Index of Public Functions and Variables - core.logic 0.8.13-SNAPSHOT (in development)

This page has an alphabetical index of all the documented functions and variables in core.logic.



 ->AnswerCache                function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 all                          macro         clojure.core.logic Like fresh but does does not create logic variable...
 all-connected-to-allo        function      clojure.core.logic.bench Collect all cliques in l. l must be bounded ...
 and*                         function      clojure.core.logic A function version of all, which takes a list of g...
 AnswerCache                  type          clojure.core.logic 
 appendo                      function      clojure.core.logic A relation where x, y, and z are proper collection...



 bounded-listo                function      clojure.core.logic.fd Ensure that the list l never grows beyond bound...



 ->Choice                     function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 ->ConstraintStore            function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 Choice                       type          clojure.core.logic 
 conda                        macro         clojure.core.logic Soft cut. Once the head of a clause has succeeded ...
 conde                        macro         clojure.core.logic Logical disjunction of the clauses. The first goal...
 condu                        macro         clojure.core.logic Committed choice. Once the head (first goal) of a ...
 conjo                        function      clojure.core.logic A constraint version of conj.
 connected-to-allo            function      clojure.core.logic.bench Ensure that vertex v is connected to all ver...
 conso                        function      clojure.core.logic A relation where l is a collection, such that a is...
 ConstraintStore              type          clojure.core.logic 
 copy-term                    function      clojure.core.logic Copies a term u into v. Non-relational..



 -distinctc                   function      clojure.core.logic.fd The real *individual* distinct constraint. x is...
 defna                        macro         clojure.core.logic Define a soft cut goal. See conda..
 defne                        macro         clojure.core.logic Define a goal fn. Supports pattern matching. All p...
 defnu                        macro         clojure.core.logic Define a committed choice goal. See condu..
 distinct                     function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint that will guarantee ...
 distinctc                    function      clojure.core.logic.fd The real distinct constraint. v* can be seq of ...
 distincto                    function      clojure.core.logic A relation which guarantees no element of l will u...
 dom                          function      clojure.core.logic.fd Assign a var x a domain..
 domain                       function      clojure.core.logic.fd Construct a domain for assignment to a var. Arg...



 emptyo                       function      clojure.core.logic A relation where a is the empty list.
 everyg                       function      clojure.core.logic A pseudo-relation that takes a coll and ensures th...



 ->FiniteDomain               function      clojure.core.logic.fd Positional factory function for class clojure.c...
 fail                         function      clojure.core.logic A goal that always fails..
 featurec                     function      clojure.core.logic Ensure that a map contains at least the key-value ...
 FiniteDomain                 type          clojure.core.logic.fd 
 firsto                       function      clojure.core.logic A relation where l is a collection, such that a is...
 fix-constraints              function      clojure.core.logic A goal to run the constraints in cq until it is em...
 fna                          macro         clojure.core.logic Define an anonymous soft cut goal. See conda..
 fnc                          macro         clojure.core.logic Define an anonymous constraint that can be used wi...
 fne                          macro         clojure.core.logic Define an anonymous goal fn. Supports pattern matc...
 fnu                          macro         clojure.core.logic Define an anonymous committed choice goal. See con...
 fresh                        macro         clojure.core.logic Creates fresh variables. Goals occuring within for...
 fresh                        macro         clojure.core.logic.nominal Creates fresh noms. Goals occuring within ...







 ->IntervalFD                 function      clojure.core.logic.fd Positional factory function for class clojure.c...
 in                           macro         clojure.core.logic.fd Assign vars to domain. The domain must come las...
 interval                     function      clojure.core.logic.fd Construct an interval for an assignment to a va...
 IntervalFD                   type          clojure.core.logic.fd 
 is                           macro         clojure.core.logic Set the value of a var to value of another var wit...







 ->LCons                      function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 ->LVar                       function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 lcons                        function      clojure.core.logic Constructs a sequence a with an improper tail d if...
 LCons                        type          clojure.core.logic 
 llist                        macro         clojure.core.logic Constructs a sequence from 2 or more arguments, wi...
 log                          macro         clojure.core.logic Goal for println.
 LVar                         type          clojure.core.logic 
 lvaro                        macro         clojure.core.logic A goal that succeeds if the argument is fresh. v m...



