Version: 1.0.1
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Compass Cross-Browser Support Configuration

You can configure the compass default browser support matrix by setting these variables as needed.

This file can be imported using: @import "compass/support"

Configurable Variables help


Map of compass extensions that are loaded. The value will either be the version of the extension or true if the version is unknown.


The list of browsers you want to support. Defaults to all.


The browser usage threshold for features that gracefully degrade Defaults to 1 user in 1,000.


The browser usage threshold for features that cannot degrade gracefully Defaults to 1 user in 10,000.


Set this to true to generate comments that will explain why a prefix was included or omitted.

("chrome": null, "firefox": null, "ie": null, "safari": null, "opera": null)

Minimum browser versions that must be supported. The keys of this map are any valid browser according to browsers(). The values of this map are the min version that is valid for that browser according to browser-versions($browser)


The legacy support CSS 2.1 Selectors. Defaults to the $critical-usage-threshold.



When a prefix in in context, but there is no current prefix That context is recorded here so other prefixes can be avoided.


When a prefix is in a selector or directive scope, this is set to the current prefix value. When null, either there is no prefix in scope or the official prefix is being rendered. The $prefix-context variable can be used to make that distinction.


When in a context that only exists in a particular version this variable is set to those versions.


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@function browser-out-of-scope($browser, $version: null)
  @if not index($supported-browsers, $browser)
    @if $debug-browser-support
      @return "#{$browser} is not listed as a supported browser."
      @return true
  @else if not ($current-prefix == null or $current-prefix == browser-prefix($browser))
    @if $debug-browser-support
      @return "#{$browser} #{$version} is incompatible with #{$current-prefix}."
      @return true
  $current-range: map-get($current-browser-versions, $browser)
  $current-min: if($current-range, nth($current-range, 1), null)
  $current-max: if($current-range, nth($current-range, 2), null)
  @if not ($version and $current-max)
    // We don't have any versions to compare
    @return false
    // If the version is less than the current min, it is not supported
    $too-old: compare-browser-versions($browser, $version, $current-min)  0
    @if $too-old or $too-new
      @if $debug-browser-support
        @return "The current scope only works with #{display-browser-range($browser, $current-min, $current-max)}."
        @return true
      @return false
@function browser-out-of-scope($browser, $version: null) {
  @if not index($supported-browsers, $browser) {
    @if $debug-browser-support {
      @return "#{$browser} is not listed as a supported browser.";
    @else {
      @return true;
  @else if not ($current-prefix == null or $current-prefix == browser-prefix($browser)) {
    @if $debug-browser-support {
      @return "#{$browser} #{$version} is incompatible with #{$current-prefix}.";
    @else {
      @return true;
  $current-range: map-get($current-browser-versions, $browser);
  $current-min: if($current-range, nth($current-range, 1), null);
  $current-max: if($current-range, nth($current-range, 2), null);
  @if not ($version and $current-max) {
    // We don't have any versions to compare
    @return false;
  @else {
    // If the version is less than the current min, it is not supported
    $too-old: compare-browser-versions($browser, $version, $current-min)  0;
    @if $too-old or $too-new {
      @if $debug-browser-support {
        @return "The current scope only works with #{display-browser-range($browser, $current-min, $current-max)}.";
      @else {
        @return true;
    @else {
      @return false;

Check if the browser is in scope given the browser support and current prefix minimums.

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@function support-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version: null, $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold)
  @if not index($supported-browsers, $browser)
    @return false
  // Check agaist usage stats and declared minimums
  $min-required-version: map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser)
  $usage: if($max-version, omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version), omitted-usage($browser, $min-version))
  @return $usage > $threshold or $min-required-version and compare-browser-versions($browser, $max-version or $min-version, $min-required-version) >= 0
@function support-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version: null, $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold) {
  @if not index($supported-browsers, $browser) {
    @return false;
  // Check agaist usage stats and declared minimums
  $min-required-version: map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser);
  $usage: if($max-version, omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version), omitted-usage($browser, $min-version));
  @return $usage > $threshold or $min-required-version and compare-browser-versions($browser, $max-version or $min-version, $min-required-version) >= 0;

Check whether the browser is supported according to the supported browsers, declared minimum support and usage thresholds.

