.

Warning icon Warning: getinfo will be removed in a later version of Bitcoin Core. Use the RPCs listed in the See Also subsection below instead.

Parameters: none

Result—information about the node and network

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
Information about this node and the network

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
This node’s version of Bitcoin Core in its internal integer format. For example, Bitcoin Core 0.9.2 has the integer version number 90200

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The protocol version number used by this node. See the protocol versions section for more information

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The version number of the wallet. Only returned if wallet support is enabled

number (bitcoins) Optional
(0 or 1)
The balance of the wallet in bitcoins. Only returned if wallet support is enabled

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of blocks in the local best block chain. A new node with only the hardcoded genesis block will return 0

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The offset of the node’s clock from the computer’s clock (both in UTC) in seconds. The offset may be up to 4200 seconds (70 minutes)

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of open connections (both outgoing and incoming) between this node and other nodes

string Required
(exactly 1)
The hostname/IP address and port number of the proxy, if set, or an empty string if unset

number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The difficulty of the highest-height block in the local best block chain

bool Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if this node is on testnet; set to false if this node is on mainnet or a regtest

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The date as Unix epoch time when the oldest key in the wallet key pool was created; useful for only scanning blocks created since this date for transactions. Only returned if wallet support is enabled

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of keys in the wallet keypool. Only returned if wallet support is enabled

number (bitcoins) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum fee to pay per kilobyte of transaction; may be 0. Only returned if wallet suuport is enabled

number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The minimum fee a low-priority transaction must pay in order for this node to accept it into its memory pool

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The Unix epoch time when the wallet will automatically re-lock. Only displayed if wallet encryption is enabled. Set to 0 if wallet is currently locked

string Required
(exactly 1)
A plain-text description of any errors this node has encountered or detected. If there are no errors, an empty string will be returned. This is not related to the JSON-RPC error field

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 with wallet support enabled

bitcoin-cli -testnet getinfo


    "version" : 100000,
    "protocolversion" : 70002,
    "walletversion" : 60000,
    "balance" : 1.27007770,
    "blocks" : 315281,
    "timeoffset" : 0,
    "connections" : 9,
    "proxy" : "",
    "difficulty" : 1.00000000,
    "testnet" : true,
    "keypoololdest" : 1418924649,
    "keypoolsize" : 101,
    "paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
    "relayfee" : 0.00001000,
    "errors" : ""

See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The getmempoolinfo RPC returns information about the node’s current transaction memory pool.

Parameters: none

Result—information about the transaction memory pool

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
A object containing information about the memory pool

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of transactions currently in the memory pool

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bytes in the transactions in the memory pool

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getmempoolinfo


    "size" : 37,
    "bytes" : 9423

See also


The getmininginfo RPC returns various mining-related information.

Parameters: none

Result—various mining-related information

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
Various mining-related information

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of the highest block on the local best block chain

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the size in bytes of the last block built by this node for header hash checking. Otherwise, the value 0

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the number of transactions in the last block built by this node for header hash checking. Otherwise, this is the value 0

number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the difficulty of the highest-height block in the local best block chain. Otherwise, this is the value 0

string Required
(exactly 1)
A plain-text description of any errors this node has encountered or detected. If there are no errors, an empty string will be returned. This is not related to the JSON-RPC error field

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The limit on the number of processors to use for generation. If generation was enabled since the last time this node was restarted, this is the number used in the second parameter of the setgenerate RPC (or the default). Otherwise, it is -1

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
An estimate of the number of hashes per second the network is generating to maintain the current difficulty. See the getnetworkhashps RPC for configurable access to this data

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of transactions in the memory pool

bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if this node is running on testnet. Set to false if this node is on mainnet or a regtest

string Required
(exactly 1)
Set to main for mainnet, test for testnet, and regtest for regtest

bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if generation is currently enabled; set to false if generation is currently disabled. Only returned if the node has wallet support enabled

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Removed in Bitcoin Core master (unreleased)

The approximate number of hashes per second this node is generating across all CPUs, if generation is enabled. Otherwise 0. Only returned if the node has wallet support enabled

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getmininginfo


    "blocks" : 313168,
    "currentblocksize" : 1819,
    "currentblocktx" : 3,
    "difficulty" : 1.00000000,
    "errors" : "",
    "genproclimit" : 1,
    "networkhashps" : 5699977416637,
    "pooledtx" : 8,
    "testnet" : true,
    "chain" : "test",
    "generate" : true,
    "hashespersec" : 921200

See also


The getnettotals RPC returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out, and the current time.

Parameters: none

Result—the current bytes in, bytes out, and current time

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object containing information about the node’s network totals

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bytes received since the node was last restarted

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bytes sent since the node was last restarted

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Unix epoch time in milliseconds according to the operating system’s clock (not the node adjusted time)

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getnettotals


    "totalbytesrecv" : 723992206,
    "totalbytessent" : 16846662695,
    "timemillis" : 1419268217354

See also


The getnetworkhashps RPC returns the estimated current or historical network hashes per second based on the last n blocks.

Parameter #1—number of blocks to average

Name Type Presence Description
Blocks number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of blocks to average together for calculating the estimated hashes per second. Default is 120. Use -1 to average all blocks produced since the last difficulty change

Parameter #2—block height

Name Type Presence Description
Height number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The height of the last block to use for calculating the average. Defaults to -1 for the highest-height block on the local best block chain. If the specified height is higher than the highest block on the local best block chain, it will be interpreted the same as -1

Result—estimated hashes per second

Name Type Presence Description
result number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated number of hashes per second based on the parameters provided. May be 0 (for Height=0, the genesis block) or a negative value if the highest-height block averaged has a block header time earlier than the lowest-height block averaged

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the average hashes per second for all the blocks since the last difficulty change before block 227255.

bitcoin-cli -testnet getnetworkhashps -1 227255



See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.9.2.

The getnetworkinfo RPC returns information about the node’s connection to the network.

Parameters: none

Result—information about the node’s connection to the network

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
Information about this node’s connection to the network

number Required
(exactly 1)
This node’s version of Bitcoin Core in its internal integer format. For example, Bitcoin Core 0.9.2 has the integer version number 90200

string Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The user agent this node sends in its version message

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The protocol version number used by this node. See the protocol versions section for more information

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The offset of the node’s clock from the computer’s clock (both in UTC) in seconds. The offset may be up to 4200 seconds (70 minutes)

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of open connections (both outgoing and incoming) between this node and other nodes

string Required
(exactly 1)
The hostname/IP address and port number of the proxy, if set, or an empty string if unset

number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The minimum fee a low-priority transaction must pay in order for this node to accept it into its memory pool

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The services supported by this node as advertised in its version message

array Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

An array with three objects: one describing the IPv4 connection, one describing the IPv6 connection, and one describing the Tor hidden service (onion) connection
→ →
object Optional
(0 to 3)
An object describing a network. If the network is unroutable, it will not be returned
→ → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the network. Either ipv4, ipv6, or onion
→ → →
bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if only connections to this network are allowed according to the -onlynet Bitcoin Core command-line/configuration-file parameter. Otherwise set to false
→ → →
bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if connections can be made to or from this network. Otherwise set to false
→ → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The hostname and port of any proxy being used for this network. If a proxy is not in use, an empty string
→ → →
array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing the local addresses this node believes it listens on
→ → → →
object Optional
(0 or more)
An object describing a particular address this node believes it listens on
→ → → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
An IP address or .onion address this node believes it listens on. This may be manually configured, auto detected, or based on version messages this node received from its peers
→ → → → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The port number this node believes it listens on for the associated address. This may be manually configured, auto detected, or based on version messages this node received from its peers
→ → → → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of incoming connections during the uptime of this node that have used this address in their version message

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getnetworkinfo

Result (actual addresses have been replaced with reserved addresses):

    "version" : 100000,
    "subversion" : "/Satoshi:0.10.0/",
    "protocolversion" : 70002,
    "localservices" : "0000000000000001",
    "timeoffset" : 0,
    "connections" : 51,
    "networks" : [
            "name" : "ipv4",
            "limited" : false,
            "reachable" : true,
            "proxy" : ""
            "name" : "ipv6",
            "limited" : false,
            "reachable" : true,
            "proxy" : ""
            "name" : "onion",
            "limited" : false,
            "reachable" : false,
            "proxy" : ""
    "relayfee" : 0.00001000,
    "localaddresses" : [
            "address" : "",
            "port" : 18333,
            "score" : 6470
            "address" : "0600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe89:dfc4",
            "port" : 18333,
            "score" : 2029

See also


Requires wallet support.

The getnewaddress RPC returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving payments. If an account is specified, payments received with the address will be credited to that account.

Parameter #1—an account name

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Optional
(0 or 1)
The name of the account to put the address in. The default is the default account, an empty string (“”)

Result—a bitcoin address never previously returned

Name Type Presence Description
result string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH address which has not previously been returned by this RPC. The address will be marked as a receiving address in the wallet. The address may already have been part of the keypool, so other RPCs such as the dumpwallet RPC may have disclosed it previously. If the wallet is unlocked, its keypool will also be filled to its max (by default, 100 unused keys). If the wallet is locked and its keypool is empty, this RPC will fail

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Create a new address in the “doc test” account:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getnewaddress "doc test"



See also


The getpeerinfo RPC returns data about each connected network node.

Parameters: none

Result—information about each currently-connected network node

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing one connected node. If there are no connections, the array will be empty

object Optional
(0 or more)
An object describing a particular connected node
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The node’s index number in the local node address database
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The IP address and port number used for the connection to the remote node
→ →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
Our IP address and port number according to the remote node. May be incorrect due to error or lying. Many SPV nodes set this to
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The services advertised by the remote node in its version message
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The Unix epoch time when we last successfully sent data to the TCP socket for this node
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The Unix epoch time when we last received data from this node
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bytes we’ve sent to this node
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bytes we’ve received from this node
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The Unix epoch time when we connected to this node
→ →
number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of seconds this node took to respond to our last P2P ping message
→ →
number (real) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of seconds we’ve been waiting for this node to respond to a P2P ping message. Only shown if there’s an outstanding ping message
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The protocol version number used by this node. See the protocol versions section for more information
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The user agent this node sends in its version message. This string will have been sanitized to prevent corrupting the JSON results. May be an empty string
→ →
bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if this node connected to us; set to false if we connected to this node
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of the remote node’s block chain when it connected to us as reported in its version message
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The ban score we’ve assigned the node based on any misbehavior it’s made. By default, Bitcoin Core disconnects when the ban score reaches 100
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The highest-height header we have in common with this node based the last P2P headers message it sent us. If a headers message has not been received, this will be set to -1
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The highest-height block we have in common with this node based on P2P inv messages this node sent us. If no block inv messages have been received from this node, this will be set to -1
→ →
bool Required
(exactly 1)
Removed in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Whether we’re using this node as our syncnode during initial block download
→ →
array Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

An array of blocks which have been requested from this peer. May be empty
→ → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or more)
The height of a block being requested from the remote peer
→ →
bool Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if the remote peer has been whitelisted; otherwise, set to false. Whitelisted peers will not be banned if their ban score exceeds the maximum (100 by default). By default, peers connecting from localhost are whitelisted

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getpeerinfo

Result (edited to show only a single entry, with IP addresses changed to RFC5737 reserved IP addresses):

        "id" : 9,
        "addr" : "",
        "addrlocal" : "",
        "services" : "0000000000000002",
        "lastsend" : 1419277992,
        "lastrecv" : 1419277992,
        "bytessent" : 4968,
        "bytesrecv" : 105078,
        "conntime" : 1419265985,
        "pingtime" : 0.05617800,
        "version" : 70001,
        "subver" : "/Satoshi:0.8.6/",
        "inbound" : false,
        "startingheight" : 315280,
        "banscore" : 0,
        "synced_headers" : -1,
        "synced_blocks" : -1,
        "inflight" : [
        "whitelisted" : false

See also


Requires wallet support.

