
Use our custom progress component for displaying simple or complex progress bars, featuring support for horizontally stacked bars, animated backgrounds, and text labels.

    <b-progress :value="value" :max="max" show-progress animated></b-progress>
    <b-progress class="mt-2" :max="max" show-value>
      <b-progress-bar :value="value * (6 / 10)" variant="success"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar :value="value * (2.5 / 10)" variant="warning"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar :value="value * (1.5 / 10)" variant="danger"></b-progress-bar>

    <b-button class="mt-3" @click="rendomValue">Click me</b-button>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 45,
        max: 100
    methods: {
      rendomValue() {
        this.value = Math.random() * this.max

<!-- b-progress.vue -->


Set the maximum value with the max prop (default is 100), and the current value via the value prop (default 0).

When creating multiple bars in a single process, place the value prop on the individual <b-progress-bar> sub components (see the Multiple Bars section below for more details)


Add labels to your progress bars by either enabling show-progress (percentage of max) or show-valuefor the current absolute value. You may also set the precision (number of digits after the decimal) via the precision prop (default is 0digits after the decimal).

    <h5>No label</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" :max="max" class="mb-3"></b-progress>

    <h5>Value label</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" :max="max" show-value class="mb-3"></b-progress>

    <h5>Progress label</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" :max="max" show-progress class="mb-3"></b-progress>

    <h5>Value label with precision</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" :max="max" :precision="2" show-value class="mb-3"></b-progress>

    <h5>Progress label with precision</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" :max="max" :precision="2" show-progress class="mb-3"></b-progress>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 33.333333333,
        max: 50

<!-- b-progress-labels.vue -->

Custom progress label

Need more control over the label? Provide your own label by using the default slot within a <b-progress-bar> sub-component, or by using the label or label-html property on <b-progress-bar>:

    <h5>Custom label via default slot</h5>
    <b-progress :max="max" height="2rem">
      <b-progress-bar :value="value">
        Progress: <strong>{{ value.toFixed(2) }} / {{ max }}</strong>

    <h5 class="mt-3">Custom label via property</h5>
    <b-progress :max="max">
      <b-progress-bar :value="value" :label="`${((value / max) * 100).toFixed(2)}%`"></b-progress-bar>

    <h5 class="mt-3">Custom label via property (HTML support)</h5>
    <b-progress :max="max">
      <b-progress-bar :value="value" :label-html="`<del>${value}</del>`"></b-progress-bar>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 33.333333333,
        max: 50

<!-- b-progress-custom-labels.vue -->

Precedence order for label methods (top-most has precedence):

  • default slot of <b-progress-bar>
  • label prop of <b-progress-bar>
  • show-progress prop of <b-progress-bar>
  • show-value prop of <b-progress-bar>
  • show-progress prop of <b-progress>
  • show-value prop of <b-progress>
  • no label

Width and height

<b-progress> will always expand to the maximum with of it's parent container. To change the width, place <b-progress> in a standard Bootstrap column or apply one of the standard Bootstrap width classes.

    <h5>Default width</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" class="mb-3"></b-progress>

    <h5>Custom widths</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" class="w-75 mb-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="value" class="w-50 mb-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="value" class="w-25"></b-progress>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 75

<!-- b-progress-width.vue -->

The height of the progress bar can be controlled with the height prop. The height value should be a standard CSS dimension (px, rem, em, etc). The default height is 1rem.

    <h5>Default height</h5>
    <b-progress :value="value" show-progress class="mb-3"></b-progress>

    <h5>Custom heights</h5>
    <b-progress height="2rem" :value="value" show-progress class="mb-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress height="20px" :value="value" show-progress class="mb-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress height="2px" :value="value"></b-progress>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        value: 75

<!-- b-progress-height.vue -->


Use background variants to change the appearance of individual progress bars. The default variant is primary.

