dijit/_Contained (version 1.10)


Mixin for widgets that are children of a container widget

See the dijit/_Contained reference documentation for more information.


Example 1

// make a basic custom widget that knows about its parents
declare("my.customClass",[dijit._WidgetBase, dijit._Contained],{});

Method Summary

  • _getSibling(which) Returns next or previous sibling
  • getIndexInParent() Returns the index of this widget within its container parent.
  • getNextSibling() Returns null if this is the last child of the parent, otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "right".
  • getPreviousSibling() Returns null if this is the first child of the parent, otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "left".


Defined by dijit/_Contained

Returns next or previous sibling

Parameter Type Description
which String

Either "next" or "previous"

Defined by dijit/_Contained

Returns the index of this widget within its container parent. It returns -1 if the parent does not exist, or if the parent is not a dijit/_Container

Returns:number | undefined
Defined by dijit/_Contained

Returns null if this is the last child of the parent, otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "right".

Defined by dijit/_Contained

Returns null if this is the first child of the parent, otherwise returns the next element sibling to the "left".

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