The getrawchangeaddress RPC returns a new Bitcoin address for receiving change. This is for use with raw transactions, not normal use.

Parameters: none

Result—a P2PKH address which can be used in raw transactions

Name Type Presence Description
result string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH address which has not previously been returned by this RPC. The address will be removed from the keypool but not marked as a receiving address, so RPCs such as the dumpwallet RPC will show it as a change address. The address may already have been part of the keypool, so other RPCs such as the dumpwallet RPC may have disclosed it previously. If the wallet is unlocked, its keypool will also be filled to its max (by default, 100 unused keys). If the wallet is locked and its keypool is empty, this RPC will fail

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getrawchangeaddress



See also


The getrawmempool RPC returns all transaction identifiers (TXIDs) in the memory pool as a JSON array, or detailed information about each transaction in the memory pool as a JSON object.

Parameter—desired output format

Name Type Presence Description
Format bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true to get verbose output describing each transaction in the memory pool; set to false (the default) to only get an array of TXIDs for transactions in the memory pool

Result (format false)—an array of TXIDs

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of TXIDs belonging to transactions in the memory pool. The array may be empty if there are no transactions in the memory pool

string Optional
(0 or more)
The TXID of a transaction in the memory pool, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Result (format: true)—a JSON object describing each transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
A object containing transactions currently in the memory pool. May be empty

string : object Optional
(0 or more)
The TXID of a transaction in the memory pool, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The size of the serialized transaction in bytes
→ →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction fee paid by the transaction in decimal bitcoins
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The time the transaction entered the memory pool, Unix epoch time format
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The block height when the transaction entered the memory pool
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The priority of the transaction when it first entered the memory pool
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The current priority of the transaction
→ →
array Required
(exactly 1)
An array holding TXIDs of unconfirmed transactions this transaction depends upon. Those transactions must be part of a block before this transaction can be added to a block, although all transactions may be included in the same block. The array may be empty
→ → →
Depends TXID
string Optional (0 or more) The TXIDs of any unconfirmed transactions this transaction depends upon, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

The default (false):

bitcoin-cli -testnet getrawmempool



Verbose output (true):

bitcoin-cli -testnet getrawmempool true


    "2baa1f49ac9b951fa781c4c95814333a2f3eda71ed3d0245cd76c2829b3ce354" : {
        "size" : 191,
        "fee" : 0.00020000,
        "time" : 1398867772,
        "height" : 227310,
        "startingpriority" : 54545454.54545455,
        "currentpriority" : 54545454.54545455,
        "depends" : [

See also


The getrawtransaction RPC gets a hex-encoded serialized transaction or a JSON object describing the transaction. By default, Bitcoin Core only stores complete transaction data for UTXOs and your own transactions, so the RPC may fail on historic transactions unless you use the non-default txindex=1 in your Bitcoin Core startup settings.

Note: if you begin using txindex=1 after downloading the block chain, you must rebuild your indexes by starting Bitcoin Core with the option -reindex. This may take several hours to complete, during which time your node will not process new blocks or transactions. This reindex only needs to be done once.

Parameter #1—the TXID of the transaction to get

Name Type Presence Description
TXID string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction to get, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Parameter #2—whether to get the serialized or decoded transaction

Name Type Presence Description
Verbose number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to 0 (the default) to return the serialized transaction as hex. Set to 1 to return a decoded transaction

Result (if transaction not found)—null

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
If the transaction wasn’t found, the result will be JSON null. This can occur because the transaction doesn’t exist in the block chain or memory pool, or because it isn’t part of the transaction index. See the Bitcoin Core -help entry for -txindex

Result (if verbose=0)—the serialized transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
If the transaction was found, this will be the serialized transaction encoded as hex

Result (if verbose=1)—the decoded transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
If the transaction was found, this will be an object describing it

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction’s TXID encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction format version number

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction’s locktime: either a Unix epoch date or block height; see the Locktime parsing rules

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects with each object being an input vector (vin) for this transaction. Input objects will have the same order within the array as they have in the transaction, so the first input listed will be input 0
→ →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing one of this transaction’s inputs. May be a regular input or a coinbase
→ → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The TXID of the outpoint being spent, encoded as hex in RPC byte order. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The output index number (vout) of the outpoint being spent. The first output in a transaction has an index of 0. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → →
object Optional
(0 or 1)
An object describing the signature script of this input. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The signature script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ → → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The signature script encoded as hex
→ → →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The coinbase (similar to the hex field of a scriptSig) encoded as hex. Only present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The input sequence number

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing an output vector (vout) for this transaction. Output objects will have the same order within the array as they have in the transaction, so the first output listed will be output 0
→ →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing one of this transaction’s outputs
→ → →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of bitcoins paid to this output. May be 0
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number of this output within this transaction
→ → →
object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the pubkey script
→ → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ → → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script encoded as hex
→ → → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of signatures required; this is always 1 for P2PK, P2PKH, and P2SH (including P2SH multisig because the redeem script is not available in the pubkey script). It may be greater than 1 for bare multisig. This value will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types (see the type key below)
→ → → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The type of script. This will be one of the following:
pubkey for a P2PK script
pubkeyhash for a P2PKH script
scripthash for a P2SH script
multisig for a bare multisig script
nulldata for nulldata scripts
nonstandard for unknown scripts
→ → → →
string : array Optional
(0 or 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH addresses used in this transaction, or the computed P2PKH address of any pubkeys in this transaction. This array will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types
→ → → → →
string Required
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
If the transaction has been included in a block on the local best block chain, this is the hash of that block encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
If the transaction has been included in a block on the local best block chain, this is how many confirmations it has. Otherwise, this is 0

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
If the transaction has been included in a block on the local best block chain, this is the block header time of that block (may be in the future)

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
This field is currently identical to the time field described above

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

A transaction in serialized transaction format:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getrawtransaction \

Result (wrapped):


Get the same transaction in JSON:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getrawtransaction \
ef7c0cbf6ba5af68d2ea239bba709b26ff7b0b669839a63bb01c2cb8e8de481e \


    "hex" : "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",
    "txid" : "ef7c0cbf6ba5af68d2ea239bba709b26ff7b0b669839a63bb01c2cb8e8de481e",
    "version" : 1,
    "locktime" : 0,
    "vin" : [
            "txid" : "d7c7557e5ca87d439e9ab6eb69a04a9664a0738ff20f6f083c1db2bfd79a8a26",
            "vout" : 0,
            "scriptSig" : {
                "asm" : "3045022100ee69171016b7dd218491faf6e13f53d40d64f4b40123a2de52560feb95de63b902206f23a0919471eaa1e45a0982ed288d374397d30dff541b2dd45a4c3d0041acc001 03a7c1fd1fdec50e1cf3f0cc8cb4378cd8e9a2cee8ca9b3118f3db16cbbcf8f326",
                "hex" : "483045022100ee69171016b7dd218491faf6e13f53d40d64f4b40123a2de52560feb95de63b902206f23a0919471eaa1e45a0982ed288d374397d30dff541b2dd45a4c3d0041acc0012103a7c1fd1fdec50e1cf3f0cc8cb4378cd8e9a2cee8ca9b3118f3db16cbbcf8f326"
            "sequence" : 4294967295
    "vout" : [
            "value" : 0.39890000,
            "n" : 0,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 56847befbd2360df0e35b4e3b77bae48585ae068 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a91456847befbd2360df0e35b4e3b77bae48585ae06888ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [
            "value" : 0.10000000,
            "n" : 1,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 2b14950b8d31620c6cc923c5408a701b1ec0a020 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a9142b14950b8d31620c6cc923c5408a701b1ec0a02088ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [
            "value" : 0.20000000,
            "n" : 2,
            "scriptPubKey" : {
                "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f584 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
                "hex" : "76a9140dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f58488ac",
                "reqSigs" : 1,
                "type" : "pubkeyhash",
                "addresses" : [
    "blockhash" : "00000000103e0091b7d27e5dc744a305108f0c752be249893c749e19c1c82317",
    "confirmations" : 88192,
    "time" : 1398734825,
    "blocktime" : 1398734825

See also


Requires wallet support.

The getreceivedbyaccount RPC returns the total amount received by addresses in a particular account from transactions with the specified number of confirmations. It does not count coinbase transactions.

Parameter #1—the account name

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account containing the addresses to get. For the default account, use an empty string (“”)

Parameter #2—the minimum number of confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an externally-generated transaction must have before it is counted towards the balance. Transactions generated by this node are counted immediately. Typically, externally-generated transactions are payments to this wallet and transactions generated by this node are payments to other wallets. Use 0 to count unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Result—the number of bitcoins received

Name Type Presence Description
result number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of bitcoins received by the account. May be 0

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the bitcoins received by the “doc test” account with six or more confirmations:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getreceivedbyaccount "doc test" 6



See also


Requires wallet support.

The getreceivedbyaddress RPC returns the total amount received by the specified address in transactions with the specified number of confirmations. It does not count coinbase transactions.

Parameter #1—the address

Name Type Presence Description
Address string Required
(exactly 1)
The address whose transactions should be tallied

Parameter #2—the minimum number of confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an externally-generated transaction must have before it is counted towards the balance. Transactions generated by this node are counted immediately. Typically, externally-generated transactions are payments to this wallet and transactions generated by this node are payments to other wallets. Use 0 to count unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Result—the number of bitcoins received

Name Type Presence Description
result number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of bitcoins received by the address, excluding coinbase transactions. May be 0

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the bitcoins received for a particular address, only counting transactions with six or more confirmations:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getreceivedbyaddress mjSk1Ny9spzU2fouzYgLqGUD8U41iR35QN 6



See also


Requires wallet support.

