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Class failed_step_checker

boost::numeric::odeint::failed_step_checker — A class for performing overflow checks on the failed step count in step size adjustments.


// In header: <boost/numeric/odeint/integrate/max_step_checker.hpp>

class failed_step_checker : public boost::numeric::odeint::max_step_checker {
  // construct/copy/destruct
  failed_step_checker(const int = 500);

  // public member functions
  void operator()(void);
  void reset();


Used internally within the dense output stepper and integrate routines.

failed_step_checker public construct/copy/destruct

  1. failed_step_checker(const int max_steps = 500);
    Construct the failed_step_checker. max_steps is the maximal number of iterations allowed before runtime_error is thrown.

failed_step_checker public member functions

  1. void operator()(void);
    Increases the counter and performs the iteration check.
  2. void reset();
    Resets the max_step_checker by setting the internal counter to 0.