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@function display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version: $min-version)
  @return unquote("#{unquote($browser)} #{unquote($min-version)}#{if($max-version != $min-version, unquote(" -") unquote($max-version), null)}")
@function display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version: $min-version) {
  @return unquote("#{unquote($browser)} #{unquote($min-version)}#{if($max-version != $min-version, unquote(" -") unquote($max-version), null)}");
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@function prefixes-for-capability($capability, $threshold, $capability-options: $default-capability-options)
  $result: ()
  @each $prefix in browser-prefixes($supported-browsers)
    $result: map-merge($result, ($prefix: use-prefix($prefix, $capability, $threshold, $capability-options)))
  @return $result
@function prefixes-for-capability($capability, $threshold, $capability-options: $default-capability-options) {
  $result: ();
  @each $prefix in browser-prefixes($supported-browsers) {
    $result: map-merge($result, ($prefix: use-prefix($prefix, $capability, $threshold, $capability-options)));
  @return $result;
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@function has-browser-subset($ranges, $subset-ranges)
  $found-mismatch: false
  @each $browser, $subset-range in $subset-ranges
    $range: map-get($ranges, $browser)
    @if $range
      $min-1: nth($subset-range, 1)
      $max-1: nth($subset-range, 2)
      $min-2: nth($range, 1)
      $max-2: nth($range, 2)
      @if compare-browser-versions($browser, $min-2, $min-1) = 0 or compare-browser-versions($browser, $min-1, $min-2) >= 0 and compare-browser-versions($browser, $max-1, $max-2) 
@function has-browser-subset($ranges, $subset-ranges) {
  $found-mismatch: false;
  @each $browser, $subset-range in $subset-ranges {
    $range: map-get($ranges, $browser);
    @if $range {
      $min-1: nth($subset-range, 1);
      $max-1: nth($subset-range, 2);
      $min-2: nth($range, 1);
      $max-2: nth($range, 2);
      @if compare-browser-versions($browser, $min-2, $min-1) = 0 or compare-browser-versions($browser, $min-1, $min-2) >= 0 and compare-browser-versions($browser, $max-1, $max-2) 

Returns true if at least one browser-version pair in $subset-ranges is a higher (or same) version than the browser-version pairs in $ranges.

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@function intersect-browser-ranges($ranges, $new-ranges)
  @each $browser, $new-range in $new-ranges
    $old-range: map-get($ranges, $browser)
    @if $old-range
      $old-min: nth($old-range, 1)
      $old-max: nth($old-range, 2)
      $new-min: nth($new-range, 1)
      $new-max: nth($new-range, 2)
      $maximin: if(compare-browser-versions($browser, $old-min, $new-min) > 0, $old-min, $new-min)
      $minimax: if(compare-browser-versions($browser, $old-max, $new-max) 
@function intersect-browser-ranges($ranges, $new-ranges) {
  @each $browser, $new-range in $new-ranges {
    $old-range: map-get($ranges, $browser);
    @if $old-range {
      $old-min: nth($old-range, 1);
      $old-max: nth($old-range, 2);
      $new-min: nth($new-range, 1);
      $new-max: nth($new-range, 2);
      $maximin: if(compare-browser-versions($browser, $old-min, $new-min) > 0, $old-min, $new-min);
      $minimax: if(compare-browser-versions($browser, $old-max, $new-max) 

When the same browser is in both maps, then the minimum will be set to the maximum of the two minimum versions, and the maximum will be set to the minmum of the two maximum versions.