The gettransaction RPC gets detailed information about an in-wallet transaction.

Parameter #1—a transaction identifier (TXID)

Name Type Presence Description
TXID string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction to get details about. The TXID must be encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Parameter #2—whether to include watch-only addresses in details and calculations

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet

Result—a description of the transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing how the transaction affects the wallet

number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
A positive number of bitcoins if this transaction increased the total wallet balance; a negative number of bitcoins if this transaction decreased the total wallet balance, or 0 if the transaction had no net effect on wallet balance

number (bitcoins) Optional
(0 or 1)
If an outgoing transaction, this is the fee paid by the transaction reported as negative bitcoins

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations the transaction has received. Will be 0 for unconfirmed and -1 for conflicted

bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if the transaction is a coinbase. Not returned for regular transactions

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The hash of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The block height of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The block header time (Unix epoch time) of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing the TXIDs of other transactions that spend the same inputs (UTXOs) as this transaction. Array may be empty
→ →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or more)
The TXID of a conflicting transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
A Unix epoch time when the transaction was added to the wallet

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
A Unix epoch time when the transaction was detected by the local node, or the time of the block on the local best block chain that included the transaction

string Optional
(0 or 1)
For transaction originating with this wallet, a locally-stored comment added to the transaction. Only returned if a comment was added

string Optional
(0 or 1)
For transaction originating with this wallet, a locally-stored comment added to the transaction identifying who the transaction was sent to. Only returned if a comment-to was added

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing one object for each input or output in the transaction which affected the wallet
→ →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if the input or output involves a watch-only address. Otherwise not returned
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The account which the payment was credited to or debited from. May be an empty string (“”) for the default account
→ →
string (base58) Optional
(0 or 1)
If an output, the address paid (may be someone else’s address not belonging to this wallet). If an input, the address paid in the previous output. May be empty if the address is unknown, such as when paying to a non-standard pubkey script
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
Set to one of the following values:
send if sending payment
receive if this wallet received payment in a regular transaction
generate if a matured and spendable coinbase
immature if a coinbase that is not spendable yet
orphan if a coinbase from a block that’s not in the local best block chain
→ →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
A negative bitcoin amount if sending payment; a positive bitcoin amount if receiving payment (including coinbases)
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

For an output, the output index (vout) for this output in this transaction. For an input, the output index for the output being spent in its transaction. Because inputs list the output indexes from previous transactions, more than one entry in the details array may have the same output index
→ →
number (bitcoins) Optional
(0 or 1)
If sending payment, the fee paid as a negative bitcoins value. May be 0. Not returned if receiving payment

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction in serialized transaction format

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet gettransaction \


    "amount" : 0.00000000,
    "fee" : 0.00000000,
    "confirmations" : 106670,
    "blockhash" : "000000008b630b3aae99b6fe215548168bed92167c47a2f7ad4df41e571bcb51",
    "blockindex" : 1,
    "blocktime" : 1396321351,
    "txid" : "5a7d24cd665108c66b2d56146f244932edae4e2376b561b3d396d5ae017b9589",
    "walletconflicts" : [
    "time" : 1396321351,
    "timereceived" : 1418924711,
    "details" : [
            "account" : "",
            "address" : "mjSk1Ny9spzU2fouzYgLqGUD8U41iR35QN",
            "category" : "send",
            "amount" : -0.10000000,
            "vout" : 0,
            "fee" : 0.00000000
            "account" : "doc test",
            "address" : "mjSk1Ny9spzU2fouzYgLqGUD8U41iR35QN",
            "category" : "receive",
            "amount" : 0.10000000,
            "vout" : 0
    "hex" : "0100000001cde58f2e37d000eabbb60d9cf0b79ddf67cede6dba58732539983fa341dd5e6c010000006a47304402201feaf12908260f666ab369bb8753cdc12f78d0c8bdfdef997da17acff502d321022049ba0b80945a7192e631c03bafd5c6dc3c7cb35ac5c1c0ffb9e22fec86dd311c01210321eeeb46fd878ce8e62d5e0f408a0eab41d7c3a7872dc836ce360439536e423dffffffff0180969800000000001976a9142b14950b8d31620c6cc923c5408a701b1ec0a02088ac00000000"

See also


The gettxout RPC returns details about a transaction output. Only unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) are guaranteed to be available.

Parameter #1—the TXID of the output to get

Name Type Presence Description
TXID string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction containing the output to get, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Parameter #2—the output index number (vout) of the output to get

Name Type Presence Description
Vout number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number (vout) of the output within the transaction; the first output in a transaction is vout 0

Parameter #3—whether to display unconfirmed outputs from the memory pool

Name Type Presence Description
Unconfirmed bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true to display unconfirmed outputs from the memory pool; set to false (the default) to only display outputs from confirmed transactions

Result—a description of the output

Name Type Presence Description
result object/null Required
(exactly 1)
Information about the output. If output wasn’t found or if an error occurred, this will be JSON null

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the header of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction. The hash will encoded as hex in RPC byte order. If the transaction is not part of a block, the string will be empty

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations received for the transaction containing this output or 0 if the transaction hasn’t been confirmed yet

number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The amount of bitcoins spent to this output. May be 0

string : object Optional
(0 or 1)
An object with information about the pubkey script. This may be null if there was no pubkey script
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script encoded as hex
→ →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of signatures required; this is always 1 for P2PK, P2PKH, and P2SH (including P2SH multisig because the redeem script is not available in the pubkey script). It may be greater than 1 for bare multisig. This value will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types (see the type key below)
→ →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The type of script. This will be one of the following:
pubkey for a P2PK script
pubkeyhash for a P2PKH script
scripthash for a P2SH script
multisig for a bare multisig script
nulldata for nulldata scripts
nonstandard for unknown scripts
→ →
string : array Optional
(0 or 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH addresses used in this transaction, or the computed P2PKH address of any pubkeys in this transaction. This array will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types
→ → →
string Required
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction version number of the transaction containing the pubkey script

bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the transaction output belonged to a coinbase transaction; set to false for all other transactions. Coinbase transactions need to have 101 confirmations before their outputs can be spent

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the UTXO from the following transaction from the first output index (“0”), searching the memory pool if necessary.

bitcoin-cli -testnet gettxout \
  d77aee99e8bdc11f40b8a9354956f0346fec5535b82c77c8b5c06047e3bca86a \
  0 true


    "bestblock" : "00000000c92356f7030b1deeab54b3b02885711320b4c48523be9daa3e0ace5d",
    "confirmations" : 0,
    "value" : 0.00100000,
    "scriptPubKey" : {
        "asm" : "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 a11418d3c144876258ba02909514d90e71ad8443 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
        "hex" : "76a914a11418d3c144876258ba02909514d90e71ad844388ac",
        "reqSigs" : 1,
        "type" : "pubkeyhash",
        "addresses" : [
    "version" : 1,
    "coinbase" : false

See also


The gettxoutproof RPC returns a hex-encoded proof that one or more specified transactions were included in a block.

NOTE: By default this function only works when there is an unspent output in the UTXO set for this transaction. To make it always work, you need to maintain a transaction index, using the -txindex command line option, or specify the block in which the transaction is included in manually (by block header hash).

Parameter #1—the transaction hashes to prove

Name Type Presence Description
TXIDs array Required
(exactly 1)
A JSON array of txids to filter

string Required
(1 or more)
TXIDs of the transactions to generate proof for. All transactions must be in the same block

Parameter #2—the block to look for txids in

Name Type Presence Description
Header hash string Optional
(0 or 1)
If specified, looks for txid in the block with this hash

Result—serialized, hex-encoded data for the proof

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
A string that is a serialized, hex-encoded data for the proof

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.11.0

Get the hex-encoded proof that “txid” was included in block 0000000000000000140e84bf183d8d5207d65fbfae596bdf48f684d13d951847:

bitcoin-cli gettxoutproof \
  ''' \

Result (wrapped):


See also


The gettxoutsetinfo RPC returns statistics about the confirmed unspent transaction output (UTXO) set. Note that this call may take some time and that it only counts outputs from confirmed transactions—it does not count outputs from the memory pool.

Parameters: none

Result—statistics about the UTXO set

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
Information about the UTXO set

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of the local best block chain. A new node with only the hardcoded genesis block will have a height of 0

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the header of the highest block on the local best block chain, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of transactions with unspent outputs

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of unspent transaction outputs

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The size of the serialized UTXO set in bytes; not counting overhead, this is the size of the chainstate directory in the Bitcoin Core configuration directory

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
A SHA256(SHA256()) hash of the serialized UTXO set; useful for comparing two nodes to see if they have the same set (they should, if they always used the same serialization format and currently have the same best block). The hash is encoded as hex in RPC byte order

number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bitcoins in the UTXO set

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet gettxoutsetinfo


    "height" : 315293,
    "bestblock" : "00000000c92356f7030b1deeab54b3b02885711320b4c48523be9daa3e0ace5d",
    "transactions" : 771920,
    "txouts" : 2734587,
    "bytes_serialized" : 102629817,
    "hash_serialized" : "4753470fda0145760109e79b8c218a1331e84bb4269d116857b8a4597f109905",
    "total_amount" : 13131746.33839451

See also


Requires wallet support.

The getunconfirmedbalance RPC returns the wallet’s total unconfirmed balance.

Parameters: none

Result—the balance of unconfirmed transactions paying this wallet

Name Type Presence Description
result number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of bitcoins paid to this wallet in unconfirmed transactions

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getunconfirmedbalance

Result (no unconfirmed incoming payments):


See also


Requires wallet support. Added in Bitcoin Core 0.9.2.

The getwalletinfo RPC provides information about the wallet.

Parameters: none

Result—information about the wallet

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the wallet

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The version number of the wallet

number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The balance of the wallet. The same as returned by the getbalance RPC with default parameters

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The total number of transactions in the wallet (both spends and receives)

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The date as Unix epoch time when the oldest key in the wallet key pool was created; useful for only scanning blocks created since this date for transactions

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of keys in the wallet keypool

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned if the wallet was encrypted with the encryptwallet RPC. A Unix epoch date when the wallet will be locked, or 0 if the wallet is currently locked

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet getwalletinfo


    "walletversion" : 60000,
    "balance" : 1.45060000,
    "txcount" : 17,
    "keypoololdest" : 1398809500,
    "keypoolsize" : 196,
    "unlocked_until" : 0

See also


The getwork RPC was removed in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0.. If you have an older version of Bitcoin Core, use the help RPC to get help. For example: help getwork

See also


The help RPC lists all available public RPC commands, or gets help for the specified RPC. Commands which are unavailable will not be listed, such as wallet RPCs if wallet support is disabled.

