
< cpp‎ | memory‎ | unique ptr
Utilities library
Type support (basic types, RTTI, type traits)
Dynamic memory management
Error handling
Program utilities
Variadic functions
Date and time
Function objects
Relational operators
Optional and any
Pairs and tuples
Swap, forward and move
Type operations
pointer release();
(since C++11)

Releases the ownership of the managed object if any. get() returns nullptr after the call.


[edit] Parameters


[edit] Return value

Pointer to the managed object or nullptr if there was no managed object, i.e. the value which would be returned by get() before the call.

[edit] Exceptions

noexcept specification:  

[edit] Example

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
struct Foo {
    Foo() { std::cout << "Foo\n"; }
    ~Foo() { std::cout << "~Foo\n"; }
int main()
    std::cout << "Creating new Foo...\n";
    std::unique_ptr<Foo> up(new Foo());
    std::cout << "About to release Foo...\n";
    Foo* fp = up.release();
    assert (up.get() == nullptr);
    std::cout << "Foo is no longer owned by unique_ptr...\n";
    delete fp;


Creating new Foo...
About to release Foo...
Foo is no longer owned by unique_ptr...

[edit] See also

returns a pointer to the managed object
(public member function)
replaces the managed object
(public member function)