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@function use-prefix($prefix, $capability, $threshold, $capability-options: $default-capability-options)
  $usage: prefix-usage($prefix, $capability, $capability-options)
  @if $usage > $threshold
    @return $usage
    @each $browser in browsers($prefix)
      @if index($supported-browsers, $browser)
        $min-version: map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser)
        @if $min-version
          $actual-prefix: browser-requires-prefix($browser, $min-version, $capability, $capability-options)
          @if $actual-prefix and $prefix == $actual-prefix
            @return $browser $min-version
  @return false
@function use-prefix($prefix, $capability, $threshold, $capability-options: $default-capability-options) {
  $usage: prefix-usage($prefix, $capability, $capability-options);
  @if $usage > $threshold {
    @return $usage;
  @else {
    @each $browser in browsers($prefix) {
      @if index($supported-browsers, $browser) {
        $min-version: map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser);
        @if $min-version {
          $actual-prefix: browser-requires-prefix($browser, $min-version, $capability, $capability-options);
          @if $actual-prefix and $prefix == $actual-prefix {
            @return $browser $min-version;
  @return false;

Returns true if the prefixed usage stats for the capability exceed the threshold or if the minimum version for a supported browser would require a prefix for the capability.

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@function prefix-identifier($ident, $prefix: $current-prefix)
  @return unquote(#{$prefix}#{if($prefix, "-", null)}#{$ident})
@function prefix-identifier($ident, $prefix: $current-prefix) {
  @return unquote(#{$prefix}#{if($prefix, "-", null)}#{$ident});
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@function set-arglist-default($arglist, $default)
  $default-index: index($arglist, default)
  @if $default-index
    $arglist: set-nth($arglist, $default-index, $default)
  @return if(length($arglist) > 0, $arglist, $default)
@function set-arglist-default($arglist, $default) {
  $default-index: index($arglist, default);
  @if $default-index {
    $arglist: set-nth($arglist, $default-index, $default);
  @return if(length($arglist) > 0, $arglist, $default);

Set a default value if the given arglist is empty

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@function comma-list($list: ())
  @return join((), $list, comma)
@function comma-list($list: ()) {
  @return join((), $list, comma);

coerce a list to be comma delimited or make a new, empty comma delimited list.


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=for-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version: $min-version, $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold, $ranges: ($browser: $min-version $max-version))
  @if not browser-out-of-scope($browser, $max-version) and support-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version, $threshold)
    @if $debug-browser-support
      /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)}.
       *Min version: #{map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser) or unspecified}.
       *User threshold to keep: #{$threshold}%. If #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} are omitted: #{omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version)}%.
    +with-browser-ranges(intersect-browser-ranges($current-browser-versions, $ranges))
  @else if $debug-browser-support and browser-out-of-scope($browser, $max-version)
    /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} omitted.
     * Not allowed in the current scope: #{browser-out-of-scope($browser, $max-version)}
  @else if $debug-browser-support and not support-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version, $threshold)
    @if omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version) > $threshold
      /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} omitted.
       * User threshold to keep: #{$threshold}%. If #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} and below are omitted: #{omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version)}%.
      /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} omitted.
       * Minimum support is #{map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser)}.
@mixin for-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version: $min-version, $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold, $ranges: ($browser: $min-version $max-version)) {
  @if not browser-out-of-scope($browser, $max-version) and support-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version, $threshold) {
    @if $debug-browser-support {
      /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)}.
      Min version: #{map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser) or unspecified}.
      User threshold to keep: #{$threshold}%. If #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} are omitted: #{omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version)}%. */
    @include with-browser-ranges(intersect-browser-ranges($current-browser-versions, $ranges)) {
  @else if $debug-browser-support and browser-out-of-scope($browser, $max-version) {
    /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} omitted.
       Not allowed in the current scope: #{browser-out-of-scope($browser, $max-version)} */
  @else if $debug-browser-support and not support-legacy-browser($browser, $min-version, $max-version, $threshold) {
    @if omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version) > $threshold {
      /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} omitted.
         User threshold to keep: #{$threshold}%. If #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} and below are omitted: #{omitted-usage($browser, $min-version, $max-version)}%. */
    @else {
      /* Content for #{display-browser-range($browser, $min-version, $max-version)} omitted.
         Minimum support is #{map-get($browser-minimum-versions, $browser)}. */

Include content for a legacy browser Version can be a single version string or a list of versions ordered from oldest to newest.