Parameter—the name of the RPC to get help for

Name Type Presence Description
RPC string Optional
(0 or 1)
The name of the RPC to get help for. If omitted, Bitcoin Core 0.9x will display an alphabetical list of commands; Bitcoin Core 0.10.0 will display a categorized list of commands

Result—a list of RPCs or detailed help for a specific RPC

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The help text for the specified RPC or the list of commands. The bitcoin-cli command will parse this text and format it as human-readable text

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Command to get help about the help RPC:

bitcoin-cli -testnet help help


help ( "command" )

List all commands, or get help for a specified command.

1. "command"     (string, optional) The command to get help on

"text"     (string) The help text

See also


Requires wallet support. Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0.

The importaddress RPC adds an address or pubkey script to the wallet without the associated private key, allowing you to watch for transactions affecting that address or pubkey script without being able to spend any of its outputs.

Parameter #1—the address or pubkey script to watch

Name Type Presence Description
Address or Script string (base58 or hex) Required
(exactly 1)
Either a P2PKH or P2SH address encoded in base58check, or a pubkey script encoded as hex

Parameter #2—The account into which to place the address or pubkey script

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Optional
(0 or 1)
An account name into which the address should be placed. Default is the default account, an empty string(“”)

Parameter #3—whether to rescan the block chain

Name Type Presence Description
Rescan bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true (the default) to rescan the entire local block database for transactions affecting any address or pubkey script in the wallet (including transaction affecting the newly-added address or pubkey script). Set to false to not rescan the block database (rescanning can be performed at any time by restarting Bitcoin Core with the -rescan command-line argument). Rescanning may take several minutes. Notes: if the address or pubkey script is already in the wallet, the block database will not be rescanned even if this parameter is set

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
If the address or pubkey script is added to the wallet (or is already part of the wallet), JSON null will be returned

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Add an address, rescanning the local block database for any transactions matching it.

bitcoin-cli -testnet importaddress \
  muhtvdmsnbQEPFuEmxcChX58fGvXaaUoVt "watch-only test" true


(No output; success.)

Show that the address has been added:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getaccount muhtvdmsnbQEPFuEmxcChX58fGvXaaUoVt


watch-only test

See also


Requires wallet support. Wallet must be unlocked.

The importprivkey RPC adds a private key to your wallet. The key should be formatted in the wallet import format created by the dumpprivkey RPC.

Parameter #1—the private key to import

Name Type Presence Description
Private Key string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The private key to import into the wallet encoded in base58check using wallet import format (WIF)

Parameter #2—the account into which the key should be placed

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Optional
(0 or 1)
The name of an account to which transactions involving the key should be assigned. The default is the default account, an empty string (“”)

Parameter #3—whether to rescan the block chain

Name Type Presence Description
Rescan bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true (the default) to rescan the entire local block database for transactions affecting any address or pubkey script in the wallet (including transaction affecting the newly-added address for this private key). Set to false to not rescan the block database (rescanning can be performed at any time by restarting Bitcoin Core with the -rescan command-line argument). Rescanning may take several minutes. Notes: if the address for this key is already in the wallet, the block database will not be rescanned even if this parameter is set

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
If the private key is added to the wallet (or is already part of the wallet), JSON null will be returned

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Import the private key for the address mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe, giving it a label and scanning the entire block chain:

bitcoin-cli -testnet importprivkey \
              cU8Q2jGeX3GNKNa5etiC8mgEgFSeVUTRQfWE2ZCzszyqYNK4Mepy \
              "test label" \

(Success: no result displayed.)

See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The importwallet RPC imports private keys from a file in wallet dump file format (see the dumpwallet RPC). These keys will be added to the keys currently in the wallet. This call may need to rescan all or parts of the block chain for transactions affecting the newly-added keys, which may take several minutes.

Parameter #1—the file to import

Name Type Presence Description
Filename string Required
(exactly 1)
The file to import. The path is relative to Bitcoin Core’s working directory

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
If all the keys in the file are added to the wallet (or are already part of the wallet), JSON null will be returned

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Import the file shown in the example subsection of the dumpwallet RPC.

bitcoin-cli -testnet importwallet /tmp/dump.txt

(Success: no result displayed.)

See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The keypoolrefill RPC fills the cache of unused pre-generated keys (the keypool).

Parameter #1—the new keypool size

Name Type Presence Description
Key Pool Size number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The new size of the keypool; if the number of keys in the keypool is less than this number, new keys will be generated. Default is 100. The value 0 also equals the default. The value specified is for this call only—the default keypool size is not changed

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
If the keypool is successfully filled, JSON null will be returned

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Generate one extra key than the default:

bitcoin-cli -testnet keypoolrefill 101

(No result shown: success.)

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listaccounts RPC lists accounts and their balances.

Parameter #1—the minimum number of confirmations a transaction must have

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an externally-generated transaction must have before it is counted towards the balance. Transactions generated by this node are counted immediately. Typically, externally-generated transactions are payments to this wallet and transactions generated by this node are payments to other wallets. Use 0 to count unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Parameter #2—whether to include watch-only addresses in results

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet

Result—a list of accounts and their balances

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
A JSON array containing key/value pairs with account names and values. Must include, at the very least, the default account (“”)

Account : Balance
string : number (bitcoins) Required
(1 or more)
The name of an account as a string paired with the balance of the account as a number of bitcoins. The number of bitcoins may be negative if the account has spent more bitcoins than it received. Accounts with zero balances and zero transactions will be displayed

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Display account balances with one confirmation and watch-only addresses included.

bitcoin-cli -testnet listaccounts 1 true


    "" : -2.73928803,
    "Refund from" : 0.00000000,
    "doc test" : -498.45900000,
    "someone else's address" : 0.00000000,
    "someone else's address2" : 0.00050000,
    "test" : 499.97975293,
    "test account" : 0.00000000,
    "test label" : 0.48961280,
    "test1" : 1.99900000

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listaddressgroupings RPC lists groups of addresses that may have had their common ownership made public by common use as inputs in the same transaction or from being used as change from a previous transaction.

Parameters: none

Result—an array of arrays describing the groupings

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing the groupings. May be empty

array Optional
(0 or more)
An array containing arrays of addresses which can be associated with each other
→ →
Address Details
array Required
(1 or more)
An array containing information about a particular address
→ → →
string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The address in base58check format
→ → →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The current spendable balance of the address, not counting unconfirmed transactions
→ → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The account the address belongs to, if any. This field will not be returned for change addresses. The default account is an empty string (“”)

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet listaddressgroupings

Result (edited to only the first two results):


See also


Requires wallet support.

The listlockunspent RPC returns a list of temporarily unspendable (locked) outputs.

Parameters: none

Result—an array of locked outputs

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing all locked outputs. May be empty

object Optional
(1 or more)
An object describing a particular locked output
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction containing the locked output, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number (vout) of the locked output within the transaction. Output index 0 is the first output within the transaction

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet listlockunspent


        "txid" : "ca7cb6a5ffcc2f21036879493db4530c0ce9b5bff9648f9a3be46e2dfc8e0166",
        "vout" : 0

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listreceivedbyaccount RPC lists the total number of bitcoins received by each account.

Parameter #1—the minimum number of confirmations a transaction must have to be counted

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an externally-generated transaction must have before it is counted towards the balance. Transactions generated by this node are counted immediately. Typically, externally-generated transactions are payments to this wallet and transactions generated by this node are payments to other wallets. Use 0 to count unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Parameter #2—whether to include empty accounts

Name Type Presence Description
Include Empty bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true to display accounts which have never received a payment. Set to false (the default) to only include accounts which have received a payment. Any account which has received a payment will be displayed even if its current balance is 0

Parameter #3—whether to include watch-only addresses in results

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet

Result—account names, balances, and minimum confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing objects each describing an account. At the very least, the default account (“”) will be included

object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing an account
→ →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if the balance of this account includes a watch-only address which has received a spendable payment (that is, a payment with at least the specified number of confirmations and which is not an immature coinbase). Otherwise not returned
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account
→ →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The total amount received by this account in bitcoins
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations received by the last transaction received by this account. May be 0

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get the balances for all non-empty accounts, including only transactions which have been confirmed at least six times:

bitcoin-cli -testnet listreceivedbyaccount 6 false

Result (edited to only show the first two results):

        "account" : "",
        "amount" : 0.19960000,
        "confirmations" : 53601
        "account" : "doc test",
        "amount" : 0.30000000,
        "confirmations" : 8991

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listreceivedbyaddress RPC lists the total number of bitcoins received by each address.

Parameter #1—the minimum number of confirmations a transaction must have to be counted

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an externally-generated transaction must have before it is counted towards the balance. Transactions generated by this node are counted immediately. Typically, externally-generated transactions are payments to this wallet and transactions generated by this node are payments to other wallets. Use 0 to count unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Parameter #2—whether to include empty accounts

Name Type Presence Description
Include Empty bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true to display accounts which have never received a payment. Set to false (the default) to only include accounts which have received a payment. Any account which has received a payment will be displayed even if its current balance is 0

Parameter #3—whether to include watch-only addresses in results

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet

Result—addresses, account names, balances, and minimum confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing objects each describing a particular address

object Optional
(0 or more)
An object describing an address
→ →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if this address is a watch-only address which has received a spendable payment (that is, a payment with at least the specified number of confirmations and which is not an immature coinbase). Otherwise not returned
→ →
string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The address being described encoded in base58check
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The account the address belongs to; may be the default account, an empty string (“”)
→ →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The total amount the address has received in bitcoins
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations of the latest transaction to the address. May be 0 for unconfirmed
→ →
array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of TXIDs belonging to transactions that pay the address
→ → →
string Optional
(0 or more)
The TXID of a transaction paying the address, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

List addresses with balances confirmed by at least six blocks, including watch-only addresses:

bitcoin-cli -testnet listreceivedbyaddress 6 false true

Result (edit to show only two entries):

        "address" : "mnUbTmdAFD5EAg3348Ejmonub7JcWtrMck",
        "account" : "test1",
        "amount" : 1.99900000,
        "confirmations" : 55680,
        "txids" : [
        "involvesWatchonly" : true,
        "address" : "n3GNqMveyvaPvUbH469vDRadqpJMPc84JA",
        "account" : "someone else's address2",
        "amount" : 0.00050000,
        "confirmations" : 34714,
        "txids" : [

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listsinceblock RPC gets all transactions affecting the wallet which have occurred since a particular block, plus the header hash of a block at a particular depth.

