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  1. Hooks

    Functions used to hook into the functionality of basic_result and basic_outcome.

    1. uint16_t spare_storage(const basic_result|basic_outcome *) noexcept

      Returns the sixteen bits of spare storage in the specified result or outcome.

    2. void hook_outcome_construction(T *, U &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the implicit constructors of basic_outcome.

    3. void hook_outcome_construction(T *, U &&, V &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the implicit constructors of basic_outcome.

    4. void hook_outcome_copy_construction(T *, U &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the converting copy constructors of basic_outcome.

    5. void hook_outcome_copy_construction(T *, U &&, V &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the converting copy constructors of basic_outcome.

    6. void hook_outcome_in_place_construction(T *, in_place_type_t<U>, Args &&...) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the in-place constructors of basic_outcome.

    7. void hook_outcome_move_construction(T *, U &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the converting move constructors of basic_outcome.

    8. void hook_outcome_move_construction(T *, U &&, V &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the converting move constructors of basic_outcome.

    9. void hook_result_construction(T *, U &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the implicit constructors of basic_result.

    10. void hook_result_copy_construction(T *, U &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the converting copy constructors of basic_result.

    11. void hook_result_in_place_construction(T *, in_place_type_t<U>, Args &&...) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the in-place constructors of basic_result.

    12. void hook_result_move_construction(T *, U &&) noexcept

      ADL discovered free function hook invoked by the converting move constructors of basic_result.

    13. void override_outcome_exception(basic_outcome<T, EC, EP, NoValuePolicy> *, U &&) noexcept

      Overrides the exception to something other than what was constructed.

    14. void set_spare_storage(basic_result|basic_outcome *, uint16_t) noexcept

      Sets the sixteen bits of spare storage in the specified result or outcome.

  2. Iostream

    Functions used to print, serialise and deserialise basic_result and basic_outcome.

    1. std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &, basic_outcome<T, EC, EP, NoValuePolicy> &)

      Deserialises a basic_outcome from a std::istream.

    2. std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &, basic_result<T, E, NoValuePolicy> &)

      Deserialises a basic_result from a std::istream.

    3. std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const basic_outcome<T, EC, EP, NoValuePolicy> &)

      Serialises a basic_outcome to a std::ostream.

    4. std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &, const basic_result<T, E, NoValuePolicy> &)

      Serialises a basic_result to a std::ostream.

    5. std::string print(const basic_outcome<T, EC, EP, NoValuePolicy> &)

      Returns a string containing a human readable rendition of the basic_outcome.

    6. std::string print(const basic_result<T, E, NoValuePolicy> &)

      Returns a string containing a human readable rendition of the basic_result.

  3. Policy

    Functions used to customise how the policy classes operate.

    1. auto basic_outcome_failure_exception_from_error(const EC &)

      ADL discovered free function synthesising an exception type from an error type, used by the .failure() observers.

    2. decltype(auto) error_code(T &&)

      Extracts a boost::system::error_code or std::error_code from the input via ADL discovery of a suitable make_error_code(T) function.

    3. decltype(auto) exception_ptr(T &&)

      Extracts a boost::exception_ptr or std::exception_ptr from the input via ADL discovery of a suitable make_exception_ptr(T) function.

    4. void outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload(BoostErrorCodeEnum &&)

      Specialisation of outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload() for input types where boost::system::errc::is_error_code_enum<BoostErrorCodeEnum> or boost::system::errc::is_error_condition_enum<BoostErrorCodeEnum> is true.

    5. void outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload(ErrorCodeEnum &&)

      Specialisation of outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload() for input types where std::is_error_code_enum<ErrorCodeEnum> or std::is_error_condition_enum<ErrorCodeEnum> is true.

    6. void outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload(const boost::system::error_code &)

      Specialisation of outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload() for boost::system::error_code.

    7. void outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload(const std::error_code &)

      Specialisation of outcome_throw_as_system_error_with_payload() for std::error_code.

  4. auto failure(T &&, ...)

    Returns appropriate type sugar for constructing an unsuccessful result or outcome.

  5. auto success(T &&)

    Returns appropriate type sugar for constructing a successful result or outcome.

  6. auto try_operation_return_as(T &&)

    Implementation of try_operation_return_as(expr) ADL customisation point for basic_result and basic_outcome.

  7. std::error_code error_from_exception(std::exception_ptr &&ep = std::current_exception(), std::error_code not_matched = std::make_error_code(std::errc::resource_unavailable_try_again)) noexcept

    Returns an error code matching a thrown standard library exception.

  8. std::experimental::unexpected<E> try_operation_return_as(std::experimental::expected<T, E>)

    Implementation of try_operation_return_as(expr) ADL customisation point for expected<T, E>.

  9. void try_throw_std_exception_from_error(std::error_code ec, const std::string &msg = std::string{})

    Try to throw a standard library exception type matching an error code.

Last revised: December 13, 2018 at 21:10:19 UTC

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