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=for-legacy-browsers($browsers, $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold)
  $rendered: false
  @each $browser, $range in $browsers
    @if not $rendered
      +for-legacy-browser($browser, $range..., $threshold: $threshold, $ranges: $browsers)
        $rendered: true
@mixin for-legacy-browsers($browsers, $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold) {
  $rendered: false;
  @each $browser, $range in $browsers {
    @if not $rendered {
      @include for-legacy-browser($browser, $range..., $threshold: $threshold, $ranges: $browsers) {
        $rendered: true;

Renders the content once if any of the legacy browsers are supported. $browsers is a map of browser name to version ranges

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  @if $current-prefix or $prefix-context
    @if $current-prefix == $prefix or $prefix-context == $prefix
      @if $debug-browser-support
        @if $prefix
          /* content for #{$prefix} because #{$current-prefix or $prefix-context} is already in scope.
          /* unprefixed content. #{$current-prefix or $prefix-context} is already in scope.
      $old-prefix-context: $prefix-context
      $old-prefix: $current-prefix
      $prefix-context: $prefix-context or $current-prefix !global
      $current-prefix: $prefix !global
      $prefix-context: $old-prefix-context !global
      $current-prefix: $old-prefix !global
    @else if $prefix == null
      $old-prefix-context: $prefix-context
      $prefix-context: $prefix-context or $current-prefix !global
      $current-prefix: null !global
      @if $debug-browser-support
        /* Content for official syntax. Prefix context is still #{$prefix-context}.
      $current-prefix: $prefix-context !global
      $prefix-context: $old-prefix-context !global
    @else if $debug-browser-support
      /* Omitting content for #{$prefix} because #{$current-prefix} is already in scope.
    @if $debug-browser-support and $prefix
      /* Creating new #{$prefix} context.
    $prefix-context: $prefix !global
    $current-prefix: $prefix !global
    $current-prefix: null !global
    $prefix-context: null !global
@mixin with-prefix($prefix) {
  @if $current-prefix or $prefix-context {
    @if $current-prefix == $prefix or $prefix-context == $prefix {
      @if $debug-browser-support {
        @if $prefix {
          /* content for #{$prefix} because #{$current-prefix or $prefix-context} is already in scope. */
        @else {
          /* unprefixed content. #{$current-prefix or $prefix-context} is already in scope. */
      $old-prefix-context: $prefix-context;
      $old-prefix: $current-prefix;
      $prefix-context: $prefix-context or $current-prefix !global;
      $current-prefix: $prefix !global;
      $prefix-context: $old-prefix-context !global;
      $current-prefix: $old-prefix !global;
    @else if $prefix == null {
      $old-prefix-context: $prefix-context;
      $prefix-context: $prefix-context or $current-prefix !global;
      $current-prefix: null !global;
      @if $debug-browser-support {
        /* Content for official syntax. Prefix context is still #{$prefix-context}. */
      $current-prefix: $prefix-context !global;
      $prefix-context: $old-prefix-context !global;
    @else if $debug-browser-support {
      /* Omitting content for #{$prefix} because #{$current-prefix} is already in scope. */
  @else {
    @if $debug-browser-support and $prefix {
      /* Creating new #{$prefix} context. */
    $prefix-context: $prefix !global;
    $current-prefix: $prefix !global;
    $current-prefix: null !global;
    $prefix-context: null !global;

If there's a prefix context in scope, this will only output the content if the prefix matches. Otherwise, sets the current prefix scope and outputs the content.