Parameter #1—a block header hash

Name Type Presence Description
Header Hash string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The hash of a block header encoded as hex in RPC byte order. All transactions affecting the wallet which are not in that block or any earlier block will be returned, including unconfirmed transactions. Default is the hash of the genesis block, so all transactions affecting the wallet are returned by default

Parameter #2—the target confirmations for the lastblock field

Name Type Presence Description
Target Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Sets the lastblock field of the results to the header hash of a block with this many confirmations. This does not affect which transactions are returned. Default is 1, so the hash of the most recent block on the local best block chain is returned

Parameter #3—whether to include watch-only addresses in details and calculations

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet


Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object containing an array of transactions and the lastblock field

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing a particular payment to or from this wallet. The objects in this array do not describe an actual transactions, so more than one object in this array may come from the same transaction. This array may be empty
→ →
object Optional
(0 or more)
An payment which did not appear in the specified block or an earlier block
→ → →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if the payment involves a watch-only address. Otherwise not returned
→ → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The account which the payment was credited to or debited from. May be an empty string (“”) for the default account
→ → →
string (base58) Optional
(0 or 1)
The address paid in this payment, which may be someone else’s address not belonging to this wallet. May be empty if the address is unknown, such as when paying to a non-standard pubkey script
→ → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
Set to one of the following values:
send if sending payment
receive if this wallet received payment in a regular transaction
generate if a matured and spendable coinbase
immature if a coinbase that is not spendable yet
orphan if a coinbase from a block that’s not in the local best block chain
→ → →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
A negative bitcoin amount if sending payment; a positive bitcoin amount if receiving payment (including coinbases)
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

For an output, the output index (vout) for this output in this transaction. For an input, the output index for the output being spent in its transaction. Because inputs list the output indexes from previous transactions, more than one entry in the details array may have the same output index
→ → →
number (bitcoins) Optional
(0 or 1)
If sending payment, the fee paid as a negative bitcoins value. May be 0. Not returned if receiving payment
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations the transaction has received. Will be 0 for unconfirmed and -1 for conflicted
→ → →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if the transaction is a coinbase. Not returned for regular transactions
→ → →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The hash of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The block height of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction
→ → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The block header time (Unix epoch time) of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction
→ → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ → →
array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing the TXIDs of other transactions that spend the same inputs (UTXOs) as this transaction. Array may be empty
→ → → →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or more)
The TXID of a conflicting transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
A Unix epoch time when the transaction was added to the wallet
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
A Unix epoch time when the transaction was detected by the local node, or the time of the block on the local best block chain that included the transaction
→ → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
For transaction originating with this wallet, a locally-stored comment added to the transaction. Only returned if a comment was added
→ → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
For transaction originating with this wallet, a locally-stored comment added to the transaction identifying who the transaction was sent to. Only returned if a comment-to was added

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The header hash of the block with the number of confirmations specified in the target confirmations parameter, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get all transactions since a particular block (including watch-only transactions) and the header hash of the sixth most recent block.

bitcoin-cli -testnet listsinceblock \
              00000000688633a503f69818a70eac281302e9189b1bb57a76a05c329fcda718 \
              6 true

Result (edited to show only two payments):

    "transactions" : [
            "account" : "doc test",
            "address" : "mmXgiR6KAhZCyQ8ndr2BCfEq1wNG2UnyG6",
            "category" : "receive",
            "amount" : 0.10000000,
            "vout" : 0,
            "confirmations" : 76478,
            "blockhash" : "000000000017c84015f254498c62a7c884a51ccd75d4dd6dbdcb6434aa3bd44d",
            "blockindex" : 1,
            "blocktime" : 1399294967,
            "txid" : "85a98fdf1529f7d5156483ad020a51b7f3340e47448cf932f470b72ff01a6821",
            "walletconflicts" : [
            "time" : 1399294967,
            "timereceived" : 1418924714
            "involvesWatchonly" : true,
            "account" : "someone else's address2",
            "address" : "n3GNqMveyvaPvUbH469vDRadqpJMPc84JA",
            "category" : "receive",
            "amount" : 0.00050000,
            "vout" : 0,
            "confirmations" : 34714,
            "blockhash" : "00000000bd0ed80435fc9fe3269da69bb0730ebb454d0a29128a870ea1a37929",
            "blockindex" : 11,
            "blocktime" : 1411051649,
            "txid" : "99845fd840ad2cc4d6f93fafb8b072d188821f55d9298772415175c456f3077d",
            "walletconflicts" : [
            "time" : 1418695703,
            "timereceived" : 1418925580
    "lastblock" : "0000000000984add1a686d513e66d25686572c7276ec3e358a7e3e9f7eb88619"

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listtransactions RPC returns the most recent transactions that affect the wallet.

Parameter #1—an account name to get transactions from

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Optional
(0 or 1)
The name of an account to get transactinos from. Use an empty string (“”) to get transactions for the default account. Default is * to get transactions for all accounts

Parameter #2—the number of transactions to get

Name Type Presence Description
Count number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of the most recent transactions to list. Default is 10

Parameter #3—the number of transactions to skip

Name Type Presence Description
Skip number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of the most recent transactions which should not be returned. Allows for pagination of results. Default is 0

Parameter #4—whether to include watch-only addresses in details and calculations

Name Type Presence Description
Include Watch-Only bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

If set to true, include watch-only addresses in details and calculations as if they were regular addresses belonging to the wallet. If set to false (the default), treat watch-only addresses as if they didn’t belong to this wallet

Result—payment details

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing objects, with each object describing a payment or internal accounting entry (not a transaction). More than one object in this array may come from a single transaction. Array may be empty

object Optional
(0 or more)
A payment or internal accounting entry
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The account which the payment was credited to or debited from. May be an empty string (“”) for the default account
→ →
string (base58) Optional
(0 or 1)
The address paid in this payment, which may be someone else’s address not belonging to this wallet. May be empty if the address is unknown, such as when paying to a non-standard pubkey script or if this is in the move category
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
Set to one of the following values:
send if sending payment
receive if this wallet received payment in a regular transaction
generate if a matured and spendable coinbase
immature if a coinbase that is not spendable yet
orphan if a coinbase from a block that’s not in the local best block chain
move if an off-block-chain move made with the move RPC
→ →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
A negative bitcoin amount if sending payment; a positive bitcoin amount if receiving payment (including coinbases)
→ →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

For an output, the output index (vout) for this output in this transaction. For an input, the output index for the output being spent in its transaction. Because inputs list the output indexes from previous transactions, more than one entry in the details array may have the same output index. Not returned for move category payments
→ →
number (bitcoins) Optional
(0 or 1)
If sending payment, the fee paid as a negative bitcoins value. May be 0. Not returned if receiving payment or for move category payments
→ →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of confirmations the transaction has received. Will be 0 for unconfirmed and -1 for conflicted. Not returned for move category payments
→ →
bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if the transaction is a coinbase. Not returned for regular transactions or move category payments
→ →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The hash of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The block height of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction
→ →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for confirmed transactions. The block header time (Unix epoch time) of the block on the local best block chain which includes this transaction
→ →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The TXID of the transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order. Not returned for move category payments
→ →
array Optional
(0 or 1)
An array containing the TXIDs of other transactions that spend the same inputs (UTXOs) as this transaction. Array may be empty. Not returned for move category payments
→ → →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or more)
The TXID of a conflicting transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
A Unix epoch time when the transaction was added to the wallet
→ →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
A Unix epoch time when the transaction was detected by the local node, or the time of the block on the local best block chain that included the transaction. Not returned for move category payments
→ →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
For transaction originating with this wallet, a locally-stored comment added to the transaction. Only returned in regular payments if a comment was added. Always returned in move category payments. May be an empty string
→ →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
For transaction originating with this wallet, a locally-stored comment added to the transaction identifying who the transaction was sent to. Only returned if a comment-to was added. Never returned by move category payments. May be an empty string
→ →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned by move category payments. This is the account the bitcoins were moved from or moved to, as indicated by a negative or positive amount field in this payment

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

List the most recent transaction from the account “someone else’s address2” including watch-only addresses.

bitcoin-cli -testnet listtransactions \
  "someone else's address2" 1 0 true


        "involvesWatchonly" : true,
        "account" : "someone else's address2",
        "address" : "n3GNqMveyvaPvUbH469vDRadqpJMPc84JA",
        "category" : "receive",
        "amount" : 0.00050000,
        "vout" : 0,
        "confirmations" : 34714,
        "blockhash" : "00000000bd0ed80435fc9fe3269da69bb0730ebb454d0a29128a870ea1a37929",
        "blockindex" : 11,
        "blocktime" : 1411051649,
        "txid" : "99845fd840ad2cc4d6f93fafb8b072d188821f55d9298772415175c456f3077d",
        "walletconflicts" : [
        "time" : 1418695703,
        "timereceived" : 1418925580

See also


Requires wallet support.

The listunspent RPC returns an array of unspent transaction outputs belonging to this wallet. Note: as of Bitcoin Core 0.10.0, outputs affecting watch-only addresses will be returned; see the spendable field in the results described below.

Parameter #1—the minimum number of confirmations an output must have

Name Type Presence Description
Minimum Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations the transaction containing an output must have in order to be returned. Use 0 to return outputs from unconfirmed transactions. Default is 1

Parameter #2—the maximum number of confirmations an output may have

Name Type Presence Description
Maximum Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The maximum number of confirmations the transaction containing an output may have in order to be returned. Default is 9999999 (~10 million)

Parameter #3—the addresses an output must pay

Name Type Presence Description
Addresses array Optional
(0 or 1)
If present, only outputs which pay an address in this array will be returned

string (base58) Required
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address

Result—the list of unspent outputs

Name Type Presence Description
result array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing an unspent output. May be empty

Unspent Output
object Optional
(0 or more)
An object describing a particular unspent output belonging to this wallet
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction containing the output, encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number (vout) of the output within its containing transaction
→ →
string (base58) Optional
(0 or 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH address the output paid. Only returned for P2PKH or P2SH output scripts
→ →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
If the address returned belongs to an account, this is the account. Otherwise not returned
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The output script paid, encoded as hex
→ →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
If the output is a P2SH whose script belongs to this wallet, this is the redeem script
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The amount paid to the output in bitcoins
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations received for the transaction containing this output
→ →
bool Required
(exactly 1)
Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set to true if the private key or keys needed to spend this output are part of the wallet. Set to false if not (such as for watch-only addresses)

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Get all outputs confirmed at least 6 times for a particular address:

bitcoin-cli -testnet listunspent 6 99999999 '''


        "txid" : "d54994ece1d11b19785c7248868696250ab195605b469632b7bd68130e880c9a",
        "vout" : 1,
        "address" : "mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe",
        "account" : "test label",
        "scriptPubKey" : "76a9140dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f58488ac",
        "amount" : 0.00010000,
        "confirmations" : 6210,
        "spendable" : true

See also


Requires wallet support.

The lockunspent RPC temporarily locks or unlocks specified transaction outputs. A locked transaction output will not be chosen by automatic coin selection when spending bitcoins. Locks are stored in memory only, so nodes start with zero locked outputs and the locked output list is always cleared when a node stops or fails.

