dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog (version 1.10)



This plugin provides the basis for an 'anchor' (link) dialog and an extension of it provides the image link dialog.

The command provided by this plugin is:


var foo = new LinkDialog(args);
Parameter Type Description
args Object

Initial settings for any of the attributes.

See the dijit/_editor/plugins/LinkDialog reference documentation for more information.

Property Summary

  • _hostRxp
  • _userAtRxp
  • buttonPointer to dijit/form/Button or other widget (ex: dijit/form/FilteringSelect) that is added to the toolbar to control this plugin.
  • commandString like "insertUnorderedList", "outdent", "justifyCenter", etc. that represents an editor command.
  • disabledFlag to indicate if this plugin has been disabled and should do nothing helps control button state, among other things.
  • editorPoints to the parent editor
  • emailRegExpUsed for validating input as correct email address.
  • htmlTemplateString used for templating the HTML to insert at the desired point.
  • iconClassPrefixThe CSS class name for the button node is formed from iconClassPrefix and command
  • linkDialogTemplateTemplate for contents of TooltipDialog to pick URL
  • tagTag used for the link type.
  • urlRegExpUsed for validating input as correct URL.
  • useDefaultCommand

Method Summary

  • _checkAndFixInput() A function to listen for onChange events and test the input contents for valid information, such as valid urls with http/https/ftp and if not present, try and guess if the input url is relative or not, and if not, append http:// to it.
  • _checkValues(args) Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed.
  • _connectTagEvents() Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.
  • _getAttrNames(name) Helper function for get() and set().
  • _getCurrentValues(a) Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.
  • _initButton()
  • _isValid() Internal function to allow validating of the inputs for a link to determine if set should be disabled or not
  • _loadDropDown(callback)
  • _set(name,value) Helper function to set new value for specified attribute
  • _setContent(staticPanel) Helper for _initButton above.
  • _setDisabledAttr(disabled) Function to set the plugin state and call updateState to make sure the button is updated appropriately.
  • buttonClass()
  • connect(o,f,tf) Deprecated.
  • destroy()
  • get(name) Get a property from a plugin.
  • getLabel(key) Returns the label to use for the button
  • ImgLinkDialog()
  • own() Track specified handles and remove/destroy them when this instance is destroyed, unless they were already removed/destroyed manually.
  • set(name,value) Set a property on a plugin
  • setEditor(editor) Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.
  • setToolbar(toolbar) Tell the plugin to add it's controller widget (often a button) to the toolbar.
  • setValue(args) Callback from the dialog when user presses "set" button.
  • updateState() Change state of the plugin to respond to events in the editor.

Event Summary

  • _onCloseDialog() Handler for close event on the dialog
  • _onDblClick(e) Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor dialog.
  • _onOpenDialog() Handler for when the dialog is opened.


Defined by: dijit/_editor/_Plugin

Pointer to dijit/form/Button or other widget (ex: dijit/form/FilteringSelect) that is added to the toolbar to control this plugin. If not specified, will be created on initialization according to buttonClass

Defined by: dijit/_editor/_Plugin

String like "insertUnorderedList", "outdent", "justifyCenter", etc. that represents an editor command. Passed to editor.execCommand() if useDefaultCommand is true.

Defined by: dijit/_editor/_Plugin

Flag to indicate if this plugin has been disabled and should do nothing helps control button state, among other things. Set via the setter api.

Defined by: dijit/_editor/_Plugin

Points to the parent editor


Used for validating input as correct email address. Taken from dojox.validate


String used for templating the HTML to insert at the desired point.

Defined by: dijit/_editor/_Plugin

The CSS class name for the button node is formed from iconClassPrefix and command


Template for contents of TooltipDialog to pick URL


Tag used for the link type.


Used for validating input as correct URL. While file:// urls are not terribly useful, they are technically valid.




A function to listen for onChange events and test the input contents for valid information, such as valid urls with http/https/ftp and if not present, try and guess if the input url is relative or not, and if not, append http:// to it. Also validates other fields as determined by the internal _isValid function.


Function to check the values in args and 'fix' them up as needed.

Parameter Type Description
args Object

Content being set.


Content being set.


Over-ridable function that connects tag specific events.


Helper function for get() and set(). Caches attribute name values so we don't do the string ops every time.

Parameter Type Description
name undefined
Returns:undefined | object

Over-ride for getting the values to set in the dropdown.

Parameter Type Description
a undefined

The anchor/link to process for data for the dropdown.


Internal function to allow validating of the inputs for a link to determine if set should be disabled or not

Parameter Type Description
callback undefined

Helper function to set new value for specified attribute

Parameter Type Description
name String
value anything

Helper for _initButton above. Not sure why it's a separate method.

Parameter Type Description
staticPanel undefined

Function to set the plugin state and call updateState to make sure the button is updated appropriately.

Parameter Type Description
disabled undefined

Deprecated. Use this.own() with dojo/on or dojo/aspect.instead.

Make a connect.connect() that is automatically disconnected when this plugin is destroyed. Similar to dijit/_Widget.connect().

Parameter Type Description
o undefined
f undefined
tf undefined

Get a property from a plugin.

Get a named property from a plugin. The property may potentially be retrieved via a getter method. If no getter is defined, this just retrieves the object's property. For example, if the plugin has a properties "foo" and "bar" and a method named "_getFooAttr", calling:


would be equivalent to writing:




would be equivalent to writing:

Parameter Type Description
name undefined

The property to get.


Returns the label to use for the button

Parameter Type Description
key String
Defined by dijit/Destroyable

Track specified handles and remove/destroy them when this instance is destroyed, unless they were already removed/destroyed manually.

Returns:any | undefined

The array of specified handles, so you can do for example:

var handle = this.own(on(...))[0];

Set a property on a plugin

Sets named properties on a plugin which may potentially be handled by a setter in the plugin. For example, if the plugin has a properties "foo" and "bar" and a method named "_setFooAttr", calling:

plugin.set("foo", "Howdy!");

would be equivalent to writing:



plugin.set("bar", 3);

would be equivalent to writing:

plugin.bar = 3;

set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex:

    foo: "Howdy",
    bar: 3

This is equivalent to calling set(foo, "Howdy") and set(bar, 3)

Parameter Type Description
name attribute

The property to set.

value anything

The value to set in the property.

Returns:function | string

Set a property on a plugin


Tell the plugin which Editor it is associated with.

Parameter Type Description
editor dijit/Editor

Tell the plugin to add it's controller widget (often a button) to the toolbar. Does nothing if there is no controller widget.

Parameter Type Description
toolbar dijit/Toolbar

Callback from the dialog when user presses "set" button.

Parameter Type Description
args undefined

Change state of the plugin to respond to events in the editor.

This is called on meaningful events in the editor, such as change of selection or caret position (but not simple typing of alphanumeric keys). It gives the plugin a chance to update the CSS of its button.

For example, the "bold" plugin will highlight/unhighlight the bold button depending on whether the characters next to the caret are bold or not.

Only makes sense when useDefaultCommand is true, as it calls Editor.queryCommandEnabled(command).



Handler for close event on the dialog


Function to define a behavior on double clicks on the element type this dialog edits to select it and pop up the editor dialog.

Parameter Type Description
e Object

The double-click event.


Handler for when the dialog is opened. If the caret is currently in a URL then populate the URL's info into the dialog.

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