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=with-each-prefix($capability, $threshold, $capability-options: $default-capability-options)
  @each $prefix, $should-use-prefix in prefixes-for-capability($capability, $threshold, $capability-options)
    @if $should-use-prefix
      @if $debug-browser-support and type-of($should-use-prefix) == list
        /* Capability #{$capability} is prefixed with #{$prefix} because #{$should-use-prefix} is required.
      @else if $debug-browser-support and type-of($should-use-prefix) == number
        /* Capability #{$capability} is prefixed with #{$prefix} because #{$should-use-prefix}% of users need it which is more than the threshold of #{$threshold}%.
    @else if $debug-browser-support
      /* Capability #{$capability} is not prefixed with #{$prefix} because #{prefix-usage($prefix, $capability, $capability-options)}% of users are affected which is less than the threshold of #{$threshold}.
@mixin with-each-prefix($capability, $threshold, $capability-options: $default-capability-options) {
  @each $prefix, $should-use-prefix in prefixes-for-capability($capability, $threshold, $capability-options) {
    @if $should-use-prefix {
      @if $debug-browser-support and type-of($should-use-prefix) == list {
        /* Capability #{$capability} is prefixed with #{$prefix} because #{$should-use-prefix} is required. */
      @else if $debug-browser-support and type-of($should-use-prefix) == number {
        /* Capability #{$capability} is prefixed with #{$prefix} because #{$should-use-prefix}% of users need it which is more than the threshold of #{$threshold}%. */
      @include with-prefix($prefix) {
        @include with-browser-ranges($capability) {
    @else if $debug-browser-support {
      /* Capability #{$capability} is not prefixed with #{$prefix} because #{prefix-usage($prefix, $capability, $capability-options)}% of users are affected which is less than the threshold of #{$threshold}. */
  @include with-prefix(null) {
    @include with-browser-ranges($capability) {

Yields to the mixin content once for each prefix required. The current prefix is set to the $current-prefix global for use by the included content. Also yields to the content once with $current-prefix set to null for the official version as long as there's not already a prefix in scope.

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=with-browser-ranges($capability, $prefix: $current-prefix)
  $new-ranges: null
  @if type-of($capability) == map
    $new-ranges: $capability
    $new-ranges: browser-ranges($capability, $prefix)
  @if has-browser-subset($current-browser-versions, $new-ranges)
    $old-ranges: $current-browser-versions
    $current-browser-versions: intersect-browser-ranges($old-ranges, $new-ranges) !global
    $current-browser-versions: $old-ranges !global
  @else if $debug-browser-support
    /* Excluding content because #{inspect($new-ranges)} is not included within
     * #{inspect($current-browser-versions)}
@mixin with-browser-ranges($capability, $prefix: $current-prefix) {
  $new-ranges: null;
  @if type-of($capability) == map {
    $new-ranges: $capability;
  @else {
    $new-ranges: browser-ranges($capability, $prefix);
  @if has-browser-subset($current-browser-versions, $new-ranges) {
    $old-ranges: $current-browser-versions;
    $current-browser-versions: intersect-browser-ranges($old-ranges, $new-ranges) !global;
    $current-browser-versions: $old-ranges !global;
  @else if $debug-browser-support {
    /* Excluding content because #{inspect($new-ranges)} is not included within
       #{inspect($current-browser-versions)} */

If passed a map, that will be the new browser ranges. Otherwise a range map will be created based on the given capability and prefix using the browser-ranges($capability, $prefix) function.

If there are current ranges in scope and the new ranges have some overlap with the current,

If there is no overlap, then the content will not be rendered.

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=prefix-prop($property, $value, $prefix: $current-prefix)
  #{prefix-identifier($property, $prefix)}: $value
@mixin prefix-prop($property, $value, $prefix: $current-prefix) {
  #{prefix-identifier($property, $prefix)}: $value;

Output a property and value using the current prefix. It will be unprefixed if $current-prefix is null.

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=prefixed-properties($capability, $threshold, $properties, $capability-options: $default-capability-options)
  +with-each-prefix($capability, $threshold, $capability-options)
    @each $prop, $value in $properties
      +prefix-prop($prop, $value)
@mixin prefixed-properties($capability, $threshold, $properties, $capability-options: $default-capability-options) {
  @include with-each-prefix($capability, $threshold, $capability-options) {
    @each $prop, $value in $properties {
      @include prefix-prop($prop, $value);

Emit a set of properties with the prefix governed by the capability and usage threshold given.


@include prefixed-properties(css-animation, $animation-support-threshold,
  (animation-name: foo, animation-duration: 2s)
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  $current-status: $debug-browser-support
  $debug-browser-support: true !global
  $debug-browser-support: $current-status !global
@mixin with-browser-support-debugging {
  $current-status: $debug-browser-support;
  $debug-browser-support: true !global;
  $debug-browser-support: $current-status !global;

Enable browser support debugging within the content block. Or you can enable it for the whole stylesheet by setting $debug-browser-support to true.