dijit/a11y (version 1.10)


Accessibility utility functions (keyboard, tab stops, etc.)

See the dijit/a11y reference documentation for more information.

Method Summary

  • _getTabNavigable(root) Finds descendants of the specified root node.
  • _isElementShown(elem)
  • effectiveTabIndex(elem) Returns effective tabIndex of an element, either a number, or undefined if element isn't focusable.
  • getFirstInTabbingOrder(root,doc) Finds the descendant of the specified root node that is first in the tabbing order
  • getLastInTabbingOrder(root,doc) Finds the descendant of the specified root node that is last in the tabbing order
  • hasDefaultTabStop(elem) Tests if element is tab-navigable even without an explicit tabIndex setting
  • isFocusable(elem) Tests if an element is focusable by tabbing to it, or clicking it with the mouse.
  • isTabNavigable(elem) Tests if an element is tab-navigable


Defined by dijit/a11y

Finds descendants of the specified root node.

Finds the following descendants of the specified root node:

  • the first tab-navigable element in document order without a tabIndex or with tabIndex="0"
  • the last tab-navigable element in document order without a tabIndex or with tabIndex="0"
  • the first element in document order with the lowest positive tabIndex value
  • the last element in document order with the highest positive tabIndex value
Parameter Type Description
root DOMNode
Defined by dijit/a11y
Parameter Type Description
elem Element
Defined by dijit/a11y

Returns effective tabIndex of an element, either a number, or undefined if element isn't focusable.

Parameter Type Description
elem Element
Returns:undefined | number
Defined by dijit/a11y

Finds the descendant of the specified root node that is first in the tabbing order

Parameter Type Description
root String | DOMNode
doc Document
Defined by dijit/a11y

Finds the descendant of the specified root node that is last in the tabbing order

Parameter Type Description
root String | DOMNode
doc Document
Defined by dijit/a11y

Tests if element is tab-navigable even without an explicit tabIndex setting

Parameter Type Description
elem Element
Returns:undefined | boolean
Defined by dijit/a11y

Tests if an element is focusable by tabbing to it, or clicking it with the mouse.

Parameter Type Description
elem Element
Defined by dijit/a11y

Tests if an element is tab-navigable

Parameter Type Description
elem Element
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