Parameter #1—whether to lock or unlock the outputs

Name Type Presence Description
Unlock bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to false to lock the outputs specified in the following parameter. Set to true to unlock the outputs specified. If this is the only argument specified and it is set to true, all outputs will be unlocked; if it is the only argument and is set to false, there will be no change

Parameter #2—the outputs to lock or unlock

Name Type Presence Description
Outputs array Optional
(0 or 1)
An array of outputs to lock or unlock

object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing a particular output
→ →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction containing the output to lock or unlock, encoded as hex in internal byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number (vout) of the output to lock or unlock. The first output in a transaction has an index of 0

Result—true if successful

Name Type Presence Description
result bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the outputs were successfully locked or unlocked. If the outputs were already locked or unlocked, it will also return true

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Lock two outputs:

bitcoin-cli -testnet lockunspent false '''
      "txid": "5a7d24cd665108c66b2d56146f244932edae4e2376b561b3d396d5ae017b9589",
      "vout": 0
      "txid": "6c5edd41a33f9839257358ba6ddece67df9db7f09c0db6bbea00d0372e8fe5cd",
      "vout": 0



Verify the outputs have been locked:

bitcoin-cli -testnet listlockunspent


    "txid": "5a7d24cd665108c66b2d56146f244932edae4e2376b561b3d396d5ae017b9589",
    "vout": 0
    "txid": "6c5edd41a33f9839257358ba6ddece67df9db7f09c0db6bbea00d0372e8fe5cd",
    "vout": 0

Unlock one of the above outputs:

bitcoin-cli -testnet lockunspent true '''
    "txid": "5a7d24cd665108c66b2d56146f244932edae4e2376b561b3d396d5ae017b9589",
    "vout": 0



Verify the output has been unlocked:

bitcoin-cli -testnet listlockunspent


    "txid": "6c5edd41a33f9839257358ba6ddece67df9db7f09c0db6bbea00d0372e8fe5cd",
    "vout": 0

See also


Requires wallet support.

The move RPC moves a specified amount from one account in your wallet to another using an off-block-chain transaction.

Warning icon Warning: it’s allowed to move more funds than are in an account, giving the sending account a negative balance and giving the receiving account a balance that may exceed the number of bitcoins in the wallet (or the number of bitcoins in existence).

Parameter #1—from account

Name Type Presence Description
From Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account to move the funds from

Parameter #2—to account

Name Type Presence Description
To Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account to move the funds to

Parameter #3—amount to move

Name Type Presence Description
Amount number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The amount of bitcoins to move

Parameter #4—an unused parameter

Name Type Presence Description
Unused number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
This parameter is no longer used. If parameter #5 needs to be specified, this can be any integer

Parameter #5—a comment

Name Type Presence Description
Comment string Optional
(0 or 1)
A comment to assign to this move payment

Result—true on success

Name Type Presence Description
result bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the move was successful

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Move 0.1 bitcoins from “doc test” to “test1”, giving the transaction the comment “Example move”:

bitcoin-cli -testnet move "doc test" "test1" 0.1 0 "Example move"



See also


The ping RPC sends a P2P ping message to all connected nodes to measure ping time. Results are provided by the getpeerinfo RPC pingtime and pingwait fields as decimal seconds. The P2P ping message is handled in a queue with all other commands, so it measures processing backlog, not just network ping.

Parameters: none


Name Type Presence Description
result null Required Always JSON null

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet ping

(Success: no result printed.)

Get the results using the getpeerinfo RPC:

bitcoin-cli -testnet getpeerinfo | grep ping


        "pingtime" : 0.11790800,
        "pingtime" : 0.22673400,
        "pingtime" : 0.16451900,
        "pingtime" : 0.12465200,
        "pingtime" : 0.13267900,
        "pingtime" : 0.23983300,
        "pingtime" : 0.16764700,
        "pingtime" : 0.11337300,

See also


Added in Bitcoin Core 0.10.0.

The prioritisetransaction RPC adds virtual priority or fee to a transaction, allowing it to be accepted into blocks mined by this node (or miners which use this node) with a lower priority or fee. (It can also remove virtual priority or fee, requiring the transaction have a higher priority or fee to be accepted into a locally-mined block.)

Parameter #1—the TXID of the transaction to modify

Name Type Presence Description
TXID string Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction whose virtual priority or fee you want to modify, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Parameter #2—the change to make to the virtual priority

Name Type Presence Description
Priority number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
If positive, the priority to add to the transaction in addition to its computed priority; if negative, the priority to subtract from the transaction’s computed priory. Computed priority is the age of each input in days since it was added to the block chain as an output (coinage) times the value of the input in satoshis (value) divided by the size of the serialized transaction (size), which is coinage * value / size

Parameter #3—the change to make to the virtual fee

Name Type Presence Description
Fee number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
Warning: this value is in satoshis, not bitcoins

If positive, the virtual fee to add to the actual fee paid by the transaction; if negative, the virtual fee to subtract from the actual fee paid by the transaction. No change is made to the actual fee paid by the transaction

Result—true if the priority is changed

Name Type Presence Description
result bool (true only) Required
(exactly 1)
Always set to true if all three parameters are provided. Will not return an error if the TXID is not in the memory pool. If fewer or more than three arguments are provided, or if something goes wrong, will be set to null

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet prioritisetransaction \
    fe0165147da737e16f5096ab6c1709825217377a95a882023ed089a89af4cff9 \
    1234 456789



See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The sendfrom RPC spends an amount from a local account to a bitcoin address.

Parameter #1—from account

Name Type Presence Description
From Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account from which the bitcoins should be spent. Use an empty string (“”) for the default account

Parameter #2—to address

Name Type Presence Description
To Address string Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH or P2SH address to which the bitcoins should be sent

Parameter #3—amount to spend

Name Type Presence Description
Amount number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The amount to spend in bitcoins. Bitcoin Core will ensure the account has sufficient bitcoins to pay this amount (but the transaction fee paid is not included in the calculation, so an account can spend a total of its balance plus the transaction fee)

Parameter #4—minimum confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an incoming transaction must have for its outputs to be credited to this account’s balance. Outgoing transactions are always counted, as are move transactions made with the move RPC. If an account doesn’t have a balance high enough to pay for this transaction, the payment will be rejected. Use 0 to spend unconfirmed incoming payments. Default is 1

Warning icon Warning: if account1 receives an unconfirmed payment and transfers it to account2 with the move RPC, account2 will be able to spend those bitcoins even if this parameter is set to 1 or higher.

Parameter #5—a comment

Name Type Presence Description
Comment string Optional
(0 or 1)
A locally-stored (not broadcast) comment assigned to this transaction. Default is no comment

Parameter #6—a comment about who the payment was sent to

Name Type Presence Description
Comment To string Optional
(0 or 1)
A locally-stored (not broadcast) comment assigned to this transaction. Meant to be used for describing who the payment was sent to. Default is no comment

Result—a TXID of the sent transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the sent transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Spend 0.1 bitcoins from the account “test” to the address indicated below using only UTXOs with at least six confirmations, giving the transaction the comment “Example spend” and labeling the spender “”:

bitcoin-cli -testnet sendfrom "test" \
            mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe \
            0.1 \
            6 \
            "Example spend" \



See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The sendmany RPC creates and broadcasts a transaction which sends outputs to multiple addresses.

Parameter #1—from account

Name Type Presence Description
From Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account from which the bitcoins should be spent. Use an empty string (“”) for the default account. Bitcoin Core will ensure the account has sufficient bitcoins to pay the total amount in the outputs field described below (but the transaction fee paid is not included in the calculation, so an account can spend a total of its balance plus the transaction fee)

Parameter #2—the addresses and amounts to pay

Name Type Presence Description
Outputs object Required
(exactly 1)
An object containing key/value pairs corresponding to the addresses and amounts to pay

string (base58) : number (bitcoins) Required
(1 or more)
A key/value pair with a base58check-encoded string containing the P2PKH or P2SH address to pay as the key, and an amount of bitcoins to pay as the value

Parameter #3—minimum confirmations

Name Type Presence Description
Confirmations number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The minimum number of confirmations an incoming transaction must have for its outputs to be credited to this account’s balance. Outgoing transactions are always counted, as are move transactions made with the move RPC. If an account doesn’t have a balance high enough to pay for this transaction, the payment will be rejected. Use 0 to spend unconfirmed incoming payments. Default is 1

Warning icon Warning: if account1 receives an unconfirmed payment and transfers it to account2 with the move RPC, account2 will be able to spend those bitcoins even if this parameter is set to 1 or higher.

Parameter #4—a comment

Name Type Presence Description
Comment string Optional
(0 or 1)
A locally-stored (not broadcast) comment assigned to this transaction. Default is no comment

Result—a TXID of the sent transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the sent transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

From the account test1, send 0.1 bitcoins to the first address and 0.2 bitcoins to the second address, with a comment of “Example Transaction”.

bitcoin-cli -testnet sendmany \
  "test1" \
      "mjSk1Ny9spzU2fouzYgLqGUD8U41iR35QN": 0.1,
      "mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe": 0.2
    } ''' \
  6       \
  "Example Transaction"



See also


The sendrawtransaction RPC validates a transaction and broadcasts it to the peer-to-peer network.

Parameter #1—a serialized transaction to broadcast

Name Type Presence Description
Transaction string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The serialized transaction to broadcast encoded as hex

*Parameter #2–whether to allow high fees**

Name Type Presence Description
Allow High Fees bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true to allow the transaction to pay a high transaction fee. Set to false (the default) to prevent Bitcoin Core from broadcasting the transaction if it includes a high fee. Transaction fees are the sum of the inputs minus the sum of the outputs, so this high fees check helps ensures user including a change address to return most of the difference back to themselves

Result—a TXID or error message

Name Type Presence Description
result null/string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
If the transaction was accepted by the node for broadcast, this will be the TXID of the transaction encoded as hex in RPC byte order. If the transaction was rejected by the node, this will set to null, the JSON-RPC error field will be set to a code, and the JSON-RPC message field may contain an informative error message

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Broadcast a signed transaction:

bitcoin-cli -testnet sendrawtransaction 01000000011da9283b4ddf8d\



See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The sendtoaddress RPC spends an amount to a given address.

