Component img src resolving

Using project relative image URLs for BootstrapVue custom components

vue-loader automatically converts project relative src attributes on <img> tags, but doesn't automatically for BootstrapVue custom components that accept image src url tags.

Vue Loader transformAssetUrls to resolve img paths

To have your project convert these custom component image URLs for you, you will need to customize the transformAssetUrls option for vue-loader in your webpack config.

The default value for transformAssetUrls is:

const options = {
  transformAssetUrls: {
    video: ['src', 'poster'],
    source: 'src',
    img: 'src',
    image: 'xlink:href'

To allow BootstrapVue components to use project relative URLs, use the following configuration:

const options = {
  transformAssetUrls: {
    video: ['src', 'poster'],
    source: 'src',
    img: 'src',
    image: 'xlink:href',
    'b-img': 'src',
    'b-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
    'b-card': 'img-src',
    'b-card-img': 'src',
    'b-card-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
    'b-carousel-slide': 'img-src',
    'b-embed': 'src'

This will allow you to use the following format in your .vue files:

<b-img src="~/static/picture.jpg"></b-img>

<b-card-img src="~/static/picture.jpg"></b-card-img>

Vue CLI 3 Support

Vue CLI 3 changed the way that webpack compiles a Vue app, in order to make BootstrapVue work again, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Create vue.config.js in the root directory (next to package.json).
  2. Put the following code
module.exports = {
  chainWebpack: config => {
      .tap(options => {
        options['transformAssetUrls'] = {
          img: 'src',
          image: 'xlink:href',
          'b-img': 'src',
          'b-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
          'b-card': 'img-src',
          'b-card-img': 'src',
          'b-card-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
          'b-carousel-slide': 'img-src',
          'b-embed': 'src'

        return options

Configuring transformAssetUrls in Nuxt.js

In your nuxt.config.js file, add the following to your build section:

module.exports = {
  build: {
    extend(config, ctx) {
      const vueLoader = config.module.rules.find(rule => rule.loader === 'vue-loader')
      vueLoader.options.transformAssetUrls = {
        video: ['src', 'poster'],
        source: 'src',
        img: 'src',
        image: 'xlink:href',
        'b-img': 'src',
        'b-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
        'b-card': 'img-src',
        'b-card-img': 'src',
        'b-card-img-lazy': ['src', 'blank-src'],
        'b-carousel-slide': 'img-src',
        'b-embed': 'src'

NEW in v2.0.0-rc.22 If using the BootstrapVue Nuxt module with Nuxt.js, the plugin module will automatically add in the BootstrapVue specific transformAssetUrls configuration for you.

Using require to resolve image paths

If you cannot set the transformAssetUrls in your view-loader config, you can alternatively use the require method:

<b-img :src="require('../static/picture.jpg')"></b-img>

<b-card-img :src="require('../static/picture.jpg')"></b-card-img>