Solid background variants

    <div v-for="bar in bars" class="row mb-1">
      <div class="col-sm-2">{{ bar.variant }}:</div>
      <div class="col-sm-10 pt-1">
        <b-progress :value="bar.value" :variant="bar.variant" :key="bar.variant"></b-progress>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        bars: [
          { variant: 'success', value: 75 },
          { variant: 'info', value: 75 },
          { variant: 'warning', value: 75 },
          { variant: 'danger', value: 75 },
          { variant: 'primary', value: 75 },
          { variant: 'secondary', value: 75 },
          { variant: 'dark', value: 75 }
        timer: null
    mounted() {
      this.timer = setInterval(() => {
        this.bars.forEach(bar => (bar.value = 25 + Math.random() * 75))
      }, 2000)
    beforeDestroy() {
      this.timer = null

<!-- b-progress-backgrounds.vue -->

Striped backgrounds

Set striped to apply a stripe via CSS gradient over the progress bar's background variant.

    <b-progress :value="25" variant="success" :striped="striped"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="50" variant="info" :striped="striped" class="mt-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="75" variant="warning" :striped="striped" class="mt-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="100" variant="danger" :striped="striped" class="mt-2"></b-progress>

    <b-button variant="secondary" @click="striped = !striped" class="mt-3">
      {{ striped ? 'Remove' : 'Add' }} Striped

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        striped: true

<!-- b-progress-striped.vue -->

Animated backgrounds

The striped gradient can also be animated by setting the animatedprop.

    <b-progress :value="25" variant="success" striped :animated="animate"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="50" variant="info" striped :animated="animate" class="mt-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="75" variant="warning" striped :animated="animate" class="mt-2"></b-progress>
    <b-progress :value="100" variant="danger" :animated="animate" class="mt-3"></b-progress>

    <b-button variant="secondary" @click="animate = !animate" class="mt-3">
      {{ animate ? 'Stop' : 'Start' }} Animation

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        animate: true

<!-- b-progress-animated.vue -->


  • if animated is true, striped will automatically be enabled.
  • Animated progress bars don't work in Opera 12 — as they don't support CSS3 animations.

Multiple bars

Include multiple <b-progress-bar> sub-components in a <b-progress> component to build a horizontally stacked set of progress bars.

    <b-progress :max="max" class="mb-3">
      <b-progress-bar variant="primary" :value="values[0]"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="success" :value="values[1]"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="info" :value="values[2]"></b-progress-bar>

    <b-progress show-progress :max="max" class="mb-3">
      <b-progress-bar variant="primary" :value="values[0]"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="success" :value="values[1]"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="info" :value="values[2]"></b-progress-bar>

    <b-progress show-value striped :max="max" class="mb-3">
      <b-progress-bar variant="primary" :value="values[0]"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="success" :value="values[1]"></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="info" :value="values[2]"></b-progress-bar>

    <b-progress :max="max">
      <b-progress-bar variant="primary" :value="values[0]" show-progress></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="success" :value="values[1]" animated show-progress></b-progress-bar>
      <b-progress-bar variant="info" :value="values[2]" striped show-progress></b-progress-bar>

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        values: [15, 30, 20],
        max: 100

<!-- b-progress-multiple.vue -->

<b-progress-bar> will inherit most of the props from the <b-progress> parent component, but you can override any of the props by setting them on the <b-progress-bar>


  • height, if specified, should always set on the <b-progress> component.
  • <b-progress-bar> will not inherit value from <b-progress>.

Component reference



PropertyTypeDefault Value
variant String
striped Booleanfalse
animated Booleanfalse
height String
precision Number0
show-progress Booleanfalse
show-value Booleanfalse
max Number100
value Number0



PropertyTypeDefault Value
value Number0
label String
label-html String
max Number
precision Number
variant String
striped Boolean
animated Boolean
show-progress Boolean
show-value Boolean

Importing individual components

CHANGED in 2.0.0-rc.22 You can import individual components into your project via the following named exports:

ComponentNamed ExportImport Path


import { BProgress } from 'bootstrap-vue'
Vue.component('b-progress', BProgress)

Importing as a Vue.js plugin

CHANGED in 2.0.0-rc.22 Importing plugins has been simplified.

This plugin includes all of the above listed individual components. Plugins also include any component aliases.

The plugin can be imported via several methods
Named ExportImport Path
ProgressPlugin PREFERREDbootstrap-vue
ProgressPlugin DEPRECATEDbootstrap-vue/es/components
default DEPRECATEDbootstrap-vue/es/components/progress


// Importing the named export
import { ProgressPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'