Parameter #1—to address

Name Type Presence Description
To Address string Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH or P2SH address to which the bitcoins should be sent

Parameter #2—amount to spend

Name Type Presence Description
Amount number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The amount to spent in bitcoins

Parameter #3—a comment

Name Type Presence Description
Comment string Optional
(0 or 1)
A locally-stored (not broadcast) comment assigned to this transaction. Default is no comment

Parameter #4—a comment about who the payment was sent to

Name Type Presence Description
Comment To string Optional
(0 or 1)
A locally-stored (not broadcast) comment assigned to this transaction. Meant to be used for describing who the payment was sent to. Default is no comment

Result—a TXID of the sent transaction

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the sent transaction, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Spend 0.1 bitcoins to the address below with the comment “sendtoadress example” and the comment-to “Nemo From”:

bitcoin-cli -testnet sendtoaddress mmXgiR6KAhZCyQ8ndr2BCfEq1wNG2UnyG6 \
  0.1 "sendtoaddress example" "Nemo From"



See also


Requires wallet support.

The setaccount RPC puts the specified address in the given account.

Parameter #1—a bitcoin address

Name Type Presence Description
Address string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH address to put in the account. Must already belong to the wallet

Parameter #2—an account

Name Type Presence Description
Account string Required
(exactly 1)
The name of the account in which the address should be placed. May be the default account, an empty string (“”)

Result—null if successful

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Set to JSON null if the address was successfully placed in the account

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Put the address indicated below in the “doc test” account.

bitcoin-cli -testnet setaccount \
    mmXgiR6KAhZCyQ8ndr2BCfEq1wNG2UnyG6 "doc test"

(Success: no result displayed.)

See also


Requires wallet support.

The setgenerate RPC enables or disables hashing to attempt to find the next block.

Parameter #1—whether to enable or disable generation

Name Type Presence Description
Enable/Disable bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true to enable generation; set to false to disable generation

Parameter #2 (regular)—the number of processors to use

Name Type Presence Description
Processors number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of processors to use. Defaults to 1. Set to -1 to use all processors

Parameter #2 (regtest)—the number of blocks to generate

Note: setgenerate in regtest mode has been removed in Bitcoin Core master. See the generate RPC for the replacement.

Name Type Presence Description
Blocks number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
In regtest mode, set to the number of blocks to generate. Defaults to 1

Result (regular)—generating is enabled

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always JSON null

Result (regtest)—the generated block header hashes

Name Type Presence Description
result array/null Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing the block header hashes of the generated blocks, or JSON null if no blocks were generated

Header Hashes
string (hex) Required
(1 or more)
The hashes of the headers of the blocks generated in regtest mode, as hex in RPC byte order

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Enable generation using two logical processors (on this machine, two cores of one physical processor):

bitcoin-cli -testnet setgenerate true 2

(Success: no result displayed. Process manager shows 200% CPU usage.)

Using regtest mode, generate 2 blocks:

bitcoin-cli -regtest setgenerate true 101



See also


Requires wallet support.

The settxfee RPC sets the transaction fee per kilobyte paid by transactions created by this wallet.

Parameter #1—the transaction fee amount per kilobyte

Name Type Presence Description
Transaction Fee Per Kilobyte number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction fee to pay, in bitcoins, for each kilobyte of transaction data. Be careful setting the fee too low—your transactions may not be relayed or included in blocks

Result: true on success

Name Type Presence Description
result bool (true) Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the fee was successfully set

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Set the transaction fee per kilobyte to 100,000 satoshis.

bitcoin-cli -testnet settxfee 0.00100000



See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet or an unencrypted wallet.

The signmessage RPC signs a message with the private key of an address.

Parameter #1—the address corresponding to the private key to sign with

Name Type Presence Description
Address string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
A P2PKH address whose private key belongs to this wallet

Parameter #2—the message to sign

Name Type Presence Description
Message string Required
(exactly 1)
The message to sign

Result—the message signature

Name Type Presence Description
result string (base64) Required
(exactly 1)
The signature of the message, encoded in base64. Note that Bitcoin Core before 0.10.0 creates signatures with random k values, so each time you sign the same message, it will create a different signature

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Sign a the message “Hello, World!” using the following address:

bitcoin-cli -testnet signmessage mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe \
    'Hello, World!'



See also


The signrawtransaction RPC signs a transaction in the serialized transaction format using private keys stored in the wallet or provided in the call.

Parameter #1—the transaction to sign

Name Type Presence Description
Transaction string (hex Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction to sign as a serialized transaction

Parameter #2—unspent transaction output details

Name Type Presence Description
Dependencies array Optional
(0 or 1)
The previous outputs being spent by this transaction

object Optional
(0 or more)
An output being spent
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The TXID of the transaction the output appeared in. The TXID must be encoded in hex in RPC byte order
→ →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The index number of the output (vout) as it appeared in its transaction, with the first output being 0
→ →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The output’s pubkey script encoded as hex
→ →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
If the pubkey script was a script hash, this must be the corresponding redeem script

Parameter #3—private keys for signing

Name Type Presence Description
Private Keys array Optional
(0 or 1)
An array holding private keys. If any keys are provided, only they will be used to sign the transaction (even if the wallet has other matching keys). If this array is empty or not used, and wallet support is enabled, keys from the wallet will be used

string (base58) Required
(1 or more)
A private key in base58check format to use to create a signature for this transaction

Parameter #4—signature hash type

Name Type Presence Description
SigHash string Optional
(0 or 1)
The type of signature hash to use for all of the signatures performed. (You must use separate calls to the signrawtransaction RPC if you want to use different signature hash types for different signatures. The allowed values are: ALL, NONE, SINGLE, ALL|ANYONECANPAY, NONE|ANYONECANPAY, and SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY

Result—the transaction with any signatures made

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
The results of the signature

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The resulting serialized transaction encoded as hex with any signatures made inserted. If no signatures were made, this will be the same transaction provided in parameter #1

bool Required
(exactly 1)
The value true if transaction is fully signed; the value false if more signatures are required

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Sign the hex generated in the example section for the createrawtransaction RPC:

bitcoin-cli -testnet signrawtransaction 01000000011da9283b4ddf8d\


    "hex" : "01000000011da9283b4ddf8d89eb996988b89ead56cecdc44041ab38bf787f1206cd90b51e000000006a47304402200ebea9f630f3ee35fa467ffc234592c79538ecd6eb1c9199eb23c4a16a0485a20220172ecaf6975902584987d295b8dddf8f46ec32ca19122510e22405ba52d1f13201210256d16d76a49e6c8e2edc1c265d600ec1a64a45153d45c29a2fd0228c24c3a524ffffffff01405dc600000000001976a9140dfc8bafc8419853b34d5e072ad37d1a5159f58488ac00000000",
    "complete" : true

See also


The stop RPC safely shuts down the Bitcoin Core server.

Parameters: none

Result—the server is safely shut down

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The string “Bitcoin server stopping”

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet stop


Bitcoin server stopping

See also: none


The submitblock RPC accepts a block, verifies it is a valid addition to the block chain, and broadcasts it to the network. Extra parameters are ignored by Bitcoin Core but may be used by mining pools or other programs.

Parameter #1—the new block in serialized block format as hex

Name Type Presence Description
Block string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The full block to submit in serialized block format as hex

Parameter #2—additional parameters

Name Type Presence Description
Parameters object Optional
(0 or 1)
A JSON object containing extra parameters. Not used directly by Bitcoin Core and also not broadcast to the network. This is available for use by mining pools and other software. A common parameter is a workid string

Result—null or error string

Name Type Presence Description
result null/string Required
(exactly 1)
If the block submission succeeded, set to JSON null. If submission failed, set to one of the following strings: duplicate, duplicate-invalid, inconclusive, or rejected. The JSON-RPC error field will still be set to null if submission failed for one of these reasons

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Submit the following block with the workid, “test”.

bitcoin-cli -testnet submitblock 02000000df11c014a8d798395b5059c\
650f529332c47646dac00000000 \
'{ "workid": "test" }'

Result (the block above was already on a local block chain):


See also


The validateaddress RPC returns information about the given Bitcoin address.

Parameter #1—a P2PKH or P2SH address

Name Type Presence Description
Address string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH address to validate encoded in base58check format

Result—information about the address

Name Type Presence Description
result object Required
(exactly 1)
Information about the address

bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the address is a valid P2PKH or P2SH address; set to false otherwise

string (base58) Optional
(0 or 1)
If the address is valid, this is the address

bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if the address belongs to the wallet; set to false if it does not. Only returned if wallet support enabled

bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if the address is watch-only. Otherwise set to false. Only returned if address is in the wallet

bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if a P2SH address; otherwise set to false. Only returned if the address is in the wallet

string Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for P2SH addresses belonging to this wallet. This is the type of script:
pubkey for a P2PK script inside P2SH
pubkeyhash for a P2PKH script inside P2SH
multisig for a multisig script inside P2SH
nonstandard for unknown scripts

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for P2SH addresses belonging to this wallet. This is the redeem script encoded as hex

array Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for P2SH addresses belonging to the wallet. A P2PKH addresses used in this script, or the computed P2PKH addresses of any pubkeys in this script. This array will be empty for nonstandard script types
→ →
string Optional
(0 or more)
A P2PKH address

number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
Only returned for multisig P2SH addresses belonging to the wallet. The number of signatures required by this script

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The public key corresponding to this address. Only returned if the address is a P2PKH address in the wallet

bool Optional
(0 or 1)
Set to true if a compressed public key or set to false if an uncompressed public key. Only returned if the address is a P2PKH address in the wallet

string Optional
(0 or 1)
The account this address belong to. May be an empty string for the default account. Only returned if the address belongs to the wallet

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Validate the following P2PKH address from the wallet:

bitcoin-cli -testnet validateaddress mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe


    "isvalid" : true,
    "address" : "mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe",
    "ismine" : true,
    "iswatchonly" : false,
    "isscript" : false,
    "pubkey" : "03bacb84c6464a58b3e0a53cc0ba4cb3b82848cd7bed25a7724b3cc75d76c9c1ba",
    "iscompressed" : true,
    "account" : "test label"

Validate the following P2SH multisig address from the wallet:

bitcoin-cli -testnet validateaddress 2MyVxxgNBk5zHRPRY2iVjGRJHYZEp1pMCSq


    "isvalid" : true,
    "address" : "2MyVxxgNBk5zHRPRY2iVjGRJHYZEp1pMCSq",
    "ismine" : true,
    "iswatchonly" : false,
    "isscript" : true,
    "script" : "multisig",
    "hex" : "522103ede722780d27b05f0b1169efc90fa15a601a32fc6c3295114500c586831b6aaf2102ecd2d250a76d204011de6bc365a56033b9b3a149f679bc17205555d3c2b2854f21022d609d2f0d359e5bc0e5d0ea20ff9f5d3396cb5b1906aa9c56a0e7b5edc0c5d553ae",
    "addresses" : [
    "sigsrequired" : 2,
    "account" : "test account"

See also


The verifychain RPC verifies each entry in the local block chain database.