 ->MultiIntervalFD            function      clojure.core.logic.fd Positional factory function for class clojure.c...
 map->PMap                    function      clojure.core.logic Factory function for class clojure.core.logic.PMap...
 map->SubstValue              function      clojure.core.logic Factory function for class clojure.core.logic.Subs...
 map->SuspendedStream         function      clojure.core.logic Factory function for class clojure.core.logic.Susp...
 map->Tie                     function      clojure.core.logic.nominal Factory function for class clojure.core.lo...
 master                       function      clojure.core.logic Take the argument to the goal and check that we do...
 matcha                       macro         clojure.core.logic Define a soft cut pattern match. See conda..
 matche                       macro         clojure.core.logic Pattern matching macro. All patterns will be tried...
 matchu                       macro         clojure.core.logic Define a committed choice goal. See condu..
 member1o                     function      clojure.core.logic Like membero but uses to disequality further const...
 membero                      function      clojure.core.logic A relation where l is a collection, such that l co...
 MultiIntervalFD              type          clojure.core.logic.fd 



 ->Nom                        function      clojure.core.logic.nominal Positional factory function for class cloj...
 nafc                         function      clojure.core.logic EXPERIMENTAL: negation as failure constraint. All ...
 nilo                         function      clojure.core.logic A relation where a is nil.
 Nom                          type          clojure.core.logic.nominal 
 nonlvaro                     macro         clojure.core.logic A goal that succeeds if the argument is not fresh....



 or*                          function      clojure.core.logic A function version of conde, which takes a list of...



 ->Pair                       function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 ->PMap                       function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 Pair                         type          clojure.core.logic 
 partial-map                  function      clojure.core.logic Given map m, returns partial map that unifies with...
 permuteo                     function      clojure.core.logic A relation that will permute xl into the yl. May n...
 PMap                         record        clojure.core.logic 
 pred                         macro         clojure.core.logic Check a predicate against the value logic var. Non...
 prep                         function      clojure.core.logic.unifier Prep a quoted expression. All symbols prec...
 process-dom                  function      clojure.core.logic.fd If x is a var we update its domain. If it's an ...
 project                      macro         clojure.core.logic Extract the values bound to the specified logic va...





 rembero                      function      clojure.core.logic A relation between l and o where x is removed from...
 resto                        function      clojure.core.logic A relation where l is a collection, such that d is...
 run                          macro         clojure.core.logic Executes goals until a maximum of n results are fo...
 run*                         macro         clojure.core.logic Executes goals until results are exhausted..
 run-db                       macro         clojure.core.logic Executes goals until a maximum of n results are fo...
 run-db*                      macro         clojure.core.logic Executes goals until results are exhausted. Uses a...
 run-nc                       macro         clojure.core.logic Executes goals until a maximum of n results are fo...
 run-nc*                      macro         clojure.core.logic Executes goals until results are exhausted. Does n...



 ->Substitutions              function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 ->SubstValue                 function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 ->SuspendedStream            function      clojure.core.logic Positional factory function for class clojure.core...
 Substitutions                type          clojure.core.logic 
 SubstValue                   record        clojure.core.logic 
 succeed                      function      clojure.core.logic A goal that always succeeds..
 SuspendedStream              record        clojure.core.logic 



 ->Tie                        function      clojure.core.logic.nominal Positional factory function for class cloj...
 tabled                       macro         clojure.core.logic Macro for defining a tabled goal. Prefer ^:tabled ...
 Tie                          record        clojure.core.logic.nominal 
 trace-lvars                  macro         clojure.core.logic Goal for tracing the values of logic variables..
 trace-s                      macro         clojure.core.logic Goal that prints the current substitution.



 unifier                      function      clojure.core.logic.unifier Return the unifier for terms ts. Will prep...
 unifier*                     function      clojure.core.logic.unifier Return the unifier that unifies terms ts. ...
 unify                        function      clojure.core.logic.unifier Unify the terms ts returning a the value t...
 unify*                       function      clojure.core.logic.unifier Unify the terms ts..





 waiting-stream-check         function      clojure.core.logic Take a waiting stream, a success continuation, and...









 !=                           function      clojure.core.logic Disequality constraint. Ensures that u and v will ...
 !=                           function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint. u and v must not be...
 *                            function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint for multiplication a...
 +                            function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint for addition and sub...
 <                            macro         clojure.core.logic.arithmetic Goal for testing whether x is less than...
 <                            function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint. u must be less than...
 <=                           macro         clojure.core.logic.arithmetic Goal for testing whether x is less than...
 <=                           function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint. u must be less than...
 =                            macro         clojure.core.logic.arithmetic Goal for testing whether x and y are eq...
 ==                           function      clojure.core.logic A goal that attempts to unify terms u and v..
 ==                           function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint. u and v must be equ...
 >                            macro         clojure.core.logic.arithmetic Goal for testing whether x is greater t...
 >                            function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint. u must be greater t...
 >=                           macro         clojure.core.logic.arithmetic Goal for testing whether x is greater t...
 >=                           function      clojure.core.logic.fd A finite domain constraint. u must be greater t...

Logo & site design by Tom Hickey.
Clojure auto-documentation system by Tom Faulhaber.