dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin (version 1.10)


Deprecated. New code should access the dijit/a11yclick event directly, ex:

this.own(on(node, a11yclick, function(){ ... }));

Mixing in this class will make _WidgetBase.connect(node, "ondijitclick", ...) work. It also used to be necessary to make templates with ondijitclick work, but now you can just require dijit/a11yclick.

See the dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • a11yclickCustom press, release, and click synthetic events which trigger on a left mouse click, touch, or space/enter keyup.

Method Summary


Defined by: dijit/a11yclick

Custom press, release, and click synthetic events which trigger on a left mouse click, touch, or space/enter keyup.


Parameter Type Description
obj undefined
event undefined
method undefined
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