The absolute minimum that you need to know to get started with Outcome immediately.
Before we begin
Essential information before you begin the tutorial.
Gentle introduction to writing code with simple success-or-failure return types.
Success-or-failure return types where failure can take two forms, expected/handled failure and unexpected/abort failure.
No-value policies
Describes the concept of NoValuePolicy and how to use no-value policies.
Why you should avoid custom
types in public APIs.
Before we begin
If you have a bit more time, this covers all the time-saving ways you can customise and automate Outcome for various use cases, especially in larger codebases made up of multiple third party libraries.
Custom payloads
Success-or-failure return types where extra information in addition to the error code accompanies failure.
Result returning constructors
How to metaprogram construction of objects which use result
to return failure instead of throwing a C++ exception. -
Hooking events
Intercepting useful events such as initial construction, copies and moves so you can capture backtraces, fire debug breakpoints etc.
Interoperating with std::expected
and other ValueOrError concept matching types.
Custom payloads