Parameter #1—how thoroughly to check each block

Name Type Presence Description
Check Level number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
How thoroughly to check each block, from 0 to 4. Default is the level set with the -checklevel command line argument; if that isn’t set, the default is 3. Each higher level includes the tests from the lower levels

Levels are:
0. Read from disk to ensure the files are accessible
1. Ensure each block is valid
2. Make sure undo files can be read from disk and are in a valid format
3. Test each block undo to ensure it results in correct state
4. After undoing blocks, reconnect them to ensure they reconnect correctly

Parameter #2—the number of blocks to check

Name Type Presence Description
Number Of Blocks number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of blocks to verify. Set to 0 to check all blocks. Defaults to the value of the -checkblocks command-line argument; if that isn’t set, the default is 288

Result—verification results

Name Type Presence Description
result bool Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if verified; set to false if verification failed for any reason

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Verify the most recent 10,000 blocks in the most through way:

bitcoin-cli -testnet verifychain 4 10000

Result (took 4 minutes and 25 seconds on a generic PC laptop; it would’ve taken much longer on mainnet):


See also


The verifymessage RPC verifies a signed message.

Parameter #1—the address corresponding to the signing key

Name Type Presence Description
Address string (base58) Required
(exactly 1)
The P2PKH address corresponding to the private key which made the signature. A P2PKH address is a hash of the public key corresponding to the private key which made the signature. When the ECDSA signature is checked, up to four possible ECDSA public keys will be reconstructed from from the signature; each key will be hashed and compared against the P2PKH address provided to see if any of them match. If there are no matches, signature validation will fail

Parameter #2—the signature

Name Type Presence Description
Signature string (base64) Required
(exactly 1)
The signature created by the signer encoded as base-64 (the format output by the signmessage RPC)

Parameter #3—the message

Name Type Presence Description
Message string Required
(exactly 1)
The message exactly as it was signed (e.g. no extra whitespace)

Result: true, false, or an error

Name Type Presence Description
result bool/null Required
(exactly 1)
Set to true if the message was signed by a key corresponding to the provided P2PKH address; set to false if it was not signed by that key; set to JSON null if an error occurred

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Check the signature on the message created in the example for signmessage:

bitcoin-cli -testnet verifymessage \
  mgnucj8nYqdrPFh2JfZSB1NmUThUGnmsqe \
  IL98ziCmwYi5pL+dqKp4Ux+zCa4hP/xbjHmWh+Mk/lefV/0pWV1p/gQ94jgExSmgH2/+PDcCCrOHAady2IEySSI= \
  'Hello, World!'



See also


The verifytxoutproof RPC verifies that a proof points to one or more transactions in a block, returning the transactions the proof commits to and throwing an RPC error if the block is not in our best block chain.

Parameter #1—The hex-encoded proof generated by gettxoutproof

Name Type Presence Description
proof string Required A hex-encoded proof

Result—txid(s) which the proof commits to

Name Type Presence Description
result string Required
(exactly 1)
The txid(s) which the proof commits to, or empty array if the proof is invalid

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.11.0

Verify a proof:

bitcoin-cli verifytxoutproof \



See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an unlocked wallet.

The walletlock RPC removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet. After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase again before being able to call any methods which require the wallet to be unlocked.

Parameters: none

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always set to JSON null

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

bitcoin-cli -testnet walletlock

(Success: nothing printed.)

See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an encrypted wallet.

The walletpassphrase RPC stores the wallet decryption key in memory for the indicated number of seconds. Issuing the walletpassphrase command while the wallet is already unlocked will set a new unlock time that overrides the old one.

Warning icon Warning: if using this RPC on the command line, remember that your shell probably saves your command lines (including the value of the passphrase parameter).

Parameter #1—the passphrase

Name Type Presence Description
Passphrase string Required
(exactly 1)
The passphrase that unlocks the wallet

Parameter #2—the number of seconds to leave the wallet unlocked

Name Type Presence Description
Seconds number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of seconds after which the decryption key will be automatically deleted from memory

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always set to JSON null

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Unlock the wallet for 10 minutes (the passphrase is “test”):

bitcoin-cli -testnet walletpassphrase test 600

(Success: no result printed.)

See also


Requires wallet support. Requires an encrypted wallet.

The walletpassphrasechange RPC changes the wallet passphrase from ‘old passphrase’ to ‘new passphrase’.

Warning icon Warning: if using this RPC on the command line, remember that your shell probably saves your command lines (including the value of the passphrase parameter).

Parameter #1—the current passphrase

Name Type Presence Description
Current Passphrase string Required
(exactly 1)
The current wallet passphrase

Parameter #2—the new passphrase

Name Type Presence Description
New Passphrase string Required
(exactly 1)
The new passphrase for the wallet

Result—null on success

Name Type Presence Description
result null Required
(exactly 1)
Always set to JSON null

Example from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Change the wallet passphrase from “test” to “example”:

bitcoin-cli -testnet walletpassphrasechange test example

(Success: no result printed.)

See also


As of version 0.10.0, Bitcoin Core provides an unauthenticated HTTP REST interface. The interface runs on the same port as the JSON-RPC interface, by default port 8332 for mainnet and port 18332 for testnet. It must be enabled by either starting Bitcoin Core with the -rest option or by specifying rest=1 in the configuration file.

The interface is not intended for public access and is only accessible from localhost by default.

Warning icon Warning: A web browser can access a HTTP REST interface running on localhost, possibly allowing third parties to use cross-site scripting attacks to download your transaction and block data, reducing your privacy. If you have privacy concerns, you should not run a browser on the same computer as a REST-enabled Bicoin Core node.

The interface uses standard HTTP status codes and returns a plain-text description of errors for debugging.

Quick Reference


Warning icon Warning: the block chain and memory pool can include arbitrary data which several of the commands below will return in hex format. If you convert this data to another format in an executable context, it could be used in an exploit. For example, displaying a pubkey script as ASCII text in a webpage could add arbitrary Javascript to that page and create a cross-site scripting (XSS) exploit. To avoid problems, please treat block chain and memory pool data as an arbitrary input from an untrusted source.

GET Block

The GET block operation gets a block with a particular header hash from the local block database either as a JSON object or as a serialized block.


GET /block/<hash>.<format>

Parameter #1—the header hash of the block to retrieve

Name Type Presence Description
Header Hash path (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the header of the block to get, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Parameter #2—the output format

Name Type Presence Description
Format suffix Required
(exactly 1)
Set to .json for decoded block contents in JSON, or .bin or hex for a serialized block in binary or hex

Response as JSON

Name Type Presence Description
Result object Required
(exactly 1)
An object containing the requested block

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of this block’s block header encoded as hex in RPC byte order. This is the same as the hash provided in parameter #1

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of confirmations the transactions in this block have, starting at 1 when this block is at the tip of the best block chain. This score will be -1 if the the block is not part of the best block chain

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The size of this block in serialized block format, counted in bytes

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The height of this block on its block chain

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
This block’s version number. See block version numbers

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The merkle root for this block, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

array Required
(exactly 1)
An array containing all transactions in this block. The transactions appear in the array in the same order they appear in the serialized block
→ →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing a particular transaction within this block
→ → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction’s TXID encoded as hex in RPC byte order
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction format version number
→ → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The transaction’s locktime: either a Unix epoch date or block height; see the Locktime parsing rules
→ → →
array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects with each object being an input vector (vin) for this transaction. Input objects will have the same order within the array as they have in the transaction, so the first input listed will be input 0
→ → → →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing one of this transaction’s inputs. May be a regular input or a coinbase
→ → → → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The TXID of the outpoint being spent, encoded as hex in RPC byte order. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → → → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The output index number (vout) of the outpoint being spent. The first output in a transaction has an index of 0. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → → → →
object Optional
(0 or 1)
An object describing the signature script of this input. Not present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → → → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The signature script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ → → → → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The signature script encoded as hex
→ → → → →
string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The coinbase (similar to the hex field of a scriptSig) encoded as hex. Only present if this is a coinbase transaction
→ → → → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The input sequence number
→ → →
array Required
(exactly 1)
An array of objects each describing an output vector (vout) for this transaction. Output objects will have the same order within the array as they have in the transaction, so the first output listed will be output 0
→ → → →
object Required
(1 or more)
An object describing one of this transaction’s outputs
→ → → → →
number (bitcoins) Required
(exactly 1)
The number of bitcoins paid to this output. May be 0
→ → → → →
number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The output index number of this output within this transaction
→ → → → →
object Required
(exactly 1)
An object describing the pubkey script
→ → → → → →
string Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script in decoded form with non-data-pushing opcodes listed
→ → → → → →
string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The pubkey script encoded as hex
→ → → → → →
number (int) Optional
(0 or 1)
The number of signatures required; this is always 1 for P2PK, P2PKH, and P2SH (including P2SH multisig because the redeem script is not available in the pubkey script). It may be greater than 1 for bare multisig. This value will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types (see the type key below)
→ → → → → →
string Optional
(0 or 1)
The type of script. This will be one of the following:
pubkey for a P2PK script
pubkeyhash for a P2PKH script
scripthash for a P2SH script
multisig for a bare multisig script
nulldata for nulldata scripts
nonstandard for unknown scripts
→ → → → → →
string : array Optional
(0 or 1)
The P2PKH or P2SH addresses used in this transaction, or the computed P2PKH address of any pubkeys in this transaction. This array will not be returned for nulldata or nonstandard script types
→ → → → → → →
string Required
(1 or more)
A P2PKH or P2SH address

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The value of the time field in the block header, indicating approximately when the block was created

number (int) Required
(exactly 1)
The nonce which was successful at turning this particular block into one that could be added to the best block chain

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The value of the nBits field in the block header, indicating the target threshold this block’s header had to pass

number (real) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated amount of work done to find this block relative to the estimated amount of work done to find block 0

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The estimated number of block header hashes miners had to check from the genesis block to this block, encoded as big-endian hex

string (hex) Required
(exactly 1)
The hash of the header of the previous block, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

string (hex) Optional
(0 or 1)
The hash of the next block on the best block chain, if known, encoded as hex in RPC byte order

Examples from Bitcoin Core 0.10.0

Request a block in hex-encoded serialized block format:

curl http://localhost:18332/rest/block/000000000fe549a89848c76070d4132872cfb6efe5315d01d7ef77e4900f2d39.hex

Result (wrapped):


Get the same block in JSON:

curl http://localhost:18332/rest/block/000000000fe549a89848c76070d4132872cfb6efe5315d01d7ef77e4900f2d39.json

Result (whitespaced added):

    "hash": "000000000fe549a89848c76070d4132872cfb6efe5315d01d7ef77e4900f2d39",
    "confirmations": 91785,
    "size": 189,
    "height": 227252,
    "version": 2,
    "merkleroot": "c738fb8e22750b6d3511ed0049a96558b0bc57046f3f77771ec825b22d6a6f4a",
    "tx": [